Martina Guiggi in "Mattina in famiglia"- Italian tv shows on Rai 2.
Someone from the Italy can translate, even fragments? Please
Ok, in the first part she's showing her apartment in Pesaro and talking about her life there, saying that Pesaro is like her second home since she's been so long there. Then she shows pics of her family and her sportlife and also some plates and awards she received, saying that the most important is the one after the victory at EC, with NT. Then she introduces her parents (Alfonso and Manola) and they talk about sacrifices of being an athlee and her mom says that is still not used to hear her daughter to be called "campionessa", champion. Then her dad talks about a video he made for Martina.
In the second part she says that she loves to cook and she prepared a cheese cake for her parents and her brothers (Alessandro and Adriano), who are also there. In her bedroom there are pics of her boyfriend and then she says that volleyball is her biggest passion. She shows the shirt from EC in Luxembourg saying that is the most important for her, then the medals from World Cup and the last Italian Championship with Pesaro.
That's it