There will be 84 players, divided into 6 teams. The League will create the teams and, apart from a few stars, it is still unknown how they will be made. However the criterion they say will be to make 6 balanced teams...
I read somewhere that one criterion will be to place players of particular nationalities in cities where these nationalities are more present, to create more bonds between teams, players and the public...
The first two or three years (I didn't understand well) the teams will not have their own autonomy.
The players are owned by the league and sign a contract directly with the central organization which will pay salaries, accommodation, travel, healthcare and everything else...Fore the same period, salaries are blocked and all players will earn the same amount: furthermore, to differentiate wages, there will only be individual awards (MVP of the match, of the championship, best scorer, etc.) and those of squad…
After this period, if the championship works, the league will sell the teams to investors who will become owners and everything will start "American style" as for the NBA, WNBA, MLB, NHL etc...
Thanks for explanation!
I'm surprised that the players will be paid with same amount of salaries. Besides to different level of players, generally there's a huge salary gap between a libero/setter to opposite/outside. So all players will get the same salary independent of their positions?