2024 Paris Olympic Games

  • First of all, congrats tu Turkiye and to all their fans! They finally got a historic SF spot! It is the cherry on the cake after been a potential and candidate team for so many years. So happy for the team, after that heartbroken exit against South Korea three years ago. This is why I love Olympics and how it gives the athletes the chance to redeem themselves: 3 years ago they lost the match cuz of they were victim of their own nerves, now, they showed determination (the technique has always been there, for me the biggest barrier for Turkiye to give the next step in big stages was the mental one, as I said it many times here). It is such nice redemption story. This is why I dislike when fans so easily complain and bash the athletes not taking in consideration all the pressure they are experiencing. Look how stronger Brazil came back after that horrible loss against Russia in 2004 (the south americans were champions to time in a row), or how USA finally got the so desired gold after two final + 1SF lost in a row, etc.

    Nothing is written. As for China, it is a pity for them they couldnt show even the 50% of what they were in the preliminary round. It happens. Sure, it is also cuz Turkiye didnt let them play, but CHN looked tense. It happens...remember how Cuba was so good in the preliminaries in Beijing and then they were stunt, swept by USA 3x0 in SFs. We have seen multiple times how the 1st ranked team lost to the 4th one.

    Last but not least, and of course this doesnt take away the merit from Turkiye victory, but the referee was ATROCIOUS. Not as much as the shameful red card call against Germany yesterday, but today it was another stained chapter of the bad refereeing in Paris 2024. And the roulette twists for everybody: look how FRA lost some calls against Slovenia and then they were favoured against Germany. It happened today in favour of Turkiye, but who knows what could happen tomorrow or in the following days. The conclusion is that referee is a disgrace and I do hope it improves for the next matches and SFs.

  • ?????? Just look at the picture again - she would be at the net if she was front court

    I was confused because both Cansu and Vargas were standing back row while Cansu (and later Elif) was in front row rotation (Vargas was defenitely back row in those if I remember correctly).. I don’t know much about rotations as I said but it was weird to me, something defenitely didn’t feel right but I thought it’s just my lack of knowledge

  • Congratulations for Turikye! big win against strong china! Melissa Vargas with 42pts at the end :cheesy:

    I expected that China will win today, looking for how Turkiye played in group games:white:

  • Service and defense is really important, turkey didn't have many blocks but still won. If serbia wants to win they should keep italy out of system which usually forces errors. Now egonu tips more to reduce errors but that will give serbia chance to win a point

  • Right another one - kindly STFU

    (Only rotation 1 their setter would run from the back FYI if you know little about their volleyball)

    I am surprised you have not found out the referee's nationality yet. LOL :lol::rolll:

  • First of all, congrats tu Turkiye and to all their fans! They finally got a historic SF spot! It is the cherry on the cake after been a potential and candidate team for so many years. So happy for the team, after that heartbroken exit against South Korea three years ago. This is why I love Olympics and how it gives the athletes the chance to redeem themselves: 3 years ago they lost the match cuz of they were victim of their own nerves, now, they showed determination (the technique has always been there, for me the biggest barrier for Turkiye to give the next step in big stages was the mental one, as I said it many times here). It is such nice redemption story. This is why I dislike when fans so easily complain and bash the athletes not taking in consideration all the pressure they are experiencing. Look how stronger Brazil came back after that horrible loss against Russia in 2004 (the south americans were champions to time in a row), or how USA finally got the so desired gold after two final + 1SF lost in a row, etc.

    Nothing is written. As for China, it is a pity for them they couldnt show even the 50% of what they were in the preliminary round. It happens. Sure, it is also cuz Turkiye didnt let them play, but CHN looked tense. It happens...remember how Cuba was so good in the preliminaries in Beijing and then they were stunt, swept by USA 3x0 in SFs. We have seen multiple times how the 1st ranked team lost to the 4th one.

    Last but not least, and of course this doesnt take away the merit from Turkiye victory, but the referee was ATROCIOUS. Not as much as the shameful red card call against Germany yesterday, but today it was another stained chapter of the bad refereeing in Paris 2024. And the roulette twists for everybody: look how FRA lost some calls against Slovenia and then they were favoured against Germany. It happened today in favour of Turkiye, but who knows what could happen tomorrow or in the following days. The conclusion is that referee is a disgrace and I do hope it improves for the next matches and SFs.

    I mean I know it’s obvious my position on the subject so I’m not going to attack about it here but it MUST be mentioned that it isn’t simply about mental strength improving for turkey since Tokyo… they have a major addition that without they would not have won today. So it seemed silly to me to explain it in that way as just mental fortitude improving…

  • I mean I know it’s obvious my position on the subject so I’m not going to attack about it here but it MUST be mentioned that it isn’t simply about mental strength improving for turkey since Tokyo… they have a major addition that without they would not have won today. So it seemed silly to me to explain it in that way as just mental fortitude improving…

    Bro... How many times did the mods ask to stop this subject? I know you wanna trigger Turkish users but pls have some basic respect for the efforts inside the community you spend so much time in... You are really something else when it comes to attention-seeking 🤣

  • The rotation errors would not result in 15 pts for china lmao. One call and one point later Turkey wouldn’t repeat it. The logic of the assumption is flawed. the referee had bad decisions against both sides and every fanatic is only looking at the half of the story.

    very surprised to see turkey win despite horrendous blocking and ebrar. Melly my humble darling showed up. I have lil hope gor the next round. Turkey cannot find her groove against italy serve block

    I honestly think lyy is the best oh. Winning against her alone is a great accomplishment

  • Why are you so agressive? It's a volleyball forum and someone made an interessing argument about rules. No one is attacking Turkey nor you and you are calling people idiots etc. The whole situation with rotation is quite interesting so now I'm rewatching the game and clearly with the 2 first times when Vargas is in position 4 it's Karakurt who is standing closer to the line than her (she is standing on her right side).

    tbh, i didn't call anyone idiot.

  • Bro... How many times did the mods ask to stop this subject? I know you wanna trigger Turkish users but pls have some basic respect for the efforts inside the community you spend so much time in... You are really something else when it comes to attention-seeking 🤣

    I didn’t say anything about my opinion on the subject matter but acting as if the only thing that has changed for Turkey since Tokyo is their mental strength is silly. That’s all. It’s a fact Vargas was not available to Turkey in Tokyo and is now that’s all I said. Not how I felt about it.

  • also santarelli was kind of an idiot for putting Ebrar back in 5th set for meliha. Ebrar is literally horrible at attacking on the left and Meliha was playing amazing. He is lucky that that decision did not come back and bite him.

  • yeah, i don't see anything wrong here;

    When you look at the rotation there where each player is:

    2nd row: Cansu - Gizem - Hande? (OH2)

    1st row: Karakurt - Zehra - Vargas

    IIRC for the rotation to be correct players in the 2nd row must be closer to the back of the court that the ones right in front of them (so Cansu needs to be further from the net than Ebrar etc) AND players in 2nd and 1st row need to be in correct order (in that rotation Vargas needs to be the closest to the left side from Zahra and Ebrar which she isn’t)

  • I didn’t say anything about my opinion on the subject matter but acting as if the only thing that has changed for Turkey since Tokyo is their mental strength is silly. That’s all. It’s a fact Vargas was not available to Turkey in Tokyo and is now that’s all I said. Not how I felt about it.

    At the end of the day none of it matters, Vargas is a part of Turkey, feels a part of the team, integrated into the team and obviously she is a great player that scores a lot, one could argue the other players are in worse form though, although they're picking it up.

    Still, all the excuses are kinda lame, if you wanna call yourself OG champions you simply should be able to be the best and beat the best. If you can't beat the best you don't deserve Olympic gold, period.

  • When you look at the rotation there where each player is:

    2nd row: Cansu - Gizem - Hande? (OH2)

    1st row: Karakurt - Zehra - Vargas

    IIRC for the rotation to be correct players in the 2nd row must be closer to the back of the court that the ones right in front of them (so Cansu needs to be further from the net than Ebrar etc) AND players in 2nd and 1st row need to be in correct order (in that rotation Vargas needs to be the closest to the left side from Zahra and Ebrar which she isn’t)

    Honestly it's not that important, but for me it is interesting topic as it is finally volleyball related one. Despite wrong Vargas-Ebrar position, also Vargas have to be closer to the net than Hande, which she isn't so this is really big mistake from the referees (not decisive when it comes to final result) but in general this things have to be called.