Posts by danielvanutti


    Brazil 3 - 0 Poland
    Italy 3 - 1 USA
    Russia 3 - 2 Cuba
    China 3 - 0 Serbia


    Brazil 3 - 1 Russia
    China 2 - 3 Italy

    Bronze Medal Match:

    China 3 - 1 Russia

    Golden Medal Match:

    Brazil 3 - 1 Italy "

    I sooooooooooooooooooooo hope your predictions are correct!

    Brazil deserves a Gold Olympic Medal.... not only for this generation, but for the last generation that was extremely talented but had to face that powerful Cuba always in the semifinals....

    However, I do believe the final game might be Brazil X Russia and the Bronze Medal might be Italy X China

    I'm Brazilian and all, but I do like the US NT.... And about the arrogance, it's true that some Brazilian players are more arrogant than any other player in the world.... Ricardinho and Serginho are extremely arrogant (though Ricardo is no longer a member of our NT).... Giba does look arrogant on court, but if you see his interviews and the way he behaves once the game ends, you can hee he's such a nice guy....

    I'm just afraid Brazil can face the USA in a quarterfinal of the OG... This wouldn't be good, given the fact that the USA have won the last three matches they played against Brazil...

    But I also do agree that the American culture of confidence may seem a little arrogant. When I watch American Idol and see contestants saying they ARE going to become the next Idol I can't help but feeling they should be a little more humble and akcowledge their competitors.... But this is a matter of culture, 'coz that's the way us Brazilians behave.....

    A lot of setters have claimed MVP award recently

    Feng was MVP in the 2004 OG, Takeshita was MVP in the 2006 WC (totally undeserved but...)

    Ricardinho was awarded MVP in the last WL... and now Lloy Ball...

    I just wish Brazil hadn't played so poorly right before the OG.... I hope they can overcome this loss and claim teh OG title for the third time...

    Mijkovic has been teh best player of this final round that's for sure

    I hope Serbia wins the final

    I'm a little disappointed with the Brazilian loss, but I still hope we can get our third Olimpic gold medal....

    I hadn't paid attention to this league before I downloaded some matches

    Wow, there are a lot of great players there... the games are very exciting

    Well, it's the second (if not the first) best league in the world....

    Well, all I knowis that I'm definitely gonna watch the finals

    It's the second time ever I've enjoyed living in Brazil... first, the Pan American games , now the WL and in 2014 the soccer World Cup....

    Thank God people are finnaly paying attention to my country...

    Hope there's the Olympic Games around here soon...........

    I'm a Brazilian, and I honestly think Brazil and Russia are the two best teams in the world nowadays... It's lnot lack of humbleness, it's just my opinion.
    The problem with the Brazilian NT is not THAT they lose... No team is unbeatable, the problem is HOW they lose...
    Athens, 24X19... c'mon.... It was practically an ended game...
    WC2006, 13X11... Sheilla spikes out, Jaqueline is blocked(as usual) and then makes a mistake in reception... Another loss
    Now, they win the 1st and 2nd sets in a spectacular way, but then lose the game
    If you see, all the significant loss Brazil has had lately, they were more likely to win, I mean, they had a lot of advantadge... And that is what makes people nervous... Losing matches is normal, but losing all important matches when you have a clear advantadge is just frustrating....