they replayed a point but then on the scoreboard TUR got the point
Even after she was blocked for that point, she was already better than Karakurt who was a ghost for 2 sets.
Sure. just trying to protect my girl from any possible jinx. you know the power of posts on this board to change games
Sure. just trying to protect my girl from any possible jinx. you know the power of posts on this board to change games
I know lol
But I don’t mind as I don’t have a clear preference on these two
So no sets to the middle by Elif whatsoever
So no sets to the middle by Elif whatsoever
When her middle can’t even jump, it’s understandable. It just looks crazy to me she sent all the sets to Derya even when Vargas was in the front row
In all fairness, both sides are horrendous for both MBs. ITA has 15 sets in total for MBs and TUR has 16 lol.
I know lol
But I don’t mind as I don’t have a clear preference on these two
Me too. I used to be firmly on Team TUR, and never liked Egonu-ball, but now TUR has Varges-ball and Alessia has those shoes so it's a toss up. I like this way
Regardless of how this set ends, the best thing from Italy this season is that they always feel on the game even after some messy moments and taking a few breaks. In the previous years getting a 3/4 points break in the middle of the set on an important game like this one almost always led to a meltdown
Fahr ruled the net at the end of this match!
I would be scared if I was Italy, Turkish federation might try to buy out Velasco’s contract now
GRAZIE RAGAZZE, GRAZIE DAVVERO, COMUNQUE VADA DOMENICA! E scusate se ci ho sempre creduto troppo poco...
I like when Fahr steps up
In all fairness, both sides are horrendous for both MBs. ITA has 15 sets in total for MBs and TUR has 16 lol.
I miss Gioli too
Fahr was amazing
Congratulations to Italy for win such a important game !
Congratulations for Turkiye for fight and good luck in bronze medal match
The better team won, literally. Fahr was superb, what a play!!
Congrats Italy! Well deserved final. Velasco did something unbelievable.. I’m so happy for Moki to finally getting her Olympic medal
hope they can grab the gold, the Americans already won the last time
My wish on the final results:
Gold: ItalySilver: USA
Bronze: Brazil
You also predicted Serbia winning the tournament, look where they ended up😂
I think both semis will go to tiebreaker
well I was half right