Posts by serdar

    She won't have to 'suffer' playing with a Cuban in NT, because she won't be selected to NT with her terrible performance this season:roll:

    To all fairness, I like Carutasu, she played well in the first half of season but in last 5-6 matches she is in a very bad shape.

    Also when she picKed to play for Romanian NT 2 years ago, she made her choice basically. If she wouldn't have done that, she could have also play in NT with Vargas since in that case Carutasu wouldn't be counted as a naturalized player. At the end she made her choice then and she clearly regretted now

    Thank you very much to you all for quick replies! Unfortunately all of Monza, Novara and Bergamo are playing away games. Only option looks like Busto Arsizio-Trentino match! I wish Poulter wasn't injured, it could have been great to watch her live🤦

    "I'd love to see Turkish players on the court, i wanna share common national feelings while we sing the national anthem every single time. I'd prefer to have Turkish players, my citizens, not a Cuban."

    Ilkin's answer to a question about Vargas and Alexia. No words related to her bff Alexia who wants to play for Turkey as well.

    How hypocritical of her🤦

    I think it's a good choice considering the old coaches. Maybe not a Sultanlar Ligi coach but he is very experienced and he is working with a very young squad in Karşıyaka. They are doing pretty good.

    Noone improved a bit under his coaching while he was NT coach before. He just benefited from the squad Deniz Esinduy prepared before 2003 and based on that success he is still finding coaching jobs🤦

    I bet serdar didn't know that just like all of his comments are misleading anyway and his point is that he would rather have billions be killed than let USA intervene.

    Don't manipulate my comments. I didn't say that! The comment I responded to was claiming free elections and I challenged to that since it was a coup. It is hard to admit probably for delusional people like you thinking USA is the holly savior against all bad dictators as if they are not the one steering the pot to create instabilities all over the world for USA's interest


    But there are some main differences:

    1. Russia is bombing a democratic country which chose its destiny with free elections (NATO never did that).

    not really, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was forcibly removed from power by a coup. This coup was openly supported by US

    or Chemik could've hired a better coach instead of relying on a player who has been playing professionally for all of a month... to win a game against a clearly inferior opponent :gone:

    or she could've bothered to check an atlas to see where that country is before signing her contract:gone:

    USA has huge influence on IOC, they would never dare to make such a call for USA

    I know and they have every right to report it to FIVB but these comments on social media...

    I also really don't like this statement about Americans thinking that Europe is one country, not only it is generalizing all American people but also making them look stupid as if they have no basic knowledge about geography. But it is kind of different when someone writes it here on the forum as a joke than when a team says they tried to describe their former player that Poland is not Ukraine but it didn't work. It is basically making fun of her and of course people in the comments already know every detail of this situation, say that she is Sander 2.0 and are giving her the worst punishments :aww:

    such an unprofessional behaviour deserves such mocking. It is not that they are directly insulting her. Her ignorance is probably true anyways.:roll: She literally has cost them Polish Cup final, I am actually surprised that Chemik didn't say anything nasty about her.

    People should really stop treating NATO as innocent protector of the world. Their whole existence is to secure the post-war world for monopoly capitalism, bring down the Soviet Union and socialist countries of eastern Europe. 🤦 that's why they want to have Ukraine so that they can deploy US troops and military bases aiming Russia.The Atlantic Pact is not a pact for peace, it is a pact for war. In 1990s Yugoslavia is one example only: Yugoslavia didn't attack any NATO members but NATO still intervened. That was just one of the horrific interventions yet to come — in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Syria.

    I know it is more popular to bash Russia for his recent actions but we shouldn't praise NATO as a response.

    I want to post opposite opinion to some of you - it is very fair to eliminate Russia and Russian people from our lives. They won't lose their lives as like children in Ukraine. And was it fair that Russia invaded other country and kills people and destroy the country? No. So please don't mention fairness to stand by anyone from Russia. Few days ago Vlasov posted his own beliefs on insta so may of Russians don't know how the world looks a like. Maybe that will be valuable lesson for them.

    That's a very dangerous and hateful thought. you can't ask for punishment to a whole nation due to their president's actions. I wouldn't want to be hold accountable for all the stupid things Erdoğan says and does towards other countries. Should we hate and punish every single American citizens for what Bush or Trump has done earlier? Or should we hate you for all anti-lgbt propaganda your government does?

    You should draw a line between individuals and governments/politicians.

    NOONE should be punished for something they didn't have any impact on.

    Waitt I didn't think it that way

    If that's the case, it is not fair. We can't take it from players based on what their politicians have done. I understand that they exclude Russian clubs and national teams but at club levels these Russian players are representing their own clubs not their native countries

    Some reasons (not saying all these are good reasons, just describing them):

    1. We are all more connected to the rest of the world than we were 20 years ago. This is mainly due to an expansion of the internet, but also probably in terms of travel. I’d say people in foreign countries are seen as a little less different, a little less “other” that they used to be.

    2. Western media and social media has provided an ongoing account of events from a Ukrainian point of view. There were far fewer stories or videos of what was happening to civilians in those conflicts and far fewer of them were as easily accessible.

    3. Many saw the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as justified or at least kind of semi-justified, especially Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11. These were seen as violent, oppressive regimes but Ukraine isn’t seen that way at all despite certain lies told about them.

    4. They are white Europeans. Iraq and Afghanistan were seen as war-torn regions with a backwards culture. People in the West identify more easily with Ukrainians and feel like if Russia can do it to Ukraine, they can do it to anyone. It’s just really shocking to a lot of people that this could even happen to a sovereign nation in Europe in 2022.

    1. I partially agree with this

    2. Media could tell one sided story. In previous cases, as avid implied one of the posts above, media makes it look like they 'deserved' to be invaded since America claimed so with whatever storyline they deliver through mass media

    3. This answer could be totally opposite depending on to whom you ask. Many Russian minorities in Ukraine found current American supported government very oppressive. It is claimed that Russians are being treated as second-rate citizens (referring to the bill 'About the indigenous peoples of Ukraine') so what's justified and what's not is a very slippery slope

    4.Look at this video below! It is purely disgusting.

    All in all, my posts are not meant to be pro-Putin. I condemn his actions as much as everyone else here. I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy of Western world. I hope forum users here who are cheering for exclusion of Russian players from tournaments would not be two-faced and would wish the same treatment for American players when USA invades another sovereign country in the future:roll: