There is no if,healty and on their top russia is the best thats so clear
Good job italy congrats for your play
There is no if,healty and on their top russia is the best thats so clear
Good job italy congrats for your play
Look at the best team in the world which tries to get bronze medal thanks to referee
Yeah keep dreaming that brazil is the best a team which cant win WCH at least for 12 years,what a perfect team
You should be glad that gamova was not in her best otherwise russia would slap them as before they did
Btw brazil and italy have so many old players like what poland did and we see how poland is now.Brazil has good young players but what about italy,after they lose lo bianco,del core,costagrande,piccinini they would have a big blow.Especially ECH will be so hard for them.
The semifinalists of montreux tournament will play final match of WCH while the champion germany is nowhere,it shows perfectly how your stuff works anyway i loved the score of the last matches.As i said before brazil is not the best team for me no matter what their name says and we saw their capacity against good serves as yesterday and against turkey in group matches.Italy should be glad cause they r playing for a medal thanks to they r home.Otherwise this team cant be in top 6 in this tournament.But i wish them good luck on today match against brazil.They at least deserve bronze medal more than brazil
And i have to say that i loved how china played against italy.For years they have been playing as a fake european team style but it was completly an asian team on the court with great defences and blocks so italy couldnt handle with it.Really good job china hope u will get golden medal
Original article also means so muc thing but because u dont like it u try to act like there is no problem im not surprised though cause its typical for u Big congrats fürst for her brave and clear explanations. Already a normal person can see that there are so many wrong things in this current german team no matter what 'smarts' say
What should she say more to explain this tragedy? She mentioned that last grand prix was Tiefpunkt however u claimed its not important for german team cause they used it to prepare for WCH which is not true and she says it was a disaster She even says that there is no right communication between team and guidetti and he doesnt have the basic trust to his players
Its so clear that if germany goes on with guidetti there will be no success in ECH and world cup and no hope for qualify to rio 2016.But as we see germany wont go on so hope everything will be so mich better woth the new coach.
So we see who is the real SMART it seems so clear that there is a problem in german team and just an 'idiot' wants to go on this : germany already had been successful before guidetti and its no problem he leaves but a perfect thing for german team
This must be an obsession to make some snide remarks on Germany in EVERY post And just to remind you, Germany DOMINATED Belgium yesterday Belgium has been a much bigger disappointment than Germany this summer, I don't see how they "go on improving" when they were a hundred times better last year
So much people of facebook thinks like this and your thoughts cant change the truth.Germany had a horrible tournament and if they dont change the wrong things that will be worse.What happened your successfull big competition team? Explain this before you start argue with the truth.
Belgium compete almost the first time in this competiion and they completed it at 10th place this is awesome.Its not like as germany came for medal and finished ot at 9th with being slapeed almost in every crucial match
Big congrats to belgium they beat croatia 3-1 which germany lost 3-2 eventhough they had to win it
Belgium is going on improving hope they will be so much better
Analyse like they did after grand prix for WCH there is nothing left to analyse,their game style is enough for being in top 10 but never will be eneough for medal candidate or going to olympic games.Doing same thing and expectimg differemt result is the most useless thing i have ever heard.No matter what kozuch says guidetti doesnt believe he can make a big success with his tactics with this team
Italia has nothing special,they just have experience but they r old team if tournament wasnt in italy this team couldnt reach final 6.i dont think they will get medal
Still i believe russia is the biggest candidate for golden medal and hope they will get it
Btw i really cheer for russia today,go russia to the final 6
If OG qualification is such important for germany they should have played so much better wha do u expect,dominic will help your useless team im not surprised as u think like this cause u even dont understand how perfcet country germany is to live
Germany deseves so much better team as in football and i hope they will get it
eventually the END of this tragic team.Thanks guidetti for what u have done for this team,i dont thnik that he will go on cause he also realized tha he cant help this team anymore.There are so many wrong things in this team but also in german league.You cant expect big success when u full lots of useless foreing players and leep german ones in bench for gettin worse
I hope DVV finds an asian coach which fits perfect german team,and hope to see aggressive,powerful team
Btw big congrats to belgium for qualify 2nd round.Now their way is easier dominic,germany,croatia are ok teams to beat for them and hope they also take points from italy which they have beaten with 3 points last year
still medal chance ? Please first try to do normal attacking even weaker teams do easily,and then learn volleyball is not just serving abilty,if u cant attack u start the second round at 8th place.
Izquierdo and brandt should be happy that they didnt participate this tragic team,i hope japan,china and belgium beat them 3-0 with funny scores cause otherwise this stupidty will go on until rio 2016 qualification
A german facebook user made a perfect summerize for this current team- kindergarten
Exactly there is no need more words to explain this
Truth hurts, what?
Indeed bartek u r more realistic than most of them ,he thought he would see perfect team,he talked so many times about it big competitions exct but the truth is unfortunately really different as u see
Matthias it doesnt work get angry about my comments,think whats wrong with your lovely team instead of complaining about my comments dear volley authority
25-10 in third set and 17-6 in fourth shows that there is a big problem in german game.if u claim u are a medal candidate before the tournament u cant play such weak.Im angry cause guidetti is not the right person for german team.He usually good at tactics but when opponent knows how to beat this he just watches the game.After first set bonitta totally slapped germany with diouf and del core,it was the same in grand prix.After germany was leading 2-0 diouf came and turned the game 3-2 for italians .And guidetti still doesnt know how to stop her.And i cant believe how weak fürst plays sometimes.It is for sure diouf couldnt make the point but fürst jumps and ball hits her and fell down on german side,i have seen this so many times,same as against neriman,saori,nagaoka :And please no more complain about kozuch,she is the only reliable and valuable thing in this german starting line up. She is always ready in crucial moments but for sure she cant make miracle by her own.And setter position is a huge mess in this team.I cant believe how apitz turns a such an amateur in hard moments.Especiallu her sets to middle is usually so low
U cut the most reliable attacker izquierdo and good middle brandt without reason and still take useless beier and unexperienced silge.Germany is compete with themselves and there are so many wrong things in this team.Losing 12 times in a row russia,always losing in important matches against dominic,cant beat japan,china and now korea means so much thing.i think guidetti is done for germany and germany is done for guidetti.There is nothing left to giving each other.With this game style Rio 2016 is also impossible so hope DVV makes a good choice.And i have to say that saying dürr is a good libero after watching de gennaro,gizem and castillo is a libero should have good reception and defence skills
Anyway i think for germany WCH is over and i dont see succsess being in top 10 so i wont make any comments about german team anymore.
The biggest surprise is dominic so far,seems they can handle in hard moments and have better tactics.If they beat or takes points from italy they will have good chance in being third round.
My top six russia,serbia,brazil,china,italy and dominic
What an horrible match for germany italia just slapped them and they lost a set 25-10 i think its embrassing It doesnt mean anything beating tunusia or argentina with 3-0 u have to show your quality in hard matches and germany couldnt so it so far.
A user claimed germany alwasy play so much better in big competitions but as we see its not right.
Probably tomorrow they beat croatia with 3 points but losing italia without taing point means they r out from 3rd round cause with this game they cant beat china,japan and even belgium
Holland wasted a big chance by giving third set when they had set point ,congrats russia
For germany-italy match i hope germans dont play with fear and take 2 sets at least if they get 3 points it would be perfect
Netherlands was leading 24-22 and lost the set 27-25