Posts by pomarancza


    And I remembered about one nice fact from last match ZAKSA - Politechnika. Do you guys hear all those fans screaming: "KUREK BARTEK KUREK!"? I heard it and I was like: "What? What? Where is he?". It was nice from the audience side considering the fact that Bartek left Kędzierzyn a couple years ago. So I think now that I can started to like fans from Kędzierzyn, 'cause I didn't quite like them and this season they impress me in a very positive way.

    Well, you shouldn't start to like us, because it was a mishearing :). Fans were chanting "JUREK GLADYR JUREK", to support our middle blocker. As you probably know, he had an operation two weeks ago, but he was able to be at match with AZS (quite lame, but smiling :D ).

    Speaking about operation - I feel really sorry for Metodi, he had such a great start in Plusliga... I hope, he will stay in Olsztyn for the next season.

    I'm curious about how Olsztyn will play today, beceause in the last match they were completely broken.

    So, my first post... I'm sorry for my English (and for small off topic too... ), but I just felt a need, to correct this "Bartek Kurek matter" :D