Will Volero move to France as announced some time ago by Marc Jacobi or was it only a rumour?
Posts by Ralf
In last interview the sport director of Pomi said after hiring Radenkovic for setter position - two Italian middle blockers and one foreigner (Kakolewska)? Interesting...
Ma il presidente della VBC Massimo Boselli Botturi ha voluto fare il punto sulla “Pomì che verrà”: “Con Marco Gaspari – dice Boselli – abbiamo parlato fin da subito e lui mi ha chiesto come prima cosa che la squadra che andavamo a costruire fosse una squadra fisica e potente, questo vuol dire fare anche scelte di un certo tipo soprattutto nello starting six. Credo proprio che siamo riusciti a farle, anche nelle cosiddette seconde linee dove abbiamo cercato di mettere insieme un mix di centimetri, fisicità, esperienza e qualche beata gioventù. Abbiamo fatto la scelta di siglare ben sette contratti biennali o triennali perché crediamo in certe atlete e nella loro prospettiva futura, giocatrici di valenza internazionale. Sono convinto che in posto 4 e in posto 2 metteremo tanta fisicità, anche il palleggiatore, già navigata con esperienza internazionale, è una ragazza alta che rispecchia quella che secondo sarà la pallavolo del futuro. Abbiamo scelto anche un paio di ragazze che hanno doti particolari in ricezione e difesa perché credo che è da lì che dobbiamo ripartire per ricostruire il gioco della Pomì, ricezione, difesa e anche muro. Appunto abbiamo preso due centrali italiani e uno straniero, i tre posti che vedranno una giocatrice italiana in campo saranno il libero, un centrale e una banda con la possibilità del secondo palleggiatore italiano, questa infatti è stata la scelta…affideremo poi questo mix di atlete a coach Gaspari che sono sicuro riuscirà a fare del suo meglio.”
Marlena Plesnierowicz (setter of Polish NT) and Izabela Lemanczyk (libero) will not play next season for BKS Bielsko. The back up setter in Bielsko is young Julia Nowicka who is backing up Plesnierowicz in NT.
Nika Daalderop very close to Il Bisonte Firenze.
Good transfer for Il Bisonte. She is very talented and I hope she will shine like a diamond. On German forums they say that Michaela Mljenkova will be moving from Stuttgart to Poland for 2018/2019. The destination is yet known for the fans. We will see...
Skowronska - Dolata goes to Bergamo next season...she says to be happy to return to Italy.
Source: http://www.przegladsportowy.pl/siatkowka,kategoria,282.html
I do not understand polish. Is it just a rumor or something officiaal or at least close to official?
I know that Wolosz wants to stay in Busto and she has a contract with Busto.
Chemik has to pay a high penalty if they want wolosz. However I would prefer her to stay in Busto.
Wolosz said additionally in the interview she likes Busto and is happy there but it is clear for her that she will not play in CL next year and therefore considers this as a an important apsect in making the final decision about the team change. Skowronska said she would like to return to family and will consider the . On the other hand, she played in reception in Baku. No wonder that she did not perform accordingly. -
Good for them and strange decision form her. I mean she did pretty good in Montreux and with her club before so I expected playing in a better club and league
Schuschke-Voigt played there as middle blocker as well so might be that there is a good cooperation between German league/Czech league. Strange decision thought...as she had a chance to play in CL and this is not an incentive anymore. But we will see...any other transfers for Prostejov? And is Hippe fit again? -
is Kasprzak Opp or OH? i dont know her actulaly, can she help the team?
Well, she is a OH with very average reception and because of that she is often as OP on the court. However she used to play as OH in Poland, being able to replace the OP if needed. -
There was Japanese MB who was left handed.. Also there was a Cuban, only I can't remember if it was a girl or a boy
There is a left-handed MB in polish ORLEN Liga - Monika Naczk, 1,87 tall...will play next season in Ostrowiec. -
I checked the stats for the season 2010 and this is the outcome:Hana Cutura was a top scorer in Munster (points in one season) with average 4,53 points per set. Topic ranked 18th place with 303 points and 4,21 average points per set. Cutura played as OPP and Topic as OH and therefore was ranked in a reception at 8th place with perfect reception of 30,01 % which was a better result than Brinker, Thomsen.
Kauffeldt had a the best attack efficiency, achieving an average of 53,14% (110 kills in 207 attempts) but she is not present in the ranking for blockers. Might be a sign she is not so strong in block.
Hanke as expected very efficient in 2010 in service - made 47 points through serve ace.
It does not seem bad at all...however I am worried that Cutura should play in reception. I would see her rather as OPP, replacing Kaczor....who is a decent player.
Hallo Denise
Can anyone tell anything about the performance of Kauffeldt last season? She was in Italy but seems it was not such an easy good season for her and in NT roster does not have many chances to plaz against Schuschke and Furst. Anja Brandt is the third one, so Berit should be the fourth one...thanks. Mihajlovic in Impel? A little bit too expensive I guess... -
As far as I know Busto already has 5 foreign players? (Wołosz, Aelbrecht, Mitchel, Perry, Havelkova)
And Chemik will most likely have 4 foreign players and all of them are serbian players. Atoms roster is completed and Impel is of course an option, but they are a big secret until now.
If Impel is targeting the players like Kwiatkowska, I do not think they have budget for Hooker...and one thing. The alternative opposite player cannot be better than Kaczor...it is rather unconditionl as Kaczor has a STAR status in Wroclaw. -
Atom Trefl Sopot roster for season 2013/2014
Setter: Izabela Bełcik, Anna Kaczmar
MB: Zuzanna Efimienko, Justyna Łukasik, Maja Tokarska
Receiver: Charlotte Leys, Klaudia Kaczorowska, Deja McClendon, Jana Matiasovska
Attacker: Katarzyna Zaroślińska, Anna Podolec
Libero: Agata Durajczyk, Magdalena Kuziak
Coach: Lorenzo Michelli
Sound fine...anyone can tell me more about Matiaskova? Is she good in reception?
New setter in PTPS Pila - Katarzyna Nadzialek (former club Karpaty Krosno)
Kasia Połeć in Legionowo. It's going to be a very young team.
The most important move to do is to replace Kosmol as a trainer. Having a huge potential in the team, he has almost spoilt it last season. None of the players is able to move Legionowo up in the in the league if this coach stays on bench. -
Did you read something about it?Actually there are a lot rumours about the second foreigner of the team, maybe Onuma, Kozuch, Hooker and also Malagurski...let´s see...Of course, I know it but I guess, their moderators don't know this rule.
So basically do not understand the transfer strategy of Impel Wroclaw. Instead of keeping the best players to fight in the CL edition, the let the leaders leave the team and Dirickx, Brinker, Konieczna go to to other teams. Kwiatkowska as opposite might be enough for Challenge Cup.... -
Grabowski said that Impel never talked to Bosetti but he confirmed that they asked Werblińska and Havelkova but it's unlikely that it'll be possible to see them in team. It is almost certain that in Impel will see Sawicka and Kwiatkowska.
source http://www.wroclaw.sport.pl/sp…ki_wzmocnia__a_ktore.html
In mks Dąbrowa Górnicza we will have argentine and polish coaches.
source: facebook MKS Dąbrowa GórniczaBudowlani Łódź will have new sponsor, we will see someone well known as blocker, they still talking with Anna Podolec and with someone foreign. It's official that Zaroślińska chose another team.
source: http://www.lodz.sport.pl/sport…i_nowymi_siatkarkami.html
Respect for Impel if they want to compete with Kwiatkowska in the Champions League...she is weak attacker and did not perform well in last season, playing in Lodz. And this would be a higher level for her so I do not understand why they are considering this transfer and let Konieczna go. Anyway, I hope they do not want to hire a weaker attacker to let Kaczor play. everybody knows that Kaczor is a club's darling and can't be touched by anyone and will never be transferred unless she leaves the club on her own initiative. -
hmm, as a comment from OL, Chemik will be "the society of mutual admiration"
Sound like a plan to reactivate the European Champion 2003 and 2005 - I hope Radecka is not going to join this team. She is a schematic setter and is described as a very dominant one with less understanding for being the 2nd setter. And compared with Maja O. she would be definetely the second one. If this idea is true, they should also ask Bamber and Rosner to join the team -
Do you know where the semifinal and final of WORLD Championship Women will be held? I cannot find anywhere the information about host cities for this semifinal and final.