Japan - SV.League Women 2024-2025

  • Ibaraki, Himeji, and Shiga are the only ones who picked a MB

    Okayama with ZERO and Osaka with ONE foreign pin. The rest have TWO foreign pin hitters (assuming @vollyb keeps batting 1000). I can't even imagine how foreign this is going to look

    Himeji chose an MB but they have a Foreign Asian OH so technically only Arisa Inoue will be Japanese in the wing trio. Which is different from Ibaraki and Shiga with 2/3 Japanese OH/OP starting 😅

  • Himeji chose an MB but they have a Foreign Asian OH so technically only Arisa Inoue will be Japanese in the wing trio. Which is different from Ibaraki and Shiga with 2/3 Japanese OH/OP starting 😅

    yeah, and NEC with only one spot open

    I also forgot Aranmare Yamagata with ZERO, right? :white:

  • Ibaraki, Himeji, and Shiga are the only ones who picked a MB

    Okayama with ZERO and Osaka with ONE foreign pin. The rest have TWO foreign pin hitters (assuming @vollyb keeps batting 1000). I can't even imagine how foreign this is going to look

    what team is osaka? this is so confusing i cannot remember them by their prefectures

  • what team is osaka? this is so confusing i cannot remember them by their prefectures


    I'll re-post this from time to time because yeah, a few of them are confusing, like Kariya because nobody called them Queenseis (maybe brahmin because he's a casual guy, but these are the official names

    I'll probably still call NEC NEC and PFU PFU

    Team Name

    Home Town

    Aranmare Yamagata • アランマーレ 山形

    Tendo City

    Astemo Rivale Ibaraki • Astemo リヴァーレ 茨城

    Hitachinaka City

    Denso Airybees • デンソーエアリービーズ (郡山市 福島)

    Koriyama City

    Gunma Green Wings • 群馬 グリーンウイングス

    Maebashi City

    Kurobe Aqua Fairies Toyama • Kurobe アクアフェアリーズ富山

    Kurobe City

    NEC Red Rockets Kawasaki • NECレッドロケッツ 川崎

    Kawasaki City

    Okayama Seagulls • 岡山 シーガルズ

    Okayama City

    Osaka Marvelous • 大阪 マーヴェラス

    Osaka city

    PFU BlueCats Ishikawa Kahoku • PFUブルーキャッツ石川かほく

    Kahoku City

    Queenseis Kariya • クインシーズ 刈谷

    Kariya City

    Saga Hisamitsu Springs • 佐賀 久光スプリングス

    Tosu City

    Saitama Ageo Medics • 埼玉 上尾メディックス

    Ageo City

    Toray Arrows Shiga • 東レアローズ 滋賀

    Otsu City

    Victorina Himeji • ヴィクトリーナ 姫路

    Himeji City

  • i dont like that they killed the vleague accounts why dont they just replace the logo and name. now i have to go and follow a new svleague on twitter youtube and instagram. j sports is dogshit

    They also killed all the links to technical team and the player top 15 etc. AND all the links to players :mad: I mean, you can still find it all but links everywhere are busted. Like Shimamura used to be at https://www.vleague.jp/women/player_detail/601 ... now she's at https://www.svleague.jp/ja/sv_women/player/detail/601

    It would have been trivial to put forwards on those kind of things but ... Japan :evil::cursing::wall:

  • I wonder if holding volleyball classes and walking around the streets picking up garbage to "strengthen community ties" will end, at least as a talking point? Not all, but many teams would post on their web site when they did that shit. Imports aren't going to do it

  • I usually do not say city, because the pictograph only implies a size/legal designation. And yes cities and prefectures can have the same names, but in that case you say Okayama Prefecture and then Okayama City to differentiate.

    Aranmare is based in Sakata, but have to play their games in Tendo as the arena in Sakata is not big enough.

  • I have a feeling the National Sports Festival is going to go away. It has a slightly new name I can't remember and they've cut it down from 16 to 10 teams for the Finals. One team per Block now. Used to be Kanto and Kyushu, maybe Kinki would get 2 or 3

    Big winners are the Yamanashi Chuo Bank Sporting Bears, and Himeji's farm club Viale Hyogo

    Block Winners Losers


    Hokusho University

    no one


    Tohoku Fukushi U

    Fukushima, Yamagata, Iwate (Selections)


    Yamanashi Chuo Bank

    Gunma GW, Astemo Ibaraki, NSSU, Saitama Medics, Shoin U


    Kurobe AquaFairies

    Shinshu Brilliant Aries, Niigata Welfare U, Ishikawa Selection


    Breath Hamamatsu

    JA Gifu, Veertien Mie, Aichi Selection


    Viale Hyogo

    Tezukayama U, Osaka U, Toray Arrows Shiga, Kyoto Sangyo U


    Okayama Seagulls

    Hiroshima Oilers, Shimane, Tottori Selections


    Kagawa (Selection)



    Forest Leaves

    Fukuoka, Nagasaki, NIFS Universities


    Saga Springs

    Finals for this 78th NSF will be October 6–9

  • NEC hasn't shown Wada yet? I keep reminding myself she's not in JT anymore

    I don't know if NEC can keep their ranking. But Hitachi should start getting serious

  • NEC hasn't shown Wada yet? I keep reminding myself she's not in JT anymore

    I don't know if NEC can keep their ranking. But Hitachi should start getting serious

    hitachi is the only team that didnt lose anyone to retirement from last season i think they should be fine

  • Kasai and Uemura are the latest highschool stars right? can anyone tell me if Uemura is better than Takaso?

    Not sure why PFU appointed Hosonuma as captain she's literally the kiddiest of the bunch

  • Kasai and Uemura are the latest highschool stars right? can anyone tell me if Uemura is better than Takaso?

    Not sure why PFU appointed Hosonuma as captain she's literally the kiddiest of the bunch

    I didn't watch summer league so idk if she played but I'm not a big fan of Uemura's chunky heavy slow spikes so it's a no for me. They have very different swings and execution. 6-7 in reception on a good day but makes for a fairly easy target. Easy to block, easy to take out.

  • You know how the sounds of their boom when they hit the ball pretty much tells me all I need to know about their strength and technique. Uemura's boom is ghastly ugh

    daaamn ive never thought about that:what: its all about the shoulders for me. also i noticed the ones with the most arched backs especially in shorter girls tend to have the sharpest hit but i dont think its the best/healthiest form

  • daaamn ive never thought about that:what: its all about the shoulders for me. also i noticed the ones with the most arched backs especially in shorter girls tend to have the sharpest hit but i dont think its the best/healthiest form

    Like Soga? probably to increase momentum since their arms are so short