The rotation errors would not result in 15 pts for china lmao. One call and one point later Turkey wouldn’t repeat it. The logic of the assumption is flawed. the referee had bad decisions against both sides and every fanatic is only looking at the half of the story.
very surprised to see turkey win despite horrendous blocking and ebrar. Melly my humble darling showed up. I have lil hope gor the next round. Turkey cannot find her groove against italy serve blockI honestly think lyy is the best oh. Winning against her alone is a great accomplishment
No it would be just 1-2 points max. My frustration just made me emphasize it.
Again I don’t have the best angle and tell where the legs were placed etc. but had to point out that it was suspicious.
And again my frustration was mainly towards the refs in this tournament not just this match.
(FYI the second ref is from the UAE and I’m not sure if he has a PHD or not )