Prestige needs to work on their block coverage. Don't have to be tall for that

Japan - V.League V1 (Division 1, Women) 2023-2024
Kurobe fight back ...
Fight back ended
Lolss.. why? I miss the whole match but it was an unexpected win.... wasn’t it ? I think the team is getting better and better
I just want Haruka to move out 🙈
Yuri Yoshino is a tough watch
Yamada looks great in this gray uniform
Yamada looks great in this gray uniform
Lolsss when I saw her talking to Koga at the end of set 2, I thought someone is gonna say something nice about her
The 1st Referee for the PFU/Okayama match looks suspiciously like someone who used to play for PFU
update - Nanami Wasai who is assistant coach for PFU now, so probably refereeing the match
Keiko Tanemoto, has been a long time referee. 2013 East Asia Games photo
2024.01.07 Results
Home [-] Away
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Stats PFU 1–3 Okayama
SAGA 3–2 Denso
Kurobe 1–3 Toyota
Toray 3–0 Prestige
NEC 3–0 Hitachi
Saitama 1–3 JT
im hoping jt beats nec this time and saga moves back to 2nd
i want sacai to make full use of kitamado instead of nakajima
sitenoise do you know the name of this girl in front that's not blurry in the pic? what's her nationality? a Brazilian news outlet mistakenly reported that she is Brazilian but mixed her up with a different girl but now I'm curious if she is actually Brazilian?
She goes as Maya Yemon. However the Yemon part of her name might not be her actual surname there's some confusion from how she's been credited in some of the recent articles. I don't know her nationality.
She goes as Maya Yemon. However the Yemon part of her name might not be her actual surname there's some confusion from how she's been credited in some of the recent articles. I don't know her nationality.
Thanks for that. So is she technically a foreigner or was she born in Japan / has Japanese blood?
She goes as Maya Yemon. However the Yemon part of her name might not be her actual surname there's some confusion from how she's been credited in some of the recent articles. I don't know her nationality.
Is that her?? looks different. When Sakoda interviewed her beside that Kinrankai ace she pronounced it as yah mown and I got a little lost thinking Sakoda said yeah man to that girl but with a Japanese accent.
Thanks for that. So is she technically a foreigner or was she born in Japan / has Japanese blood?
I haven't really read about her background. I'd come across articles about hs volley on my feed and translate only the headlines. Someone else can probably answer this for you
Is that her?? looks different. When Sakoda interviewed her beside that Kinrankai ace she pronounced it as yah mown and I got a little lost thinking Sakoda said yeah man to that girl but with a Japanese accent.
I think so
it looks like her to me.
Sakoda has an ugly Satsugū dialect that's mostly burbled it's hard to take seriously. My Japanese friend commented about it one time. Not that I ever hear any of Sakoda's commentaries but I know what she sounds like since I follow her youtube but I wouldn't trust her with pronunciations lol
She goes as Maya Yemon. However the Yemon part of her name might not be her actual surname there's some confusion from how she's been credited in some of the recent articles. I don't know her nationality.
watch this video closely and the girl on seitoku's side wearing #1 is that girl but the male commentator pronounces her name as I-YE-MON MEE-YA like miya sato not maya i know its confusing since her katakana is hard to read イェーモン ミャ
starts at around 2:58 he says it so fast you might miss it but the MIYA is clearly audible
My guess is that her surname is the Japanese version like how they Japanized Justice into Jahstice