She'll be a backup.

Italy - Serie A1 2022/23
She'll be a backup.
No,they hired vittoria piani as back-up,it was only missing the starting opposite
It seems that they didn't.
italian teams picking their outside hitter/opposite combinations this season
On paper it's two-horse race between Scandicci and Conegliano, so let's all hail Zhu Ting, because it would've been presumably boring if not her.
Pedullà is no longer Cuneo's coach, not sure what happened
According to Pasini the league should be switching to Mikasa ball instead of Molten (thanks god)
According to Pasini the league should be switching to Mikasa ball instead of Molten (thanks god)
ncaa players in shambles
According to Pasini the league should be switching to Mikasa ball instead of Molten (thanks god)
Micha Hancock the biggest loser
good start of ituma in nocara,being top scorer in friendlies
She's playing as opp,imo she should have stayed one more season in A2 but hope this can help in her career
But also to choice finally a position
According to Pasini the league should be switching to Mikasa ball instead of Molten (thanks god)
Do I hear Plummer's tears dropping?
I hope they are not rushing Fahr come back but She is training normally right ?!
I saw her spiking, training normally her blocks and etc.Some info from inside ?
Look who's here
Oh she cut her hair
👉You have been waiting for her, you have desired her and you have been asking us all summer long when she was going to arrive...
Everyone desires Zhu -
I really can’t wait for season to start. I have high hopes for Conegliano.
And I think this is going to be one of the fastest team, maybe ever..all hitters loves fast sets and if if they are gone have chemistry, we can expect pure magic.
They were missing for the 3 season OHs who can hit back row. Both Sylla and Plummer weren’t so convinced. Especially Sylla She is terrible from back row. Now they have Robinson and Gray. Before they have only Hill, last season non.
I still don’t what will Santarelli prefer in Seria A.
To play with Robinson Gray duo with Fahr/Lubian or to play with Robinson - Gennari duo with Fahr/Robin.This Imoco reminds at Bricio-Hill-Fabris era but with upgrades on all position. Gray-Robinson-Haak with very good subs.
gicquel suffered a serious injury
she went under surgery and then recover....she might miss some months of competition
Diop is doing well on friendlies...hope she can improve this season as she's gonna be the starter for cuneo
Robin De Krujif was top scorer in friendly match with 16points in 3sets.
She is in good shape but I’m surprised She scored so much because Plummer and Gray were OH duo…..