Posts by sheilla13

    Great for her! I am sure she will develop her game much with Rezende
    Soooo happy for her :D

    What about Fofao, she will play another season in Uniliver? It would be great to play with such a great setter

    She is originally OH, she played only last season as OPP. If they want to convert her to OH (and I'm sure they do) now is the right time, cause later she will have much problems with reception. She can do all that Lukic can in reception. That also hapend to Bjelica, when they tried to return her to OH, it was to late.

    That's true. Although, perhaps some would, there's no harm checking out with them if they're interested
    I do think it would be a good idea to include players who didn't play a lot in their teams this year, like Klisura and Malagurski. It would be awful for Sanja to spend the entire summer sitting on the bench with the NT, if she's still not completely ready to compete with the big girls. She never will be unless she has a chance to play herself into form.
    Maybe Radenkovic even, if both Ognjenovic and Antonijevic decide to play on NT this year.

    I'm not sure Serbia is going to participate. :S I haven't heard anything. I know the handball team will compete.

    I agree with you. Radenkovic for sure. What do you think, which player will be called from our league?
    You are always faster than me :D

    I am not sure that we are going to play there. if I remember correctly, we haven't played on the last contest either. IMO useless competition.

    I don't think we'll have much use of this competition, to be honest. It would make sense to have youngsters like Busa and the gang play it, but they will play the Junior WCh instead. I don't see anyone else from the Serbian league who could make an impact and challenge for a spot on A team. But at least some players will be able to say that they've played on the NT. :D

    Hm maybe some players from 92/93 generation? Like Savic, Stevanovic. They are good but their position is the strongest in our NT so they will not have a real chance there. I'd like to see Klisura too

    Aleksandar Vladisavljev will be the coach of the team that will play Euroleague. We are going to play Euroleague with B team and it is said that we will play with B team whole tournament.
    Thanks Good, Terzic finally realised that same 12 players can't play on a high level all tournaments, because of that we always had poor results on most important competitions.

    Preparations will start on 20. May, the roster is still unknown

    isnt Çikiriz a tall girl? i dont think its good for the team to play her as tall is Boskoviç?
    btw, why does Çikiriz have a different surname ? :whistling:

    Cikiriz is 193. Why do you think it isn't good for the team? With her as OH we have advantage in all aspects of the game, plus we don't lose anything. Boskovic is 191.
    About her surname, it isn't tipical serbian surname, but it is serbian, if you refer to that. It's not so rare that someone has surname that doesn't end with IĆ, just look at this roster there are 5 girls whose surname it's not tipical- Lozo, Kubura, Busa, Canak and Cikiriz

    So Serbia and Brazil played two friendly games, in first match Brazil won 3-2 and in second Serbia won 3-2

    Here is the boxscore of the first match

    Boxscore from second match
    Boskovic :obey: She is 3 years younger than her teammates. I personaly would like to see starting line up with Mirkovic-Boskovic, Trnic-Popovic, Busa-Cikiriz. I can only imagine our attack with this line up :cheesy: Every girl in this line up is great attacker, only Popovic is something weaker but she is very important for our block. I don't see any advantage that Lukic has over Cikiriz. Cikiriz played the whole season as OH. Lukic is nothing better than her in reception and Cikiriz is way match better than her in attacking, blocking.

    Much harder than expected, at one point Zvezda was losing 1-2 in the final series and had to play away, but they managed to pull through.

    Not a brilliant season by any means. They are the champions mostly because the competition was quite weak, but if the young team of Vizura stays together they can overtake them in the future.
    It's time for Bjelica to move on. Nikolina Lukic had a very disappointing season, I expected much better things for her. Ljubica Kecman had some decent perforrmances.

    As for Spartak, the 18 year old MB Jelena Trnic looks like a good potential.

    Trnic is deffinitly for me impression from final series, I mean she played in second league 2 years ago and now she plays on this level :obey: Great job by Spartak's scouting- and yesterday Marijana Boricic said that no one knew her in youth categories, of course she didn't know her cause she doesn't look players outside Belgrade, only the once who are playing in superleague are on her radar apart from Belgrade. I think Trnic has more potential than Mina Popovic.
    Well I am satisfied with this season, I think it was better than last one because more teams were competative and quality of setters was better than last year's (not in all teams but overall yes) and that reised league's level. Also we had only one team that fell apart- Varadin and last season we had two. Surely that ldeparture of young players is loss, but in general I think that this season was notably better than last one.

    ,Which players who played in Junior ECh are absent and which players are newbies in the team :teach:

    Compared to last year ECH all players are invited, new are Sara Lozo she is 97 born OH, she played in youth ECH, Tijana Boskovic is also new, she is 97 born OPP/OH, she didn't play on youth ECH because her papers weren't ready. And another change compared to JECH is that Aleksandra Stepanovic is back after injury

    Yes, she had to make a surgery. She made an arthroscopy in meniscus :( In theory she would come back now in playoffs, but I dont know If that will be possible.

    Poor Sara, she is very unlucky with injuries. She had chronic shoulder injury, I tought it came back :S .If she hadn't that many injuries she could be now very usefull player for Serbian NT

    Why is Klisura out? Another injury?