Posts by Martee

    Today Semifinals :

    Paykan - Shanghai Tang 3-0 (25-21 25-21 25-17)
    Kazakhstan NT - Sakai Blazers 3-1 (24-26 25-23 25-16 25-21)

    after watching both semifinals, I don't think Kazakhstan NT (aka Almaty but I can't call them a club because they are even playing with national team jersey :D ) can beat Paykan. but who knows maybe they win ! they have two good spikers in Yudin and Imangaliyev

    Thanks for the update. It's a shame that our Tang Dynatsy finally failed to overcome your team, but it's totally acceptable. I wish they can revenge themselves on the Japan team by winning the Bronze medal match!

    Besides, I really like KAZ NT(or so-called Almaty), and Imangaliyev is a super cool guy indeed~

    Zibi Bartman should be theoretically ready for ECh, I mean not 100 % physically, but injury should not bother him anymore, he's obviously very valuable player, he's not afraid of risk and me he's pretty much always needed in our team, doesn't matter whether he plays as an OPP or OH.

    Exactly! When Zibi as an opp in position 2 while Ruciak(or Kubiak), who's short in blocking, in Pos. 4, there's an inspiring substitution that Jarosz subsitutes for Ruciak and Zibi plays as the OH in this round. This is the round which can fully show Zibi's capability of OH and OPP. In the preliminary round of WL, Anastasi always systemically ran this substitution strategy and it often worked.
    I haven't seen any other teams using this technique, I think it's very creative, isn't it?

    Besides, many OPP players have worse attacking skills in Pos 4 comparing with Pos 2, however, as an previous OH, Bartman doesn't have this shortcoming, and what's more, he can contribute in receiving in his Pos 4 round, so Kurek on the other side have more space for attacking.

    But who should be out of the tournament then?
    Gruszka not.
    Bartman not also, I believe he will recover to play on European Championships.
    Jarosz? He could collapse totally being out of the competition...

    It doesn't mean I don't like Janeczek. Personally, I love him. He plays in my beloved Częstochowa.

    Bartman will be the last person Anastasi would leave out unless Zibi is really badly injured and couldn't recover before the ECh. He's kinda like Anastasi's trump card. The first change Anastasi made to the team is using this new opp player.

    Martee I just remind you that this is thread about Polish NT...
    We are so :offtopic:
    Let's talk about it somewhere else ;)

    I really am sorry. I just, you know, am so concerned about Zibi's condition. Please forgive my carelessness :S

    The preliminary round is over yesterday, but AVC's publication is always late.
    Pool A
    1 Japan-Sakai Blazer
    2 China-Tang Dynasty
    3 Vietnam-PTSC
    4 Indonesia-Bank Sumsel Babel
    Pool B
    1 IR-Iran-Paykan
    2 Kazakhstan-Almaty
    3 Qatar-Al Rayyan SC
    4 Thailand-Chang

    In the quarterfinal:
    JPN vs THA; VIE vs KAZ

    CHN vs QAT; IRI vs INA

    Actually I reviewed the final of EuroLeague and Espanya impressed me more. I don't like the opp of SVK, left-hand, low attacking point and many fouls, recalling me of Lasko, who is really disappointing in some matches.

    Leon Bartman said that HIS SON FOUND the reason. What a ridiculous reason, I will say btw. I don't believe that Zibi is superstitious :lol: Some journalist must add colors to this story.

    When in tie-break of match Poland - Bulgaria Bartman suffered trauma, it seems that he maybe grabbed him cramp. Later diagnosis showed that the trauma is serious.
    - When other players were resting on vacation, Zbyszek were going from one specialist to another whole days and fight for as soon as possible come-back on court. Yesterday he started to walk without crutches, but there is a lot of work before him. Will he catch the Euro? I don't know, but I know that he will not want come back at all costs because it may costs him too much - says Zibi's father, Leon Bartman who grant that his son found "a reason" of trauma which had suffered in Gdańsk. Quilty of everything is unlucky thirteen! Bartman suffered trauma at 22:13, in his thirteen this year's match in World League. In addition he lived in room 413 with Michał Kubiak who plays in a shirt with the number... thirteen.

    Wow, thx for the lovely translation!


    When other players were resting on vacation, Zbyszek were going from one specialist to another whole days and fight for as soon as possible come-back on court.

    That explains why the poor boy hasn't updated his blog for a long time :S


    Pechowa liczba

    Gdy w tie-breaku meczu Polska – Bułgaria urazu doznał Bartman, wydawało się, że być może złapał go kurcz. Późniejsze diagnozy wykazały jednak, że uraz jest poważny. – Gdy inni kadrowicze odpoczywali an wakacjach, Zbyszek całymi dniami jeździł od jednego do drugiego specjalisty i walczył o jak najszybszy powrót na boisko. Wczoraj zaczął już chodzić bez pomocy kul, lecz przed nim jeszcze sporo pracy. Czy zdąży na Euro? Nie wiem, wiem za to, że nie będzie chciał wrócić za wszelką cenę, bo może go to zbyt wiele kosztować – opowiada ojciec reprezentanta Polski Leon Bartman, który przyznaje, że syn znalazł „przyczynę" urazu, którego doznał w Gdańsku. Wszystkiemu winna pechowa trzynastka! Bartman nabawił się kontuzji o godzinie 22.13, w swoim trzynastym tegorocznym spotkaniu w Lidze Światowej. Na dodatek mieszkał w pokoju numer 413, z Michałem Kubiakiem, który gra w koszulce z... trzynastką.

    I am so amused by this comment, especially the finale part! in Room 413 with No. 13 Mr. Kubiak? that really is the disaster for Zibi. Kidding? hahaha!!!

    However, it's very inspiring to know Zibi now can walk without aid!


    - Miałem okazję zobaczyć uszkodzony mięsień i mogę powiedzieć, że wszystko zmierza w dobrym kierunku – mówi lekarz kadry, dr Jan Sokal. – Krwiak powoli ustępuje, a jesteśmy w połowie rehabilitacji. Leczenie przewidzieliśmy na 6 tygodni i nie chcielibyśmy tego procesu przyspieszać. Wolimy dmuchać na zimne. To, że Bartman leczy kontuzję, wcale nie oznacza, że będzie nieobecny w Spale. „Zibi” – jak wszyscy pozostali siatkarze – ma obowiązek zameldować się na zgrupowaniu i będzie również ćwiczył. Ma opracowany specjalny plan, polegający na wzmacnianiu poszczególnych partii mięśni. Nikt od niego nie będzie wymagał ćwiczeń nóg z użyciem sztangi. Mam nadzieję, że sama obecność w zespole, czego wymaga Anastasi, również działa motywująco. Będą również Patryk Czarnowski, który wraca do kadry po wyleczeniu kontuzji oraz Sebastian Świderski, który zaczyna trening na pełnych obrotach, choć był już w kadrze na finałach Ligi Światowej.

    It seems we can't see Zibi on court sooner.


    – W tym sezonie na razie nie ma dla mnie miejsca w kadrze – mówi Pliński , który uważa, że reprezentacja może poradzić sobie bez czwórki nieobecnych.

    this is Plinski's response. He likes the team.

    Yeah, it was cool to read his blog, but unfortunately I think he posted it just during World League period...
    But I hope I'm wrong!

    Oh, no! It can't be true. The link logo is still on the frontpage of, if his blog ended after the WL they should take off the ad.
    So, just wish Zibi will continue in the following training.

    Zibi hasn't updated his blog for a long time. It's depressing!
    The latest blog he posted on was on July, 10th, half a month ago. I know he's now having a break and recovering from the injury, but isn't it the best time for him to update his blog since he could have more spare time.
    I really want to know his situation, however few news focused on him during this resting period.
    I hope I can see his new blog with his always passion and humour tomorrow morning(FYI, it's almost 2400 in CHN now).

    This whole situation with Daniel Pliński looks a little bit different. He has never asked for some break or anything like that. This is the first time when he decided not to play in the team for a while, due to injury or something.

    About Michał Kubiak....well...he is kinda trapped in his current (unfortunately) club, his situation doesn't look optimistic at all. Politechnika's president said that if there will be such a necessity- she will go to the court and Michał will suffer beacuse of that, 'cause he may even have a little longer break due to this situation. But we'll see what's gonna happen...the only person who knows what's really goin' on is Michał. Let's hope everything will be fine.

    eh.. I've got a stupid question -- who's in your profile image? I thought he was Savani at first sight, but I now think he's Kubiak... haha, I'm confused~ :what: