Polish NT 2024

  • If I had to bet my money, I would say he will cut Fedusio, Witkowska and Lysiak before Paris and take Stenzel as the 13th player

    I agree with you, but I only wondering about Witkowska situation. Seems like Lavarini like her, but I dont see place for her, when there are Korneluk, Alagierska and Jurczyk...

  • If I had to bet my money, I would say he will cut Fedusio, Witkowska and Lysiak before Paris and take Stenzel as the 13th player

    Possibly you are right but I also think lavarini will keep witkowska instead of Jurczyk. I don't know how to feel about Stenzel missing main roster. She was always with the team and was playing well but right now S. Is in such a good shape it would be unfair not to take her😕

  • Thats awsome! it will be good preparing before OG. Nice that its a memorial of Agata Mróz-Olszewska, so big possibility that it will be on TV:win:

  • I have been following the Polish team since the VNL this year, not knowing how they had performed between 2021-2023 and I'd take the following players to Paris.

    S: Wolosz, Wenerska

    OPP: Stysiak, Smarzek

    OH: Lukasik, Mędrzyk, Rozanski, Czyrniańska

    MB: Korneluk, Jurczyk, Alagierska

    L: Szczyglowska

    Perhaps it's unfair to leave Witkowska and Stenzel, considering that they have been with them for a long time, but I'd risk on having the healthier girls. To me Witkowska and Alagierska are the same type of players and Jurczyk must be there as a scoring MB, I was actually quite impressed by how fast she hits, though there is a question mark on her blocking, and obviously there's no mention needed for Korneluk.

    If Czyrniańska gets her good shape, I'd also risk on having her with the team in stead of the other mediocre OHs like Fedusio or second libero.

  • my team looks also the same..there is a really question about Stenzel, I thought she would return for the 3rd week of VNL..Szczyglowska choked yesterday but I really think she can take this pressure in the Olympics..for me Alagierska, Witkowska and Jurczyk - it´s really hard to choose 2 of them, Witkowska is the only player with slide attack but Jurczyk is for me is locked as the most dynamic and scoring, I would pick one of Alagierska/Witkowska as 3rd., but probably Klaudia

  • I agree.

    Even though Witkowska is the only slide attacker, it's unlikely she'll score more than 10 points per game. On the other hand, Alagierska is more reliable in blocking.

    Jurczyk reminds me of Dziekiewicz a bit, but her blocking is obviously weaker.

    I just hope they won't repeat the same scenario as in 2008 - they played so well most of the games but happened to choke at critical points. This time, there aren't any big-name players like Glinka and Skowronska, but I reckon the team structure is better, and Wołosz is stronger than Skorupa was in Beijing.

  • oh Beijing was bad, playing with 3 OPP on the same time with no reception, Podolec forced to play with serious injury, Liktoras pregnant, Polish team is stronger now overally and with full bench, not like in that time..

  • and with normal Italian coach not Bonitta :lol:

  • Yes, I'm still curious why he dared to take 3 OPPs and Kaczor was barely ready for that high level of play.

    He didn't let Werblińska serve, even though she was a really strong server. Leaving Dziekiewicz home, both Sadurek and Skorupa being unstable... yes, it was bad at the end. But they played quite well in some games, if I remember correctly.

  • Rosner was not able to score anymore, with Weblinska he had conflicts and he wanted to have strong attack with Glinka, Kasia and Podolec...he should take Swieniewicz or Mirek instead of Kaczor but was stubborn and had conflicts with both, so only Ciaskiewicz and Wozniakowska were the other options which were left :lol: Dziekiewicz was not playing well at that time and Gajgal was better, but he should take her instead of Masza but she probably didn´t know she is pregnant

  • Dziękiewicz >>>>>>>>> Jurczyk

    I really love Magda, but her blocking is awful. It was easy to see yesterday against China. Also Lena was playing a lot of different slide attack versions and in front of the setter while Magda plays only one version - close and in front to the setter. Lena was the best blocker of WGP finals so the gap is huge.

    Unfortunately for Magda, other MBs can give more to the NT so she shouldn’t go to Paris.

    Szczygłowska gets a really great notes and is really brilliant in defence and sets really great. But Stenzel is 100x better in reception and is covering specialist. So I bet Stefano will take Maria as main libero (if she will play in the friendly tournament in July) and Szcz will be the 13th player.

  • I am sure that Stenzel will be in Paris 2024. She started trainings 3 weeks ago. So she has basically 2 months to be ready. It is more than enough. I agree with WZP that as 13th player he will probably take libero. Fedusio is also possible but her chances would be higher if Stenzel could play during VNL.

    Jurczyk for her height is not that bad of a blocker in the middle of the net. However on the wings is awful. Very often used to attack block-out by the opponent. She can attack in front and far from setter. With Wenerska they were playing a lot of this in Swiecie. I don't know why we don't do it anymore.

  • Szczyglowska was great in VNL outside of Brazil and China matches. But Stenzel for sure is better receiver and more experienced at NT level. I’m sure she will go to Paris as a main libero.

  • As we're talking about the roster, maybe I'll also share my thoughts :)

    S: Wołosz, Wenerska

    OP: Stysiak, Smarzek

    OH: Łukasik, Mędzryk, Czyrniańska, Różański

    MB: Korneluk, Witkowska, Alagierska

    L: Stenzel, Szczygłowska* (as 13th player)

    Setters are definitely locked case and we don't have to comment it here.

    Regarding Opposites, I'm happy that Smarzek got her chances as she's far way more useful than Gałkowska and I hope that Lavarini noticed that!

    As for OHs - Łukasik is main player here and there are no doubts. Mędrzyk proved that she should be in Paris as well, maybe in last games she wasn't go good, but still she deserved for that. Healthy Czyrniańska is on fire and I hope that she will not get injured again. As for the last OH, I would take Różański who had weak club season, but still should get a chance.

    Sorry, but Fedusio in "NO" for me, while Piasecka can be used in the future.

    We have definitely one top MB, who Korneluk is, but then there are question marks. Alagierska is coming back after injury, Witkowska is ok as MB and she can do the slides. Jurczyk is decent hitter, but poor blocker and I would prefer to cut her.

    I'm a little bit sorry for Pacak as she didn't get many chances to show herself.

    Stenzel in my opinion will be back as main Libero, but Szczygłowska proved that she can handle pressure if necessary.

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  • Bit random but i just love this topics, mentioning Lena, Liktoras, Podolec, bringing such a lovely memories to me. One of the earliest matches that i clearly remember was epic Poland vs Serbia 5 setter at World Cup 2007 (Podolec was amazing with crazy performance), also Top Volley torunament and matches between Volero Zurich (serbian colony), Winiary Kalisz (Lena) and Pinheiros.
