I was in Burhan Felek, İstanbul during the first match and like to share my psychological comments if it is not too long:
The match was totally under high pressure of Galatasaray Supporters exhibited to Busto Arsizio players in Burhan Felek, İstanbul. The atmosphere of the saloon is sometimes quite significant for the outcome of the match, especially the two forces more or less are equal. When their team lost serial points, it attracted attention that Galatasaray supporters were increasing the dosage of their support which also mean that they won the match in their minds.
Both teams appeared highly motivated for the match and so were the coaches. Dragan Nesić, Coach of Galatasaray, was much more calm and a little bit more supportive for his players compared with opponents coach.
In the first set, Galatasaray dominated the game especially with the contributions of Lo Bianco. She was the "brain" of her team. She directed the game and with Calderon's spikes, the score was 11-6. It was also a good demonstration of "Team Work". Carlo Parisi, the coach of Busto Arsizio, was wise about time outs; he never let his team become demotivated or collapsed. Also, he used time outs before it is too late. i.e. when it was 7-14, he did not wait for the technical time out. Natali and Calderon's spikes presented Galatasaray a 19-10 advantage. Carlo Parisi might try some alternative strategies or might do something to adrenalize his players to have a chance to reverse the game but he looked demotivated and did nothing. Even when the score became 12-19, still no different efforts. So, Busto Arsizio lost the chance, though it might be a breaking point of the match. Lacking a motivating one, Arsizio lost the first set: 16-25.
Second set began and went on with more successful game of Busto Arsizio. Bauer of Arsizio has significant physical advantage, such as her height but in this game it looked like she was far from using her advantage, she made too many simple mistakes. On the other hand, her existance may be contributing to Arsizio's team work. Galatasaray coach, Dragan Nesić, requested time out even the score became 2-5. In my opinion, it was just the time not to let his players to demotivate. Indeed, time out worked and Galatasaray scored two points following. In the beginning of the second set, though Busto Arsizio was going well and dominating the game, Galatasaray appeared totally motivated and believed their superiority. 5-8 Galatasaray was motivated. When it was 5-11 Nesić requested the second time out and at that time the team had been distracted. 7-12 and 9-14 Galatasaray players were still demoralized, distracted with the exception of Nilay who always motivated her friends and became the leader of her team-mates. 9-17 Coach Nesić was still motivating and trying to fire his team. An excellent spike from Eric, Galatasaray. Calderon missed the service: 12-20.
Meanwhile, Nilay was excellent: Critical blocks and spikes from Nilay. Following minutes, we witnessed a miracle, 12-20 turned to 21-21. To me, basic factors were the motivation of Dragan Nesić, the leader Nilay and the atmosphere created by Galatasaray supporters. But, the set was won by Busto Arsizio: 22-25. Now sets are 1-1.
In the third set, Nilay exhibited a very successful game. Calderon was stopped by too many strong blocks: 9-11. Nesić requested time out at the right time to prevent demotivation: 10-13. I caught a significant event in this set, though it may look like an ordinary experience at first. In my point of view, this kind of experiences demotivate the player and also the team: Natali missed a service with a simple mistake and just looked at the Coach Nesić to see his reaction, but meanwhile Nesić was turning his back to the players with a disappointment. He did not see Natali's look. I believe that this or this kind of events covertly, unconsciously effect the player and demoralize the team. Actually, Natali was not in the game all the 4. Set long. I can not interpret totally why she was out for sure since the Coach Nesić might have many other non-psychological reasons for that. After a stiff competition, Galatasaray won the set 25-23. The sets were Galatasaray vs Busto Arsizio 2-1.
Forth set surprised me since "in game motivator" Nilay and successful Natali were out of the game. There is no doubt that Nesić had his valid reasons for that and being just an observer outside, I do not have any obvious reasons to negatively critisize him. What I felt was Galatasaray played the forth set with facing risks. 6-8 and 6-10: Nesić used time out. Though she was out of the game, Nilay was still motivating her friends and the team. Her motivating and supportive behavior should never be underestimated and carefully evaluated by the coach of Galatasaray. During the set, the spikes of Calderon were excellent. The score changed as following: 9-10, 12-12, 14-17, 15-19. Eventually, Galatasaray won the set 25-22. The final score was as following: Galatasaray vs Busto Arsizio: 3-1.
Galatasaray succeeded in the last set with its soul. We shall see whether it is going to be enough in Italy in the second leg.
March 27, 2012