The friendship between these two!
They're both great but oh gosh, this video montage is horrible. Who did something like that?
The friendship between these two!
They're both great but oh gosh, this video montage is horrible. Who did something like that?
They're both great but oh gosh, this video montage is horrible. Who did something like that?
Chinese media just finding ways to entertain South Korean fans since KYK and Larson have to split games.
KYK added hairdresser to her list of careers. Based off pictures she's cut at least half of Shanghai's starting lineup (Gao Yi, Wang Weiyi, Ouyang Qianqian) lol.
Why Kim substituted by Larson on 1-0 of 1st set? Any problem or it was that Larson should be the starter?
Why Kim substituted by Larson on 1-0 of 1st set? Any problem or it was that Larson should be the starter?
Maybe Shanghai made a mistake when submitting the starting lineup. They take turns and Kim already played the previous match, so Larson should be the starter in this one.
And the joke continues, CVA changed the rules for the next stage. lol
Before the season started the rules implied that points from the first stage wouldn't be counted which some teams decided to take advantage of and let young players get some playing time while not caring for the results. But now CVA said they will include the scores from beginning. This last minute change affects Shenzhen who is now eliminated from the Top 6.
And the joke continues, CVA changed the rules for the next stage. lol
Before the season started the rules implied that points from the first stage wouldn't be counted which some teams decided to take advantage of and let young players get some playing time while not caring for the results. But now CVA said they will include the scores from beginning.
This last minute change affects Shenzhen who is now eliminated from the Top 6.
I thought they changed it back... 😂
And the joke continues, CVA changed the rules for the next stage. lol
Before the season started the rules implied that points from the first stage wouldn't be counted which some teams decided to take advantage of and let young players get some playing time while not caring for the results. But now CVA said they will include the scores from beginning.
This last minute change affects Shenzhen who is now eliminated from the Top 6.
I think Shenzen would be out with the other rule too.
When are semifinals and finals? How many matches?
I think Shenzen would be out with the other rule too.
When are semifinals and finals? How many matches?
Maybe, but that still doesn't change the fact that CVA changed something in their league format mid season. This unpredictability from them whenever they feel like it is unprofessional.
It should be next week already. Finals is usually best of 3 matches, but CVA might change that again.
Tianjin was already the clear winner before the season started. 2nd and 3rd Place will be between Shanghai, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shandong, and Guangdong (most likely the first three mentioned).
Merry Christmas!
Wish Vargas got to join the other foreigners for festivities.
And the joke continues, CVA changed the rules for the next stage. lol
Before the season started the rules implied that points from the first stage wouldn't be counted which some teams decided to take advantage of and let young players get some playing time while not caring for the results. But now CVA said they will include the scores from beginning.
This last minute change affects Shenzhen who is now eliminated from the Top 6.
Who are these people? Did they hijack the CVA or something?
It's like they're competing with other Leagues (which I shall not mention) to see who can make the most disorganized League in the world. So fair, they're winning by a big margin, though.
Who are these people?
Did they hijack the CVA or something?
It's like they're competing with other Leagues (which I shall not mention) to see who can make the most disorganized League in the world. So fair, they're winning by a big margin, though.
leading the way truly groundbreaking
CVA Vice President/Director Li Quanqiang is rumored to retire next year.
fire_cai_bin do you know who's above him?
CVA Vice President/Director Li Quanqiang is rumored to retire next year.
fire_cai_bin do you know who's above him?
He was the assistant of Xu Li, the former leader of CVA from 2001 to 2014. (the time is truly wrong but should be close)
Xu Li, I also have no words to say about him. Some people thought Tianjin's several champions of Chinese League are from his and his associates' corruption. So are from Li's.
Only one question, "Who knows Internatioal volleyball? Who knows?"
2nd phase is over. Any update about rules and schedule for semifinals and final?
CVA Vice President/Director Li Quanqiang is rumored to retire next year.
fire_cai_bin do you know who's above him?
No, but this is good news
Semis: Tianjin - Liaoning, Shanghai - Jiangsu (best 2 of 3), 12/30 - 1/1
Finals: Tianjin - winner of Shanghai/Jiangsu (best 2 of 3, 1/3 - 1/6 (first day is game 1 of 3/4 playoffs)
wait... its almost over already? yeesh
wait... its almost over already? yeesh
CVA strikes again 😂