Posts by Tinyscrooge

    CVA management ruined the best generation of Chinese players in my opinion. Tokyo should have benched Zhu because she was too injured to be effective in any way. Playing her might have exacerbated her wrist injury. Paris already ended before they started because they kept a bird brain coach who have not shown anything this cycle. Zhang Changning might be the most under utilized talented player in history. I just felt bad for the players because they deserved better.

    so sad to see ZT playing through pain. All those funny faces while playing Turkey is likely pain from her wrist when she hits/blocks and Vargas is hammering it hard every time.
    CB just ruined the entire tournament. Ironically being in the top of the pool got them Turkey and US got Poland. (Not that Poland is a bad team but China might have gone into SF based on their track record)

    Like why bring ZCN when you don’t trust her to play. Bringing her on as a serve sub???? What a waste! Considering her service reception, which China really needed in that game, he could have let her sub in for ZT. Not only the game against Turkey, but France and Serbia. I hope to not see CB near the NT again.
    do all those assistant coaches and trainer on the benches not a have say in any of the decision making during the game? Is it all CB and whoever he’s taking directions from?

    I guess it’s probably best to stop here and not proceed any further to save more of their players from injury. I doubt they had any chance against Italy anyways.
    I hope Wu MJ will continue her quest for the next Olympics as I think everyone else seems to be retiring since they will be considered “old” for the next one.

    I hope CB is able to give ZT a rest playing Turkey by bringing in ZCN. She played well against Turkey in VNL.
    WYY and Gong are impressive these last games. Wishing they can push the team through to the SF. One game! Let’s go!

    This France game would have been a good opportunity to rest the main players and give a chance for bench players to shine.
    I guess not.
    everytime Zhu goes for a hit- my thought was I hope she doesn’t injure herself!
    looking at how the other teams are playing, ie. ITA,Turkey, Brazil, China really needs her if they want to medal.

    I’ve only watched Gao Yi in VNL and she was just average. (Limited games)

    I actually prefer Yang Hanyu as MB as she is a bit more unpredictable. She’s reminds me of WYY who has improved significantly. I’m surprised she wasn’t picked for the Olympic roster instead.

    It’s sad that if any of the core players are not able to play, there are no options as most are on the bench and have no international experience as a team.
    do most teams usually bring 1 Libero?

    What happens if WMJ can’t play?

    I agree, ZYX should not play OP and is not needed in Paris.

    I just finished watching the turkey game and I think this was by far the best showing from China in this VNL. They certainly have great hitters and blockers but the difference in this game was great ball reception and passing. I’m glad to see ZCN back playing that important role. She was a great addition to start each set. (CB’s strategy is to put her in when the team is behind 8-10points and that clearly did not give her a chance to succeed as by that time, there is no momentum) I think she adds much needed chemistry on the court. I missed her and I think the team did too.

    There is massive corruption in Chinese pro sports for years now. Recently head of table tennis was arrested. He tried to get rid of Liu Guoliang. I think something is similarly happening in women's volleyball right now. Men's sports, especially soccer and basketball, players who got money can buy their way to get a roster spot. I think CVA is no different, when women's volleyball brings in the most money in women's sports.

    doesn’t surprise me. Look at WYL- you can play like that and still secure starter position?? I wonder how this corruption is exposed? Whistleblower? What does it take?

    I don’t see this team being a medal contender at the Olympics. After watching the Japan game, this China team is unrecognizable. There is no fire, no communication and it looks like half of them don’t want to be there. ZT doesn’t even want to take a team photo with her team!

    Not sure what is going on in the locker room.
    Cai Bin can bring all the previous players back but that isn’t going to change anything if they are not well utilized.

    When ZT was interviewed at the end of the game, the commentator asked what is the strategy moving forward. She said: I don’t know. Ask the coach.

    Does he even have a strategy? According to the players, even they don’t know.

    The other rumor is that Zhang Chang-ning might be still a substitute player this season. The three main wing spikers will still be Wu Meng-jie, Wu Han (or Tang Xin) and Gong Xiang-yu (or Zhou Ye-tong).

    well she was off for almost 2 years, I’m not sure if she has fully recovered/in her previous fitness level, so that’s understandable. I hope this would be a good stepping stone for her to return back to the NT next year though!