Posts by brahmin

    Can somebody explain to me the Sense of the "World Cup"... ??

    After season start in European league, Players have to leave again... Clubs are paying a lot of Money , why don`t they do anything against it...

    World Cup is the first qualifying tournament for the Olympics. In the past the tournament was in late October and November. FIVB is trying to work within club schedules this time.

    Final 6 Possibilities

    Serbia, win versus Germany, they advance to Final 6, a loss and they are eliminated
    Japan, win versus Thailand in less than 5 sets and Serbia must lose to advance
    Germany, win versus Serbia in 3 or 4 sets and the following:

    • Japan lose to Thailand, advance automatically 4 wins to 3 wins for Serbia and Japan or
    • Japan beats Thailand in 5 sets, Germany and Japan tied on wins, but Germany wins match points tiebreaker 13-12 over Japan

    When I saw the group breakout before the Final 6 started, I was a little surprised. The Pool winners from the Intercontinental round are in the same pool? Plus, the Group 2 Winner, have they seen France this year and last year?
    So, Brazil basically screwed themselves, put all of the hard teams in our Pool. If Serbia or Italy was in their group, they would have won a match and probably gotten to the semifinals.

    The FIVB should have put the group winners in opposite pools of the Final 6, and the 2nd place teams from the Intercontinental round be in the other pool, so Poland would not play USA and Serbia not play Brazil in the round robin. Italy and Group 2 Winner would be drawn to place them into a Pool.

    FIVB usually gives the host a chance to pick who they want to play and when. Japanese women usually arrange to play their toughest match last in their tournaments. Hopefully by having a better record to encourage TV viewership.

    Quoted from "haisheng226"
    I'm happen to be in Japan in the first week of September, where can I purchase tickets to the game?

    Sorry I only know of this link and it's in Japanese only

    Also, you can buy it in English here. Only with General Admission Tickets though.
    English site

    If you go to Lawson, a competitor to 7-Eleven, they sell tickets in their store through a service called Lawson Ticket (Low-Chike).

    Print out this page and take it with you to the store for help. Joshi for women (shown first), Danshi for men (then men's tournament second) on the page
    Lawson World Cup Ticket page

    Make sure you know which date of the games that you want to attend.

    First match starts at 12:00 and your ticket is good for all three matches.

    If you are in Tokyo, they are playing at the Yoyogi National Stadium by Harajuku station. Japan will be playing in the final game at 19:00.

    There are 3 ticket levels, Arena Reserved = 10,000 yen, Stand Reserved = 6,800 yen and General Admission = 3,000 yen

    Tickets for the August 22 (Sat) and 23 (Sun) are sold out. August 24 (Mon) have General Admission only. August 26 (Wed) have some Stand Reserved and General Admission. August 27 (Thurs) has more Stand Reserved and General Admission available.

    I wanna ask a question here. There are some rumors ongoing is Iran that FIVB is considering some changes of rules, like changing the height of the net to 2.50 or changing 3 meters line to 4 meters line. how serious are these changes and what consequences it will have?

    The net height will probably not be changed. That would have to implemented all over the world, and most of the net systems that are sold do not go that high.

    As for the back row line, that one is more possible just because repainting the court does not cost that much to do. However, it needs to be used as a demonstration somewhere to see whether it works. The biggest thing is are you taking away a scoring opportunity by setting the ball farther back?

    I think that the net rule will be changed back to the last version (when hitting the net without making a play for the ball equals no foul) at some point.

    XDD, the only definition of FIVB what is "fair" is derived from what is "profitable"

    FIVB needs to be profitable, which means having the biggest playing countries on the highest levels of the sport. The FIVB is known to constantly change the sport to try to make it better.

    I am not saying that these changes are for the good of the game, testing 21 point sets, changing the playing system annually for the World League, while adding more teams to the mix.

    Right now only one team can move up per Group, which is really crazy, even with the 16 team World League, 2 or 3 teams would come in or out.

    It needs to be consistent for a 4 year period, that way the fans do not get confused.

    Iran federation president announced that FIVB suggested that next year edition group 1 will be held in 3 pools! and the format will be like group 3 where all countries travel to a country for the matches and World league will finish in 1 month (3 weeks preliminary round and 1 week final) this will be decided in the World League committee in 15th August.

    Reasoning for the 1 month is with the Olympics coming, they want to shorten the season for the World League. It will be similar to 2012, all teams play 3 matches against the 3 other teams in each group in one weekend. Only 4 weekends to get the Intercontinental Round complete.

    All of the current Group 1 teams will remain. Russia will not be sent to Group 2.

    Group 2 winner will advance to Group 1 anyways.
    France will be promoted even without winning Group 2
    Bulgaria probably goes up, Canada probably as well and Belgium or Netherlands.

    FIVB could just take all of the group 2 pool winners.

    Winner of USA vs. Poland match takes Pool B.

    In Group 2, Pool C, Canada must hope that Argentina loses both matches to make the final 4. Canada has more match points, but they are tied on wins and just one will put Argentina into the Final 4.

    Can Russia get a win and keep themselves in Group 1? I really doubt it right now. As I've said before the FIVB will change the number of teams in Group 1 next year to 12 to prevent Russia from dropping down. France should not have been in Group 2 this year, which such a dominating performance only losing 1 point from the maximum in their 11 matches so far.

    Group 1
    With Poland win, USA is guaranteed a spot in Final 6. Iran cannot catch them on wins, and if they did, they cannot catch them on points.
    Poland can clinch a spot next week with 1 win against USA.
    Iran will need to win both matches and Poland must lose both matches in less than 5 sets. Poland has the head to to head tie breaker against Iran with 3 wins to 1 win.

    Pool A is over except for the positioning.

    Group 2
    Pool C
    Canada is screwed with all of the 5 set losses, they lead on points, but will lose on wins
    Argentina needs Bulgaria to lose today to control their destiny. Otherwise they've got to sweep Bulgaria next week.
    Bulgaria is leading 2-1 over Cuba right now, but they control their destiny if they win out.

    Pool D
    France has clinched the pool

    Pool E
    Belgium takes the pool with one win
    Netherlands takes the pool with a sweep of Belgium next week

    Do not forget that Spraw has been told both by USA Volleyball and the US government prior to this trip, "Do Not Say Anything Negative About Your Time in Iran, while in the country."
    It is a common thing to remind people when traveling abroad, the cultural norms are different than those of our own. Just observe and take mental notes. (I traveled in China and felt very uncomfortable when not with friends to talk about things that looked strange)
    Additionally, some countries promote open and free discussions (does not mean people agree). Additionally freedom of the press and broadcasting enables people to criticize their governments and officials to be a watchdog for when things are done wrong.
    If Spraw or any American player said something negative about the trip, the Iranian government could have throw them in jail. It is much easier to complain, when you know you will not go to jail.
    I am glad that I live in a free country, where I can state my opinion without government retribution.

    If Spiridonov was talking then it may be a different story.

    During the cold war between the USA and USSR, often the political challenges did not turn out well. The political rivalry was then promoted into sports, USA vs. USSR in basketball, ice hockey, track, etc. Do not forget about India and Pakistan in cricket.
    The 1998 World Cup match between USA and Iran was built as a political battle, but it was just a sports battle. The volleyball matches again, just a sports battle.

    On this site and in my studies (lived in Japan for 1 year, graduate school with Chinese, Thai, Taiwanese students) and travels (UK, India, China, Singapore, Brazil), I have learned that there are many cultural differences, but you need to observe what commonalities we as humans have and try to work with those to make connections to people with different backgrounds than my own.

    The reason we come to this site is that we love the sport of volleyball. We may complain about our team (which ever team you follow) or players. Some of this is based on truth (the results of matches or statistics) and some of this is on personal bias (Growing up in the states, I am a USA fan and after living in Japan, I am a Japanese fan). This site is open for discussion, which is a good thing for all of us. :win:

    Strange times, the times when I see Russian team so hopeless and actually it's kind of heartbreaking ?( I don't think Voronkov will enjoy his job for a long...

    Mika and Zatorski looked a bit like run out of energy. I wonder how long Kurek will keep his pace, I hope he can make it before guys we'll be finally back home. Our journey lasts so long and we still have some deadly games to play in Iran ahead :S
    About last matches, I think that it's still our strength that we have such reserves. Buszek proved his value, I'm still waiting for Bednorz to debut. Bieniek never stops amaze me, while Nowakowski annoys me somehow.
    And one thing really made me confused. It was so cool to see Gacek on court and I understood that substitution 'cause it totally wasn't Zatorski's day. Why did he come back then, if Gacek did much better this day? I put a lot of trust in Antiga's choices and decisions but this move was a failure for me. Because when I see Kubiak covering Zatorski something is just not right :huh: Ah, and speaking about Kubiak he should chill a bit. Just a little bit. To fight your corner and a team spirit is one thing, habitual arguing is another. And if we talk about impulsive players I really can't believe how much Kurek changed. He seems to be so different. Still a beast enjoying every single point scored but somehow he's calm and mature.

    I saw you guys were discussing Iran's case here. I missed such a discussion! Don't want to open the closed topic but I wouldn't be myself not adding anything ;) I see everyone has a different opinion about who is and who isn't on a list of top teams. I think that it's actually good thing that we can't close this list and define its borders. The thing is today's volleyball provides us with a lot of changes and twists. Once you're at the top and suddenly you reach the bottom. Very masochistic thought but sometimes you should reach the bottom - comeback is more spectacular then. If Iran is among the best teams? I don't know, I wouldn't put any team there 'cause as for today I can't define what the "top" is. Maybe I'm not the biggest fan of Iranian team but for sure what they bring to worldwide volleyball is something like fantasia in everyday or exoticness in winter. Something what reminds me Argentina few years ago when they did catch up the best and kind of stays here, even if they don't play in "elite" until today. Simply, I'm glad they make the game even more exciting.

    FIVB stood strong before on this issue, but then waffled, "Iran had already been in Group 1, we can't penalize them, but we won't permit them in other events until the ban on women is lifted." This was just stupid. The final schedules had not even been set up last year, but the FIVB couldn't say, we can move one team up from Group 2 and then one up from Group 3, and then pick another country from one confederation. We're good to go for 2015.

    Instead, we have this joke. Women going to the match, and then not being allowed in. FIVB needs to drop the hammer. Iran cannot go to Asian Championships and therefore cannot go to World Cup. I am saying this because Graca can see what has happened to Blatter at FIFA. Graca presidency looks shaky given the Brazilian newspapers and the reversion of the rules (net touching, wins being the first tiebreaker (why have match points then?, potential for 21 sets, etc.).

    Iran has played well to get where they are in the World, but men in shorts will not tempt women from loving this sport and them wanting to see it in person at a high level.
    Additionally, the FIVB was just dumb to put Iran and the USA in the same group. I could understand Russia and USA (both high level teams and some Americans do play in Russia), but this was just asking for trouble. At least when it is at the World Championships or Olympics, it is through a draw or the serpentine system. But the FIVB actually selected to put them in the same group.

    Wednesday 17 June 2015
    5th Place Semifinals
    10:00 : Morocco 3-0 Botswana (25-22, 25-22, 25-12)
    12:00: Tunisia 3-0 Mauritius (25-13, 25-17, 25-14)
    14:00 : Algeria 3-0 Senegal (25-14, 25-17, 25-22)
    16:00 : Kenya 3-0 Cameroon (25-22, 25-14, 25-22)

    Thursday 18 June 2015
    7th/8th Place Match
    Botswana vs Mauritius - 2pm
    5th/6th Place Match
    Morocco vs Tunisia - 4pm

    Saturday 20 June 2015
    3rd/4th Place Match
    Senegal vs Cameroon - 2pm
    Championship Match
    Kenya vs Algeria - 4pm

    Russia has to get a win at some point right? Plus they are so strong (normally), they would take a match to 5 sets at some point.

    If Russia drop to Group 2, you know that the World League will be redone to include Russia in the top level. I think that there will be 12 teams next year in Group 1.

    Monday 15 June 2015
    Cameroon 3-2 Tunisia (15-25, 25-18, 28-26, 24-26, 15-13)
    Kenya 3-0 Botswana (25-19, 25-12, 25-18)
    Senegal 3-2 Morocco (23-25, 22-25, 25-9, 25-18, 15-9)
    Algeria 3-0 Mauritius (25-15, 25-15, 26-24)

    Pool A Standings
    Kenya 9 points, 3-0, 9-0
    Algeria 6 points, 2-1, 7-3
    Botswana 3 points 1-2, 4-7
    Mauritius 0 points, 0-3, 1-9

    Pool B Standings
    Senegal 6 points, 3-0, 9-6
    Cameroon 6 points, 2-1, 8-5
    Tunisia 5 points, 1-2, 7-7
    Morocco 1 points, 0-3, 2-9

    Wednesday 17 June 2015
    5th Place Semifinals
    10:00 : Botswana v Morocco
    12:00: Tunisia v Mauritius
    14:00 : Senegal v Algeria
    16:00 : Kenya v Cameroon