Serbian Women's NT 2025 - The Hour of The Boss

  • Serbian Women's NT 2025

    The Hour of The Boss

    The Olympic cycle is over, but a new one has just begun. "Mission Paris" was a failure, but there is no time for crying over broken dreams. Now is the time for new dreams - probably even bigger ones. A chance for us to become World Champions 3 times in a row.

    We have a few retired players and a few new ones, a new/old coach and the good old desire to win gold again.

    So, ladies and gentlemen, with an Hour of The Boss, let the new Golden Era begin.

    2022 World Champions

    2018 World Champions

    Competitions in 2025

    VNL (June 6 - July 27)

    World Champinship 2025 (August 22 - September 7)


    Coach: Zoran Terzić

    SettersOppositesOutside Hitters
    Middle Blockers
    Bojana Drča (1988)*?
    Tijana Bošković (1997)
    Aleksandra Uzelac (2004)
    Maja Aleksić (1997)
    Teodora Pušić (1993)
    Rada Perović (2001)
    Vanja Bukilić (1999)
    Katarina Dangubić (1999)
    Hena Kurtagić (2004)
    Aleksandra Jegdić (1994)
    Sladjana Mirković (1995)
    Tara Taubner (2002)
    Sara Lozo (1997)
    Jovana Kocić (1998)
    Milica Medved (2002)
    Marija Miljević (1998)
    Jovana Zelenović (2004)
    Branka Tica (2003)
    Minja Osmajić (2003)
    Bojana Gočanin (2002)
    Andrea Tišma (2003)
    Milica Vidačić (2006)
    Vanja Ivanović (2004)
    Mina Popović (1994)*?
    Jovana Punišić (2003)
    Sara Ranković (1999)
    Ana Bjelica (1992)*?
    Bianka Buša (1994)*?
    Iva Šućurović (2004)
    Stefana Pakić (2004)
    Andjela Veselinović (1999)
    Bojana Milenković (1997)
    Ana Malešević (2002)
    Elena Baić (2005)
    Simona Mateska (2005)
    Nataša Čikuc (2003)
    Ana Mihajlović (2006)
    Jovana Stevanović (1992)*?
    Maša Kirov (2005)

    *? Retirement status unknown

  • I hope we see some new players taking bigger roles this summer, fresh energy and good vibes once again.

    We have big pool of players with 2002-05 gen joining strenght with more experienced players.

    I think Team A roster is no brainer for most part and I hope we don’t see many surprises.

    S: Drča, Perović (Mirković*)

    OP: Bošković, Taubner/Bukilić

    OH: Buša, Lazović, Uzelac, Ivanović, Tica **
    MB: Aleksić, Kurtagić, Osmajić, Kocić/Kirov

    L: Punišić, Gočanin/Medved

    Setters are pretty straigh forward, Drca and Perovic are best we have right now. *Mirkovic can come as an option if Drca plans to retire and not play this summer, but she probably will (I hope). I would prefer Miljevic over Mirkovic as 3rd option but Sladja probably wins due to experience.

    OP- Taubner is having the season of her life, I can see her being 2nd setter if she stays healthy (that’s a big if). Bukilic and Zelenovic will be there on VNL so we’ll see.

    MB- Stevanovic and Popovic are out I hope. I can see Mina getting some time at VNL and Terzic obviously always liked her but Aleksic/Kurtagic plus Osmajic as 3rd option is the only sane logic. Kocic is playing in Italy and Kirov is having amazing season in France so we should see them in VNL.

    OH- This is where it gets tricky. Lazović should finally play bigger role of defensive OH, plus she is good serving sub so I see no point in having Busa in the team for much longer. However, Bianka was always big part of the team so I hope that if she gets called it will be as safe 4-5th option.
    ** I don’t think Milenkovic finds her way to A team anymore ever. I cut off Lozo as well cause I don’t see her winning offensive OH spot over Uzelac and Ivanovic. They can all get VNL call together with Mijatovic and that’s it.

    Ivanovic is super talented all around, Uzelac is proven A team member, Tica is doing well above any expectations in Russian league despite her height. Any of those 3 can give more to the team then Milenkovic and Lozo.

    L- Pusic and Jegdic aren’t even playing this season, I can see one of them getting a spot because there is a HUGE experience gap between them and others. Punisic deserves to play VNL, period.. as far as I’m concerned she is starter libero option but I know it’s not gonna happen this summer and experience is gonna be valued :read:

    Now, Bjelica and Mihajlovic are still playing on high level but I didn’t include them cause I don’t know if they wanna play in the first place. Brankica can be included as 2nd OP and OH option (I’m not a fan of later) and Ana doesn’t have much to offer to NT anymore.

    Maja announced her NT retirement but she is staying in Scandicci for 1 additional year after she said she is retiring, whi knows :lol: we all know she is gonna be there at LA28

  • I didn't include Brankica because i think she will not comeback, she missed Olympics after all. Plus she is full time opp now and her role in NT is something very different.

    But if she return, she can be very good surprise for us all.

  • Do you think that Vajagic and/or Cajic has a chance to be called? I am sad about Vajagic's injury, she seemed to be doing well in the youth tournaments before that although I have not watched much of her during the club season.

  • Do you think that Vajagic and/or Cajic has a chance to be called? I am sad about Vajagic's injury, she seemed to be doing well in the youth tournaments before that although I have not watched much of her during the club season.

    Vajagic was injured in February in cup final and she did not play since than, so i dont think she will be called this summer. She had very good season and she is definitely in our plans. I expect her to play next ncaa season, fully recover and than she will be called for next vnl.

    About Cajic i dont know, she was never part of our projects, she is new name. She is better than some players from previous list, players like MIjatovic and i hope she will be called. So let see it, i guess its depends a lot of her journey in PVF.

  • Why Serbia do not have physcial players in OH position? There are tons of physical player in other positions.

    Tica is short and does not have good jumping skills. She can be the fourth OH at best.

    Serbia have already Uzelac, Lazovic and İvanovic. Why you spent time with non-physical OHs?

  • Why Serbia do not have physcial players in OH position? There are tons of physical player in other positions.

    Tica is short and does not have good jumping skills. She can be the fourth OH at best.

    Serbia have already Uzelac, Lazovic and İvanovic. Why you spent time with non-physical OHs?

    Tica is doing great in Russian league attacking slow high balls against tall blocks, despite her hight and lack of jump. If a player shows good level in club season there is no reason not to invite them to NT. It’s not like she is some big hope or investment of our federation to save NT anyways, I’d say she is doing great despite all the odds (she was ignored even after being MVP of Serbian league for 2 seasons in a row)

    Ivanovic is the most physical of the younger players, her athleticism is on Brankica’s level even after ACL (I hope I don’t jinx her). She is amazing passer and defender as well in addition to her attacking potential, something we didn’t have in Serbia for a long time.

    Uzelac has amazing jump and power when she can get time for run off, jump in place is a bit meh.

    I’d say those 2 are very physical, athletic, maybe not as tall as some other OHs from their generation (Czyrna, Arina, Ana C) but can match their athleticism.

    Lazovic is not tall or athletic and that’s her biggest problem.

  • About a year ago garotta had an interview with Mina Vujović and called her as next Boskovic but now where is she

    In Vakifbank academy/youth program. She is only 15yo, I wish we knew more about her development as well.
    Tadic is 14yo but already has a few 20+ points games in Serbian league. I think Vujovic might get overlooked in favour of Tadic in terms of U NT since she isn’t playing in Serbia.
    Terzic will keep an eye on both of them for sure, he is someone who loves young talent and investment in players who can be big rather then in those who are more experienced but average/low ceiling.

  • Why Serbia do not have physcial players in OH position? There are tons of physical player in other positions.

    Tica is short and does not have good jumping skills. She can be the fourth OH at best.

    Serbia have already Uzelac, Lazovic and İvanovic. Why you spent time with non-physical OHs?

    First of all, i dont think you are competent to teach us what is best for us or how to make volleyball player. You guys did not produce good player for years. You wish us the best, sure.

    Second, you are commenting the thing that you dont know much about, you watched her maybe once.

    Calling someone short and comparing with players(Lazovic, Ivanovic) that are only 2,3cm taller, plus she have much bigger arms and hands than them. Plus she jump higher than both Lazovic and Ivanovic, she scoring on weekly base over tall russian block. Ivanovic have stronger swing, but Lazovic spike is nowhere near Tica. Main difference Tica needs a run to jump, while Vanja can jump in place.

    And last but not least, she is good receiver and the most constant player of all of our outside hitter. She can replicate same stats in a 3 games in a row.

  • Why Serbia do not have physcial players in OH position? There are tons of physical player in other positions.

    Tica is short and does not have good jumping skills. She can be the fourth OH at best.

    Serbia have already Uzelac, Lazovic and İvanovic. Why you spent time with non-physical OHs?

    What do you mean by physical? Uzelac is quite tall for OH position if that's what you mean

  • While I can agree with everything, please brate you didn’t just say that Tica jumps higher then Ivanovic :lol:

    Vanja has higher reach, if not much higher, and is much more athletic.

    She is the most consistent rn but her ceiling is much lower as well.

  • About a year ago garotta had an interview with Mina Vujović and called her as next Boskovic but now where is she

    She is probably just media plant, she would already be in roster if she is next Boskovic. I seen this few times already, media speak highly about player so they can find them club.

  • Why Serbia do not have physcial players in OH position? There are tons of physical player in other positions.

    Tica is short and does not have good jumping skills. She can be the fourth OH at best.

    Serbia have already Uzelac, Lazovic and İvanovic. Why you spent time with non-physical OHs?

    I need to clarify this,

    I should have written it more clearly, but English is not my native language, so I sometimes make mistakes.

    Uzelac and Ivanovic have enough physical quality. Lazovic is weak in terms of physicality, but she is smart and a technical player, so she manages. So, Serbia already has three OH that can play in NT.

    None of them are extremely physical, but in the end, there are three of them.

    I’m asking why you are wasting time with players like Tica when you already have these three names. You need much more physical OHs

  • What do you mean by physical? Uzelac is quite tall for OH position if that's what you mean

    quite tall? 188cm

    There are many 195+ Ohs in new gen.

    She is a bit athletic.

  • I’m asking why you are wasting time with players like Tica when you already have these three names. You need much more physical OHs

    Well we didn’t even have 3 good ones a few years ago :lol:

    It’s not like we (or you) have dozens of Gabis and LYYs waiting to get called for NT.

    I get what you meant to say, however it’s not like Tica is some big ossrb project and big hope for NT. She is playing great this season in serious league and she deserves to be in NT. She is much better then Milenkovic already and more well rounded player then Lozo.

    Btw we have some tall 190+ cm OHs in Serbian league that just aren’t good despite being “physical” as you say. Mijatovic is perfect example of that, Tica absolutely destoryed her last 2 seasons in our league whenever they met.

  • quite tall? 188cm

    There are many 195+ Ohs in new gen.

    She is a bit athletic.

    There aren’t many OHs that tall.
    Arina, Ana C, Czyrna and LYY are around that hight or shorter. Only Markova and Plummer come to mind but they are older.

    Uzelac attacks a ball at 3m and above when she can get a run off, that’s pretty impressive and you don’t get many OH with that reach. Ana C and Czyrnianska have same or lower reach on average

    PS- I’m not talking about maximum reach but the one where they are the most comfortable attacking the ball