That's probably the only thing that's bad about her
She has no mental game . And she doesn't dive
That's probably the only thing that's bad about her
She has no mental game . And she doesn't dive
So Santiago a foreign player of ageo is engaged with assistant coach of NT? I saw it in Twitter. Wow... Not sure how it'll work if she will be marrying a Japanese. Will she has a double citizenship?
Who did she marry?
She has no mental game . And she doesn't dive
What does mental game refer to?
Also, that's why I want her to switch to OPP instead. Personally I've never been a big fan of the jack of all trades type. I'm fine with players who don't dive and receive as long as their attack is thorough. Nishikawa has a great swing but for some reason there's a massive micro-second pause when she's about to jump which is a huge problem. Had it not been AVC, girl would never even stand a chance.
Who did she marry?
Taka Minowa - former assistant coach at Ageo and current assistant coach for the Japanese national team in the AVC Cup.
Has anyone else noticed that Nishikawa's reactive strength is kinda slow? Like the times when she was blocked you can see that she's slower than usual to go upwards. The actual jump itself is fine but like her movement upwards is slower compared to say Hayashi or Mayu. I think it's the same thing with Hawi. That's probably the only thing that's bad about her. I want to see her switch to OPP.
That can be corrected given the right band exercises that focuses on specific muscles that can help her take off better. Truth be told some athletes are just a lot faster than others and forcing one to change their "flight pattern" or take it up a notch is also something that could make them more prone to injury. It's one of those Plyometric consequences that athletes and trainers tend to abuse.
For example Enweonwu. Her vertical has changed within maybe months of U-Squad. It was such a drastic change in combination with her spike but it was just too much for her body to handle.
That can be corrected given the right band exercises that focuses on specific muscles that can help her take off better. Truth be told some athletes are just a lot faster than others and forcing one to change their "flight pattern" or take it up a notch is also something that could make them more prone to injury. It's one of those Plyometric consequences that athletes and trainers tend to abuse.
For example Enweonwu. Her vertical has changed within maybe months of U-Squad. It was such a drastic change in combination with her spike but it was just too much for her body to handle.
If Nishikawa were to have a shot at making it in the main team, which tbh should've already happened, she needs to correct that microsecond pause in her jump form. Her vertical is probably as slow as Nakagawa who on the other hand is less decisive, less aggressive, less alert and is just not meant to be an OPP. It does take a lot of strength but with her it should be fine since she's just the right height. They don't need her jumping higher, just fast enough to go with the flow of the attack.
For example Enweonwu. Her vertical has changed within maybe months of U-Squad. It was such a drastic change in combination with her spike but it was just too much for her body to handle.
Enweonwu is a versatile player that can truly whip a fireball. Nishikawa doesn't have that sheer force. At most, she could strive to be somewhat like Mingardi.
Enweonwu is a versatile player that can truly whip a fireball. Nishikawa doesn't have that sheer force. At most, she could strive to be somewhat like Mingardi.
MINGARDI??? ON GOD that will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER happen. Nishikawa is more like Kadochkina.
MINGARDI??? ON GOD that will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER happen. Nishikawa is more like Kadochkina.
You're not gon do her this way She has potential and you know it
Nishikawa is good for AVC but we don't know how good she can be against more formidable opponents. I didn't even notice her slow reactive strength since that flaw is not exposed during matches. Osanai was a strong presence in the past AVC but now she's a ghost.
Nishikawa's height makes her a better option and if she is capable of scoring well that can be developed maybe even faster than it is to make Airi adjust but we know at least for now that Manabe is focusing on making Airi come out of her shell.
Mingardi is a reach btw I mean Camilla doesn't have a freak vertical but the woman likes to fly and she has one of those heavy impact spikes whether she's doing pipe, OPP or OH. I don't see that in Nishikawa or even Koga, basically none of the girls atm.
Nishikawa is good for AVC but we don't know how good she can be against more formidable opponents. I didn't even notice her slow reactive strength since that flaw is not exposed during matches. Osanai was a strong presence in the past AVC but now she's a ghost.
Nishikawa's height makes her a better option and if she is capable of scoring well that can be developed maybe even faster than it is to make Airi adjust but we know at least for now that Manabe is focusing on making Airi come out of her shell.
Mingardi is a reach btw I mean Camilla doesn't have a freak vertical but the woman likes to fly and she has one of those heavy impact spikes whether she's doing pipe, OPP or OH. I don't see that in Nishikawa or even Koga, basically none of the girls atm.
Different circumstances leads to different results. Had Manabe threw in Nishikawa we don't know for sure that she wouldn't do well. She may have been more effective than Inoue. Inoue is strong but like Kurek sometimes the ones that are expected to do well and are the team's ace don't do well when it really matters - someone else has to step in.
When Kurogo blipped Mayu had to step in, when Inoue blipped Hayashi stepped in but Airi, Yoshino, Uchiseto none of them really made that needed difference in the offense. How will Mayu be utilized during WCh if she has to help Inoue.
Even if Nishikawa is not the answer, the other 3 don't seem that reliable either.
Different circumstances leads to different results. Had Manabe threw in Nishikawa we don't know for sure that she wouldn't do well. She may have been more effective than Inoue. Inoue is strong but like Kurek sometimes the ones that are expected to do well and are the team's ace don't do well when it really matters - someone else has to step in.
When Kurogo blipped Mayu had to step in, when Inoue blipped Hayashi stepped in but Airi, Yoshino, Uchiseto none of them really made that needed difference in the offense. How will Mayu be utilized during WCh if she has to help Inoue.
Even if Nishikawa is not the answer, the other 3 don't seem that reliable either.
that's what the middles are for. was it matsui or seki who made full use of ogawa and was forcing her to outscore inoue?
that's what the middles are for. was it matsui or seki who made full use of ogawa and was forcing her to outscore inoue?
More importantly, what did Matsui do?
Did Mayu opt not to play because she didn't vibe with Matsui? now that Momii is back she may be more confident since she does better with her.
More importantly, what did Matsui do?
Did Mayu opt not to play because she didn't vibe with Matsui? now that Momii is back she may be more confident since she does better with her.
im not sure mayu can do that and if i remember correctly she was yanked right about the time seki was setting. i doubt she has those issues with seki since they both do fine at toray. didnt we discuss here briefly that manabe yanked mayu cuz she couldnt get out of being blocked? inoue still had all her chakras and mojo intact and was doing better with koga. pretty sure it was plak who completely killed inoue's confidence
What does mental game refer to?
Involving yourself in every play instead of waiting to see if the play involves you. Nishikawa reminds me of Nanami Hirose on the one hand: doesn't struggle , she collapses, and Kurogo/Inoue on the other: skilled, but not pushing her game. She does well when things are going well, but I don't see much fight in her when things turn south, nor do I see her dropping science in huddles
I don't notice/understand the micro-lag you mention. When I first read that I thought you were talking about self block coverage. That is, if she's blocked but the ball bounces back near her she doesn't react to it (fast enough) ((because she is not thinking about that part of the play))
It will be interesting to see how Yuki does against China in the AVC Final - a little better competition than most AVC Teams but not quite Top Tier. If she does well she will be given a well-deserved MVP
btw - I agree with your comparison of her against "Nakagawa who on the other hand is less decisive, less aggressive, less alert" (mental game) ... but think Yuki hits better from the left than right
When Kurogo blipped Mayu had to step in, when Inoue blipped Hayashi stepped in
correction: When Ishii blipped Mayu had to step in, when Mayu blipped Inoue stepped in
No one's talking about Yamanaka? she's vigilant not to mention fast, even better than Hammy. I didn't care for her or knew anything about her til AVC.
Araki Jr. and her would have a blast if they played side by side.
No one's talking about Yamanaka? she's vigilant not to mention fast, even better than Hammy. I didn't care for her or knew anything about her til AVC.
Araki Jr. and her would have a blast if they played side by side.
She should've gotten called to the intersquad trials instead of Asano.
Speaking of Araki Jr., she'll hopefully get more chance this coming season with Foluke gone although Hammy is still Saga's clear fave. Sad that Shion got zero action.
She should've gotten called to the intersquad trials instead of Asano.
Speaking of Araki Jr., she'll hopefully get more chance this coming season with Foluke gone although Hammy is still Saga's clear fave. Sad that Shion got zero action.
I'm not complaining because I like Asano. Gen Kawakita's "Denso Dump" works in favour of the girls I like especially cutie libero so I'm fine with the blatant Nakada-ism happening.
Yamanaka may not even get called even if she was the one included instead of Asano. All 3 middles are in the best condition. She wouldn't stand a chance either. I'm just saying Yamanaka deserves our attention as well.
I'm not complaining because I like Asano
. Gen Kawakita's "Denso Dump" works in favour of the girls I like especially cutie libero so I'm fine with the blatant Nakada-ism happening.
Yamanaka may not even get called even if she was the one included instead of Asano. All 3 middles are in the best condition. She wouldn't stand a chance either. I'm just saying Yamanaka deserves our attention as well.
Fair enough. But If cutie libero is as bad as Yamagishi you better be prepared for the shitstorm