USA - PVF 2025 (Pro Volleyball Federation 2025)

  • 20px-600px_vertical_HEX-EF3240_HEX-8EC8E9.svg.png Atlanta Vibe (1st in regular season, SFs in play-offs)

    Stati Uniti (bandiera) Kayla Banwarth

    S: 14 Whitney Bower, 21 Marlie Monserez, 91 Amelia Tuaniga

    OP: 5 Merritt Beason, 15 Aiko Jones (Giamaica (bandiera))

    OH: 1 Taylor Head, 4 Bianca Bertolino (Argentina (bandiera)), 7 Pia Timmer (Germania (bandiera)), 13 Leah Edmond, 20 Madolyn Isringhausen, 24 Anna Dixon

    MB: 3 Shelly Fanning, 10 Taya Beller, 12 McKenna Vicini, 22 Khori Louis

    L: 9 Morgan Hentz

    20px-600px_trisection_vertical_HEX-EE303A_HEX-F2CD0D_HEX-6D6F71.svg.png Columbus Fury (5th in regular season)

    Porto Rico (bandiera) Ángel Pérez

    S: 5 Wilmarie Rivera (Porto Rico (bandiera)), 12 Victoria Dilfer

    OP: 2 Izabella Rapacz, 13 Ashley Wenz, 30 Morgan Lewis

    OH: 8 Kaylee Cox, 10 Jillian Gillen, 16 Raina Terry, 17 Megan Courtney
    MB: 11 Beta Dumančić (Croazia (bandiera)), 14 Janice Leao, 18 Kaley Rammelsberg, 24 Abby Walker
    L: 7 Kate Georgiades, 20 Paula Cerame (Porto Rico (bandiera))

    20px-600px_trisection_vertical_HEX-A70A3D_HEX-133157_HEX-F1B661.svg.png Grand Rapids Rise (4th in regular season, final in play-offs)

    Stati Uniti (bandiera) Cathy George

    S: 11 August Raskie, 22 Camryn Turner

    OP: 1 Sherridan Atkinson, 6 Kaleigh Nelson, 21 Naya Shimé

    OH: 4 Carli Snyder, 5 Erika Pritchard, 13 Paige Briggs, 27 Symone Abbott

    MB: 7 Raven Colvin, 8 Marin Grote, 10 Alison Bastianelli, 17 Alyssa Garvelink

    L: 2 Elena Oglivie, 3 Valeria León (Porto Rico (bandiera)), 19 Jena Otec

    20px-600px_vertical_bisection_HEX-0096D6_HEX-FF8A00.svg.png Indy Ignite (expansion team)

    Stati Uniti (bandiera) George Padjen

    S: 2 Sydney Hilley, 11 Ainise Havili

    OP: 19 Azhani Tealer, 20 Grace Cleveland

    OH: 5 Isabel Martin (Germania (bandiera)), 7 Leketor Member-Meneh, 14 Anna DeBeer, 18 Carly Skjodt, 23 Nina Čajić (Serbia (bandiera))

    MB: 4 Chiamaka Nwokolo, 12 Caroline Crawford, 17 Blake Mohler, 22 Lydia Martyn, 26 Nnedi Okammor

    L: 6 Kylie Murr, 9 Elena Scott

    20px-600px_quadrisection_vertical_HEX-E0004D_HEX-0092BC_HEX-80286C_HEX-071D49.svg.png Omaha Supernovas (2nd in regular season, champions of PVF)

    Stati Uniti (bandiera) Laura Kuhn

    S: 1 Natalia Valentín (Porto Rico (bandiera)), 6 Kendra Wait, 9 Machaela Podraza

    OP: 11 Kelsie Payne, 27 Emily Londot

    OH: 4 Valeria Vázquez (Porto Rico (bandiera)), 5 Brooke Nuneviller, 8 Reagan Cooper, 14 Allysa Batenhorst, 22 Lindsay Krause

    MB: 17 Phoebe Awoleye, 21 Toyosi Onabanjo, 23 Kaitlyn Hord, 28 Kayla Caffey

    L: 10 Camila Gómez (Colombia (bandiera)), 20 Allison Whitten

    20px-600px_quadrisection_vertical_HEX-1B365D_HEX-41B6E6_HEX-BFBB98_HEX-BBBCBC.svg.png Orlando Valkyries (6th in regular season)

    Stati Uniti (bandiera) Amy Pauly

    S: 2 Hannah Pukis, 3 Pornpun Guedpard (Thailandia (bandiera))

    OP: 6 Brittany Abercrombie (Porto Rico (bandiera)), 19 Lydia Grote

    OH: 4 Courtney Schwan, 8 Lindsey Vander Weide, 10 Shannon Scully, 14 Adora Anae, 22 Norah Sis

    MB: 9 M'kaela White, 11 Kazmiere Brown, 13 Natalie Foster, 15 Abby Hansen

    L: 5 Georgia Murphy, 18 Nalani Iosia

    20px-600px_quadrisection_vertical_HEX-003A70_HEX-41B6E6_HEX-FFC72C_HEX-C0AD7B.svg.png San Diego Mojo (3rd in regular season, SFs in play-offs)

    Stati Uniti (bandiera) Tayyiba Haneef

    S: 6 Kylie Pickrell, 19 Lee Da-yeong (Corea del Sud (bandiera)), 24 Sarah Sponcil

    OP: 21 Regan Pittman, 23 Elise McGhee

    OH: 8 Kendra Dahlke, 10 Jenaisya Moore, 28 Kayla Lund, 31 Maya Tabron

    MB: 1 Rainelle Jones, 7 Ronika Stone, 26 Leyla Blackwell, 32 Lauren Page

    L: 2 Shara Venegas (Porto Rico (bandiera)), 9 Anna Church, 16 Kamaile Hiapo

    20px-600px_quadrisection_vertical_HEX-7EDDD3_HEX-002A3A_HEX-DCC681_HEX-BBA370.svg.png Vegas Thrill (7th in regular season)

    Porto Rico (bandiera) Ramón Hernández

    S: 6 Alisha Glass, 22 Carly Graham, 24 Sydney Cole

    OP: 4 Willow Johnson, 17 Lauren Jardine, 91 Saskia Hippe (Germania (bandiera))

    OH: 2 Charitie Luper, 8 Camryn Hannah, 9 Grace Loberg, 11 Hannah Maddux, 15 Allison Mayfield

    MB: 5 Morgan Stout, 7 Layne Van Buskirk (Canada (bandiera)), 12 Berkeley Oblad, n? Sophie Davis

    L: 10 Mary Shroll, 13 Teagan DeFalco

    practice squad or currently injured players

  • Thank you for the update! May I ask how many foreign players are allowed per club (so far, I can see different teams have different numbers but I am unsure if Puerto Rico is considered "foreign"). Or do they even have a limit?

  • Thank you for the update! May I ask how many foreign players are allowed per club (so far, I can see different teams have different numbers but I am unsure if Puerto Rico is considered "foreign". Or do they even have a limit?

    Teams can have three foreign players.

    Puerto Ricans are not considered foreign.

    Maya Tabron is not considered foreign either (dual citizen)

  • Let's enjoy this season then. lol

    3rd league coming out of nowhere.

    Garotta mentioned it last May. so its been a minute.

    but ugh.

    this is usavolleyball's fault. there's quite literally over $300 million being invested into pro vb rn in the USA and we're going to have nothing to show for it.

  • Garotta mentioned it last May. so its been a minute.

    but ugh.

    this is usavolleyball's fault. there's quite literally over $300 million being invested into pro vb rn in the USA and we're going to have nothing to show for it.

    They could have some PR strategy at least. So many celebs kids play volleyball like Gisele's 182cm daughter who is like 12 or something and Jamie Fox's daughter also plays volleyball he goes to her games. There's also Gigi Hadid etc

  • They could have some PR strategy at least. So many celebs kids play volleyball like Gisele's 182cm daughter who is like 12 or something and Jamie Fox's daughter also plays volleyball he goes to her games. There's also Gigi Hadid etc

    using children for promo is an ick.

    their PR strategy of launching it during the middle of their PVF season is bizarre.

  • Mixed feelings about it. First and foremost it’s a complete mess of course, but I was also disappointed at PVF itself, so maybe it’s not a completely bad idea if one of the PVF team’s owner feels the same way and decides to build another league to compete with LOVB?

    PVF seemed to settle themselves to be the 2nd tier league like the serie A2 in Italy. They failed to sign any elite players in the US or from abroad just in their 2nd season, even though they have been doing pretty well at marketing and appear to have a growing fan base. Nearly all the best players you could name in the US are in LOVB. It appears to me that PVF could only sign those not good enough for LOVB and from Puerto Rico.

    The question will be what this “Major League” can bring to compete with LOVB to attract the best players in the country and the fans. If the big names are all still sticking with LOVB, they will just be another PVF. Or are the owners rich enough to buyout LOVB as well and merge it into one real major league as we all dream of?

  • Mixed feelings about it. First and foremost it’s a complete mess of course, but I was also disappointed at PVF itself, so maybe it’s not a completely bad idea if one of the PVF team’s owner feels the same way and decides to build another league to compete with LOVB?

    PVF seemed to settle themselves to be the 2nd tier league like the serie A2 in Italy. They failed to sign any elite players in the US or from abroad just in their 2nd season, even though they have been doing pretty well at marketing and appear to have a growing fan base. Nearly all the best players you could name in the US are in LOVB. It appears to me that PVF could only sign those not good enough for LOVB and from Puerto Rico.

    The question will be what this “Major League” can bring to compete with LOVB to attract the best players in the country and the fans. If the big names are all still sticking with LOVB, they will just be another PVF. Or are the owners rich enough to buyout LOVB as well and merge it into one real major league as we all dream of?

    PVF doesnt want to be a second league, which I see as a problem.

    Part of that problem is they do a lot of things better than LOVB... just the volleyball itself (and some of their leadership) sucks.

    i bet all three of them flop by LA2028. I just dont see a viable path for the three (I imagine PVF will last maybe a season or two more)

  • The Supernovas are leaving PVF at the end of the season for a new league (Major League Volleyball)

    PVF is done.

    Oh, but I kinda like PVF more than LOVB. :whistle:

    I think they do many things better than LOVB in terms of marketing (how it is promoted, organization, and engagement of the clubs and the fans). I feel like PVF is the league that "casuals" can enjoy and root for (helping grow the sport in the country), while the LOVB is where the future of US NT plays (very professional and a lot less hyped).

  • Oh, but I kinda like PVF more than LOVB. :whistle:

    I think they do many things better than LOVB in terms of marketing (how it is promoted, organization, and engagement of the clubs and the fans). I feel like PVF is the league that "casuals" can enjoy and root for (helping grow the sport in the country), while the LOVB is where the future of US NT plays (very professional and a lot less hyped).

    PVF's local marketing is very much better than LOVB's.

    So is their broadcasting.

    other than that? pass. lol

  • It seems Orlando Valkyries is the team to beat in PVF:super:

    Abercrombie - Pornpun connection is still really good even during their IBK days.

    Pornpun got injured during the match unfortunately, a sprained ankle after she landed wrongly after jumping for a block

    Pukis came in and played even better for Orlando in Set 4, nice high sets.

    I think Pornpun was tired after the consecutive Away matches, her sets were pretty low and led to some blocks

    Atlanta, Orlando and Omaha are the top three teams respectively in the Preseason Selected Order

  • Pornpun got injured during the match unfortunately, a sprained ankle after she landed wrongly after jumping for a block

    Pukis came in and played even better for Orlando in Set 4, nice high sets.

    I think Pornpun was tired after the consecutive Away matches, her sets were pretty low and led to some blocks

    Atlanta, Orlando and Omaha are the top three teams respectively in the Preseason Selected Order

    Oh I haven't watched that far in the match yet. Hope Pornpun recovers well.

    Sidenote, I am very much amused at the fact that most announcers in PVF use her nickname "Chompoo" as her name in the league. I think it's because both of her actual names are hard to pronounce for the native English speaker (especially her Pornpun name; I've heard many English speakers emphasize the "Porn" part - which leads to some embarrassing exchange).