Polish NT 2024

  • Wolosz announced her retirement from NT.

    like we said in other theard. Great setter, but not fit to other girls and system. Anyway I would Thank Joasia Wołosz for a lot of years in nt and a lot of heart. I hope that she will be remember as a great player. Thank you:flower:

  • Im already curious how will look Polish NT next year - I don´t think anybody else is gonna retire (maybe only Medrzyk), so it will be interesting

  • I think that all of us see that Stysiak works much better with Wenerska.

    IMO Wenerska gives a bit higher balls to Magda and that is what she needs while Asia and Magda tried to work out kind of slide set type which didn’t work so good and is forcing Magda to too many errors.

    I hope we will find a new talented setter soon.

    And hopefully neither Wenerska nor Kowalewska will retire for the next cycle.

  • We will see how Nowicka will playing next club season. Last, was really great and I was suprised that she wasnt invite to camp to check her possibilities

  • Honestly, I don’t want to see Alagierska in NT. She has nothing to offer. Jurczyk as well is very limited. We should develop another MB. Centka and Gryka to me would do better than those two.

    I am curious about Kowalewska, she can carry the team with Wenerska. I don’t believe in Nowicka. She has poor technique.

  • I suppose only Wolosz and Medrzyk will leave the NT.

    As much as I like Alagierska and Jurcyzk, It will be fair to give chances to other players, as we saw their limitation on a high level.

    For OH, Rozanski can replace Medrzyk as starter and the rest will equally remain I believe.

    OPP - Stysiak, Smarzek and Galkowska

    L - same as now, plus Lysiak

    S - Wenerska as starter and some youngster as backup.

  • as I saw how USA team hunt us in reception I want to see Górecka in a good shape in next NT season, also if I`m not wrong Piasecka has good reception (when I was looking in VNL). I all our OHs will improve in reception:whistle:

    anyway, I`m affraid that our "leaders" will be benched most of all club season : Łukasik and Stysiak.

  • but I hope Martyna will learn something in Conegliano and maybe it will work for next year´s NT season..we will see

  • like we said in other theard. Great setter, but not fit to other girls and system. Anyway I would Thank Joasia Wołosz for a lot of years in nt and a lot of heart. I hope that she will be remember as a great player. Thank you:flower:

    Agreed. Stysiak is 2 meters, there's no point to play with her Conegliano-pace fast balls. Wolosz is a good setter but more like a one-trick-pony. She is the best at one particular game style (like Maja who is great at playing boskoball) I like wenerska and Kowalewska more since they are more versatile setters who can adjust different style and tempo depending on the attacker. If they are not retiring from NT, they can get the job done by rotating, like macris and Roberta in Brazil.

  • Guys what are you talking about? Stysiak is a fast ball player. They had amazing collaboration the last seasons. Also Lukasik , Smarzek, Rosanski and MBs of course are all fast ball players. Only Martyna is not and the sets to her were always high just like she was in Imoco the last season. She did not play quick volleyball with Robinson and Plummer.

  • Guys what are you talking about? Stysiak is a fast ball player. They had amazing collaboration the last seasons. Also Lukasik , Smarzek, Rosanski and MBs of course are all fast ball players. Only Martyna is not and the sets to her were always high just like she was in Imoco the last season. She did not play quick volleyball with Robinson and Plummer.


  • Guys what are you talking about? Stysiak is a fast ball player. They had amazing collaboration the last seasons. Also Lukasik , Smarzek, Rosanski and MBs of course are all fast ball players. Only Martyna is not and the sets to her were always high just like she was in Imoco the last season. She did not play quick volleyball with Robinson and Plummer.

    Good joke🤣