Olympic 2012

  • Hi everyone! Does anyone know where can i download the USA vs CHINA match? I found the link in youtube but i was not able to download the game even if i have a youtube downloader.

    I think the IOC later on realize that the videos could be downloaded because the first few matches can easily be downloaded in HD using Easy YouTube Video Downloader, so the final matches was in some way protected to avoid download. (here's the link for the program http://www.bestvideodownloader.com/) Thanks in advance! God bless! :drink:

    By the way, you can use the downloader for downloading some of the preliminary games during London 2012. Hope this works for you guys.

  • I've collected almost all matches but still looking for high-res video of the followoing matches:

    South Korea Vs USA (preliminary)

    Brazil Vs Japan

    Brazil Vs Serbia

    Italy Vs Japan

    USA Vs China

    hmmm... actually, it seems I still have a long way to go :D anyway...

    it'd be great if we can share them by torrent-prefereable- or in other way.

    thanks in advance~

  • Friends :D! I have a problem. Mainly, i'm looking for matches between Japan vs Dominican Republic, Brazil, Algiera, Great Britain and Korea. Files which you share on these websites are not availlable. So, I will be so gratefull if you'll upload these matches again! Please! ;( ;( ;(!