Posts by alirrrrrr


    I died of laughing. (Forgive me again it wasn't Hitler xD) ! WHY? :(

    Marko Podrascanin wrote on Zatorski's page laughing emoticon and get
    attacked by Iranians that they will kill his mother or something like
    that. :lol: OMGGGGGGGGG

    :D :D :thumbsup:
    Guys, I post a comment here after a long time. These kinds of behaviors in social media became a kind of healthy and costless fun ! :D for a group of emotional youngsters. However, a group of other people try to express that "they are sorry for..." to the attacked person.
    By the way, I remember that around a half of hour after the game, Kubiak's page on Instagram were flooded with our people :D
    Excuse me, I just checked since I did guess hi will be attacked by us. That is a joke more than seriousness for attackers.

    By the way, I liked the brawls among players at the end of the match, which makes some fun for us. (;

    Congratulation to Poland with showing a good performance proof that they are qualified to be in top 6 :flower: . Although I'm quite sad for this miss ;( , I should mention that Polish players were fantastic in this game specially in serve!

    You know it seems that tensions between players are tensions but supporters from other countries have big fun of it, some of them maybe are jelaous at what volleyball level we are and want to provoke by anonymous accounts. After yesterday moderator's reaction I started to think like this. I don't know much about difficult situation in Iran but i read many interviews how our players can't log in into facebook, into normal international sites, also some Polish sport sites are banned so how come so many Iranians are here...

    What was the impolite behavior of teammate that causes your problems with other teams? Do you mean he threat before Iran-USA match?

    Yeah, you're right. Unfortunately, we have limitation in using some websites because Internet have been filtered. For example, Facebook, Youtube, porn websites and some websites which are regareded inappropriate for people... But as you know majority of Iranians have Facebook, Google Plus accounts (by proxies, though, I don't know whether you familiar with it or not). This website is not filtered but if they were going to filter this, Iranians would able to be there by proxies.
    Yeah, I meant, the behavior of your captain(I think) in the first or second game of the Poland vs. Iran match in Poland which caused to receive a red card for both Musavi and him.

    Yeah, I do not agree with Marouf's behavior but this was not as impolite as you talk about it .Please remember Luis Suarez biting in the Football Worlcup match! I do not agree with the way you talk about us as well!
    This game is important but please keep calm and just watch the match nothing more.
    Dear Polish fans please try not to tell that we have the same problem with other Teams like USA. I know we had the same tension which was happened by impolite behavior of your teammate!! I don't know how you didn't remember that!
    The more important thing is that because of sensitivity of game between Iran and Poland this year tensions kept hot.

    Best player rankings:
    Intercontinental -> Intercontinental Group 1 /2 /3 -> Competition -> Statistics

    Match statistics:
    First, select the match, e.g.: Intercontinental -> Intercontinental Group 1 /2 /3 -> Match Schedule -> Click "Match Centre" of the target match
    Then go to Match Statistics by Team

    Thank you, it worked :)

    Oh thanks. Do you mean low blood pressure, and he felt dizzy?

    I could feel the big difference when he's not on court. He's so important offensively for the team, when he's in good shape!

    I don't know what was his exact injury, but he told that "I felt there was no oxygen in the hall and my heart beat went up as well as I was dizzy"

    From what I could understand, the long pause at 11:9 for Iran in the 5th set started with Antiga's accusation of Gholami's foot fault during service -- stepping on the (extended) side line. The second referee tried to confirm with the first referee whether it could be challenged, and got the response "no". It'd be good if someone could confirm what's happening.

    This is an interesting catch from Antiga. Without checking the regulations, I think players are supposed to be within the 9m region defined by the extended side lines when they contact the ball during service. However, I've never seen a single rally in which players are fouled by this violation.

    What I think is that a scenic role was played by Antiga and he showed that he's quite skillful to handle a tough situation in order to change everything for his team.
    He apparently knew that nothing was happened in the game and just tried to get a long cessation in the last set since, as you told Gholami who was at serves at did a good job there this technique could make a positive situation for Poland(in my mind). Antiga was able to stop the game around 10 min or more without getting any time-out and unfortunately the referees specially the second one were not qualified enough for this such game and they just try to convince Antiga and what a ridiculous performance that was sown by the second referee that he almostly talk with all players of the match and the supervisor of the match in the last step! :)) Consequently, it made Iranian players unhappy so that you can find some videos of their anger in the worldofvolley website...
    Fortunately, Gholami did his good performance in serving again and it obliges Antiga to get a time-out... After the game he mentioned that this is his right to get a challenge. Actually, he didn't mentioned that he keep badgering and discussing with the second referee around 10 minutes or more. Honestly, I've never seen such a weak judge before.

    Again so radiculous saying by furious people that fans won about 13 tough matches in world championship for Poland. 60000 people were at each of match? Yes if someone is trying to underestimate team world champion is frustrate.
    If bunch of Iranians are threatening they are going to smash each team with olympic, world champion or world league title (Poland has two of them) and some agressive comments they start to write don't be surprised you are getting so fast answer. No one fan of successive team will allow you to do that. If you have such problems with your memory maybe looking at wikipedia would help you to know what succeses Polish NT had before even became world champion.

    OK then,
    You know what, you didn't get what the problem is. As I told before, "I have a special respect for the team Poland, they totally didn't have any stress in the Azadi court". But having respect for each other is another issue that should be considered by all of us regardless of where we have been living. I've ever never let myself to talk about a nation, culture of which, people of which, civilization is held there.... and then decide that,yes, they are shameful, and they should be prohibited to play at their home!...
    I do believe that Poland have had a great bright background in the Volleyball history and no one could tell that this is not correct, but I do not believe that it could be used as a guarantee to blame other teams specially Iran who is going to be the new world power in the volley ball world. Being an advocator deserves respect but being a polite person whenever we are mad at something or unhappy with something is more commendable.
    To sum up, though I hope to attain one another winning to be qualified for the next round in a rivalry atmosphere against Poland, I would accept the lose if we were the loser of the match not to express some hateful comments against the rivals. :wavy:

    Honestly, my mind has drastically been changed about the Polish fans!
    I don't know, why are they talk about other dimensions of the game! not about the game!
    I invite you to see this page and read the comments of Polishes and Iranians and just try to be fair to judge...
    I don't know what's in their minds that let them to attack against a nation...…how-and-win-for-iran.html
    Guys please be polite and not talk in the loser mood... It's just a game, nothing else...
    It made me quite hopeless for having a short trip to Poland...

    I'm so dissappointed from you guys(polish).
    You always try to bundle everything together in order to say that you lose a game because of something else... Just accept your lose!
    Yay, I'm really happy for our fans in the court if you are mad at them...You guys brought 60000 fan at the court and took the world championship and still talk again about the noise!!?
    Some polish members here just try to express that Iran is an insecure place and Iranian are some Terrorists. Shame on you...

    What a game!
    I have a special respect for Poland...They haven't had any stress and it was surprising for me.
    Mirzajanpour showed that his attendance is quite vital for the team...Iran have set 1,4 and 5 that he was playing.
    In a word I'm really happy that we are still hopeful for the next round :super: :thumbsup:

    Do not forget that Spraw has been told both by USA Volleyball and the US government prior to this trip, "Do Not Say Anything Negative About Your Time in Iran, while in the country."
    It is a common thing to remind people when traveling abroad, the cultural norms are different than those of our own. Just observe and take mental notes. (I traveled in China and felt very uncomfortable when not with friends to talk about things that looked strange)
    Additionally, some countries promote open and free discussions (does not mean people agree). Additionally freedom of the press and broadcasting enables people to criticize their governments and officials to be a watchdog for when things are done wrong.
    If Spraw or any American player said something negative about the trip, the Iranian government could have throw them in jail. It is much easier to complain, when you know you will not go to jail.
    I am glad that I live in a free country, where I can state my opinion without government retribution.

    But they have not been told to "tell something positive about Iran". right? Spraw talk about Iranian more than the game...Do you think that Iranian are comfortable in attending in the USA. I have to wait around 8 to 10 months for getting an American Visa . It is a both sided problem...
    The American players would not have been arrested even they told something bad about Iran... it's a big exaggeration. I do not know why you think in this way :-)

    The reason we come to this site is that we love the sport of volleyball. We may complain about our team (which ever team you follow) or players. Some of this is based on truth (the results of matches or statistics) and some of this is on personal bias (Growing up in the states, I am a USA fan and after living in Japan, I am a Japanese fan). This site is open for discussion, which is a good thing for all of us. :win:

    As you told, this is a sport forum...though I have a lot of reasons and stories to express about all have been written by you, I do not want to discuss out of the topic areas... I also think that everybody has the right to have a presumption about everything...
    Just for mentioning, I'm one of those who agree with the idea of banning my national team in order to change the rules for woman...
    I also suggest you to have a trip to Iran to sense the facts and evaluate your information here experimentally. :)

    All what you saying is plastic courtesy from one or several citizens. You let these people rule your country. And who are you trying to convince that your guests after such situation feel well-welcomed? What would you feel when you wake up at match day and before game you found out about these threats? Would you play as you can? Would you be fully concentrated? It's not justification, it's normal defensive reaction who wants to focuse only on match and want to live in peace but must play with such thoughts. In normal countries such threating causes prison but will Iranian goverment catch this group? Well, i doubt if they listened them and do what they want. Really don't want to argue with you because single person can not overthrow this regime. But i can worry if my national team will come after such situation and it's easier to ignore this for supporters whose national team doesn't need to come there in near future.

    I know what you are thinking about which is affected by Media shows, but you should try to think about us fairly.
    Iran is the safest country in the region, as safe as our neighbor Turkey....Iran is well-developed but with such problems which have been happened by some ridiculous rules or decisions.
    On the other side, it also have been happened for the US figure in the majority of Iranian medias as well. But Iranian are aware of what is the fact since they can feel what is being happened for them(sanctions, inflation,...) but in the US side, I think that the majority of people don't care about politic.
    Yeah, I'm one of those who are really mad at some rules that is being regarded in my country but I do not have any power to change these measures...
    Iranians are not as same as some Arab countries to be done some unreasonable wars or murders as they do!... we are such more peaceful than what you think...We do not want to attain something with rage...
    Again, I can imagine what's your feeling, but you do not familiar with all the situations or facts. Please come here once at least, I'm pretty sure that your mind will be changed...As it did for everyone who came here.

    The last comment of Spraw on Iran as one of those:
    Speraw on Iran and his message to Americans: "My first impression was that everyone here has been incredibly hospitable. Everyone has been very nice. They have gone out of their way to make sure that we had really nice experience here. I think we have enjoyed it tremendously. We had the opportunity to get out into the city one day. We went to the [Milad Tower] and learning a little more about Tehran, and I think that is good for us. We went to a nice lunch on the hills. I think we wanted to do those things because I think we are all aware that the portrait of the relationship between Iran and the United States is inaccurate in the media. Probably on both sides, my guess. I think, what I know and have known from spending time with Iran and the United States both last year and this year is that the relationship between the people is not reflective of the relationship between our governments and that the Iranian people are wonderful people and have treated us kindly. I think we have shown the same because America is a wonderful country with wonderful people too. Yes, it a great place, so the message we would bring back is this: it was a great trip and we look forward to coming here again. And I think we have much better understanding of what the environment is both inside the arena and outside."
    Ref: FIVB world league website.