I would say Italy and Brazil are the mosy prospectful teams in the world rn.
But Brazil and Italy are the top teams already while Poland wasn’t.
I would say Italy and Brazil are the mosy prospectful teams in the world rn.
But Brazil and Italy are the top teams already while Poland wasn’t.
Don’t know about money, but tbh Poland is the most prospectful team in the world right now. Stysiak is only 22, Lukasik 23, Rozanski 26, Stenzel 24 for example. They can still all play in 2028 OG outside of Wolosz. And still we have other players like Gorecka, Czyrnianska, Druzkowska, Borowczak and others. The only question mark is the setter in 2-4 years.
I'm just waiting for Eda to say they should've played more with the middles with those horrible passes.
Btw didn't Karakurt say that with the roster they have they would place 1st for sure in the preliminary round?
Yes but only if you clone Vargas at least 2 times and let them 3 play at the same time
I hope that loss against Serbia in WCH 2022 will be bless for us.
Actually I believe we could have won or win medal this WCH, nobody else was close to beating Serbia so not much bless in that
Hope Turkey will try something different. Ebrar couldn’t score and the attack from the middle wasn’t exist.
nothing is working outside of setting to Vargas fot Turkey
The funny fact is Poland doesn’t even use attack too much, we gain many points by block, defense and making opponents bleed with errors.
Great transfer of Vargas! But in order to win OG Turkey will need at least on good OH. Maybe they should transfer Gabi or Plummer?
I don't get the big fight over sytsiak. It is not like she is having a great season 🤷 I guess it is because there are not many good established opps besides top 4.
How is smarzek doing this season? I haven't watched her yet, is her shape back to elite level or still bad shape as in Novara?
She was amazing in WCH and almost beat Serbia alone in QF. In most league matches she is good/great but it is hard to build anything when one week you are starter, do 62% in attack, get MVP and you get benched next week for Thompson who must play because they spent a lot of money on her… no offense to JT - she shouldn’t be happy with not playing as well
TBH what IOC says that athletes don’t choose passport is laughable. When a country starts a war it just has to accept all the consequences. It’s like saying you have no choice if you are born rich or poor. Actually you don’t but you have to live with it. And here it is the same. The Russians have just to live with it.
The result of all those pent up emotions for not being the starter coming out I guess
It seems Stysiak got punished for having 60% in attack
Carcases seems to bê a Lot better than expected.
She is 36 and basically one of the best OHs in the league (maybe the best offensively).
Once Marlena is back Chemik will be much better.
Finally Monza is what it should have been since the start of the season.
She should play any top team club next season and get a call to NT.
It only took half of the season to move Stysiak to OPP… congrats for the coach
I dont even understand why people are complaining about this, it's been said 1 million times. but only 1 naturalized player can play for the team at the same time anyway. Jack married a Turkish guy, she is a local bcs of this reason, not because she is bought, she won't get an NT call either.
Vargas is the only one where you can say she got ''bought'' indeed but as people said she got banned from her local federation and she is one of the best Opps in the world, she would never get a chance to play for int. competitions otherwise and Turkey became her second home.
Alexia also wasn't bought at all, Romania tried so hard to keep her but it was her personal decision to switch federations. She didn't feel happy with the Romanian NT/federation and she has been in Turkey since she was a teenager (and even before that she was scouted) even learning Turkish and really adheres to the culture.
I know only 1 naturalized player can play at the same time but the whole idea is stupid for me. And it doesn’t matter if it’s Leon for Poland, Leal for Brazil or whoever in Turkey. Basically if your Cuban and can’t play for your NT for any reason, then I get it might be upsetting but getting any nationality to play in OG or WCH or whatever is a joke.
Carutusu, Vargas and now Sinead Jack? When Turkey is buying Egonu? Any news?
Display MoreI agree.
In defense of Daalderop (and also Bajema). they have to fit in a role in Vakifbank that doesn't match their qualities. Daalderop barely gets any sets so it's hard to get in attacking rhythm. Then more than half the sets she gets are out of system with Haak in front of her and De Gennaro waiting crosscourt.
She isn't going to perform like a libero in the backrow (yet).
Also Daalderop had only 20 receptions. Gabi and Ayca had 52. So it's not just her fault if Vakif was not running a balanced offense.
Daalderop is bad/average in all her matches since WCH. Ok she was great in Novara but now this is gone. Also against much weaker teams than Imoco. And Bajema is just in the wrong place. Her reception is all over the place and she suffers in attack as well since WCH. But in general she shouldn’t be a part of any top team. A player like Frantti deserved it much more for example.
Egonu will always be Egonu. I can’t see her being super consistent but when she is on she is unstoppable. Boskovic and Haak are definetly more reliable with a little lower peak but remember what Boskovic did in WCH… while Haak could prepare to the season normally unlike other two. But still I love Wolosz Haak connection and happy for Conegliano.
Both Vakif and Ecz are missing good OH who can score. Bajema or Daalderop won’t make it. They will be so desparate go bring Zhu back.
It was kind of a monster match for Gorecka, Maj, Witkowska and Alagierska. They all did so well. And considering how reception is judged in Polish league, 62/38% from Maj is exceptional.