Dambrink is a serve machine, goes for power and precision.. really fun
And there is also Lohuis, which serve always scared me
Nice Win for Germany.
Orthmann won the game with that defense
This German team Just needed Lippman and a good setter. The OH position is well served.
Germany jumps into the top 10 after that win
NED Coach looks confused by the result
Another match another breakdown. I'm off to sleep😴😴
This German team Just needed Lippman and a good setter. The OH position is well served.
Well, that is what we have. Lippmann is not possible and the Setter are talented but they need Time.
NED Coach looks confused by the result
He was completely lost, that indecision with the double sub wasn't his finest moment
NED Coach looks confused by the result
he looks confused in general
time for ITA-SRB soon
The opening games aren’t exactly exciting lol. The weekend games are where it’s at. Expect bigger crowds in the men’s teams where the gays™️ are dying to see the bulges. 🤭🤣
Also, the playoffs for the Philippines’ collegiate league are ongoing. That’s tough vb crowd competition to beat.
My gay neighbor suddenly had an interest in Men's volleyball he's going to Manila to watch matches lmfao
time for ITA-SRB soon
3-0 for Italy
I always feel anxious when I see Mirkovic on the pitch
Please Malinov out already
Please Malinov out already
The same with Mirkovic, LoL.
Great battle who is worse.
6-0 run by SRB 👀
Malinov doesn't set, Bosetti doesn't receive and Mazzanti idea is Lubian in
Bosetti is just awful, in both reception and attack.