I dont know why Santarelli completely forget about Kubra and Asli all the time, Eda and Zehra are well-studied and tired and its not like Kalac and Kubra are young unexperienced middles

Eurovolley 2023
Ebrar why don’t you scream ?
Ebrar aced again. Then blocked again. Lmfso
seems like it is the fad to hate on Ci Michel. what's so bad about her? apart from a few commentator out there, she actually knows the game and the players. unlike others who can't even say a sinle player's name.
I found her very annoying in the past, kept talking nonstop but added nothing for the viewers to better understand the game. I often have a feeling that I just hope she could just shut her mouth for a little while.
Now it’s better but I dunno if it’s her becoming better or me getting more used to it lol But it’s true that there are several commentators that are even more disastrous than her.
Stenzel is incredible today
Lukasik is just mediocre, also i think that Witkowsma instead of Jurczyk would be better for this match.
On the other hand Hande is scorer machine.
Just waiting for smarty pants to say that Wolosz is the reason why Poland didn’t take first set when Poland reception completely collapsed
I can’t with Wołosz overusing Stysiak already in set 1…
stenzel with defenses out of this world
Stencel is incredible so far...
I can’t with Wołosz overusing Stysiak already in set 1…
And to who She should set ? Both OHs were terrible, reception was terrible She couldn’t use MBs.
For you She should set to libero, if I’m right ? -
If Poland got 23 points, 20 of them should be assigned to Stencel that set.
If Poland got 23 points, 20 of them should be assigned to Stencel that set.
I would say Ebrar was also a top player for Poland in set one
Great first set with a number of excellent rallies. It shouldn’t be a QF match after witnessing the sad level of other QF matches. Both of these teams should be in the SF.
Wolosz is the reason why Poland didn’t take first set
I don’t think Poland can win this, both Poland OHs are not yet ready.
Reception is collapsing, you can’t use MBs who are only ones who can help Stysiak. Wolosz can’t score for Lukasik and Rozanski. And they need to step up -
I would say Ebrar was also a top player for Poland in set one
And most importantly, MVP in your head
I don’t think Poland can win this, both Poland OHs are not yet ready.
Reception is collapsing, you can’t use MBs who are only ones who can help Stysiak. Wolosz can’t score for Lukasik and Rozanski. And they need to step upOHs are playing much worse than in VNL, but Turkish OHs are bad too. It's just Vargas who made the difference with her serve when Poland was on the lead.
Our reception sucks and the worst thing is we don’t really have any good prospects (or even older players) that can be called good receivers except like Górecka