For the new year, I expect new names and more success 😉✌️

Russia NT 2022
Russia NT this year is so... blank
Russia's young talents will regain the glory of the women's team 😊
Voronkova's physical shape is excellent!
Anyone watched the Fener vs Kazan match a few days back? The Russians of Fener are in a good form, and Kadochkina is slowly getting better at defense. I think this is the tightest competition when it comes to the wing spikers. I sincerely hope that Russia gets a better coach other than Busato.
Anyone watched the Fener vs Kazan match a few days back? The Russians of Fener are in a good form, and Kadochkina is slowly getting better at defense. I think this is the tightest competition when it comes to the wing spikers. I sincerely hope that Russia gets a better coach other than Busato.
Kadochkina still has a long way to go but all the baby steps matter. I'm glad she's stepping up
I know she has a lot of competition and it's going to be very hard for her to grab a spot, but Kuznetsova is doing extremely well in Italy so far
Lavarini, has he renewed his contract with the Federation of South Korea ?!
I would like to see Guidetti at the helm of Russia, but only a dream... 😏
Lavarini, has he renewed his contract with the Federation of South Korea ?!
No, he's out
Can't remember the last time Russia had a bunch of good/great OHs at once: Arina is showing she is the next-big-thing, Voronkova is possibly in her best physical shape so far, and Parubets is slowly regaining back to form. Heck I think for the first time in a long time, the Opp is the problematic position as Goncha has been so streaky so far in her club performances, but I think playing in NT brings out the best/passion in her. If they play their cards right, Russia has good chances for all tournaments they will be competing next year, but of course WCH is the main prize.
OMG so does that mean Buzato is offically out? Thanks goodness! Not sure if Verbov is ready take a HC role in the NT, but I think there are no other viable options other than Alekno in Russia..
Can't remember the last time Russia had a bunch of good/great OHs at once: Arina is showing she is the next-big-thing, Voronkova is possibly in her best physical shape so far, and Parubets is slowly regaining back to form. Heck I think for the first time in a long time, the Opp is the problematic position as Goncha has been so streaky so far in her club performances, but I think playing in NT brings out the best/passion in her. If they play their cards right, Russia has good chances for all tournaments they will be competing next year, but of course WCH is the main prize.
Russia has also Kadochkina as the 4th OH! and yeah, it's amazing the plenty of options they have (considering Smirnova as 5th, Kuznetsova 6th, etc). As for the Opposite, Goncharova could be good as a sub (for her experience), but it's time to test other options: Lazareva (she's an average player, but inspired could be useful), Akimova (she's new and has potential), Antropova (if she wants to ofc).
You gotta be lucky if you think Goncha will play a sub role
Kidding aside, I think Goncha can still play high level, just needs to find the right motivation. Akimova is promising, I hope she gets invited to play VNL and see her play against the NT of other teams.
Russia has also Kadochkina as the 4th OH! and yeah, it's amazing the plenty of options they have (considering Smirnova as 5th, Kuznetsova 6th, etc). As for the Opposite, Goncharova could be good as a sub (for her experience), but it's time to test other options: Lazareva (she's an average player, but inspired could be useful), Akimova (she's new and has potential), Antropova (if she wants to ofc).
At this moment I’d go to try Kadochkina as Opp, as she seems to be comfortable at hitting on the right side of the net, and her reception is an issue, esp. another starting OH must be Arina. Lazareva can be a good sub while for Goncharova I think it’s time to move on. I do love Goncha but considering her age and her inability to defend, Lazareva would be a better option as back up Opp.
At this moment I’d go to try Kadochkina as Opp, as she seems to be comfortable at hitting on the right side of the net, and her reception is an issue, esp. another starting OH must be Arina. Lazareva can be a good sub while for Goncharova I think it’s time to move on. I do love Goncha but considering her age and her inability to defend, Lazareva would be a better option as back up Opp.
Kadochkina is terrible in Position 2, she herself stated a couple of times she is uncomfortable playing in this position. Also have you seen the digs by Goncha? Goncha > Lazareva in almost all elements, maybe except serving. Goncharova will retire soon, I expect WCH would be her last stint in NT she has played over a decade now let's show her some love
Kadochkina is terrible in Position 2, she herself stated a couple of times she is uncomfortable playing in this position. Also have you seen the digs by Goncha? Goncha > Lazareva in almost all elements, maybe except serving. Goncharova will retire soon, I expect WCH would be her last stint in NT she has played over a decade now let's show her some love
From the few matches of Kazan I watched, I wouldn’t say her pos 2 attack is terrible. But if she isn’t willing to play as Opp, then that’s it.
I’d say it again I do love Goncha, but if Russia targets a medal in Paris, they need a new Opp and it will be too late to look for one after the WCH. After the WCH there will be very little time left before the OG qualification.
From the few matches of Kazan I watched, I wouldn’t say her pos 2 attack is terrible. But if she isn’t willing to play as Opp, then that’s it.
I’d say it again I do love Goncha, but if Russia targets a medal in Paris, they need a new Opp and it will be too late to look for one after the WCH. After the WCH there will be very little time left before the OG qualification.
True. Goncharova has slowed down for the most part and is no longer that effective in the long run. She's had her fill, it's time to give someone else a chance.
why not parubets as OPP?