European Qualification for the Olympic Games 2008

  • Teams, already qualified for Beijing 2008
    Russia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Serbia, Venezuela, USA and China - host. 12 teams goes into 2 groups. There are quarterfinals, semifinals.

  • Watch out! As we say here in Brazil "The higher you put yourself, the higher is the fall" (= the more you go around telling people how good you are, the more you will suffer when things go wrong for your team)

    :drink: true words!

    "To get from the sport what I have got,
    rain what you really like,
    always work at least a little more than you are asked to
    and believe that everything that happens to you
    is leading you to the TOP!"
    Ivan Miljković

  • "Big morsel ate, but big word don't say" -This is what we say in Bulgaria :teach:


    I know "Superbobo" is a nickname for Yordanov, is that correct?

    Does it mean anything at all in Bulgaria? Because in brazilian portuguese super = super and bobo = idiot. So his nickname in portuguese actually means "Super Idiot" :lol:

  • Does it mean anything at all in Bulgaria? Because in brazilian portuguese super = super and bobo = idiot. So his nickname in portuguese actually means "Super Idiot" :lol:

    In Polish "superbobo" means something like "super baby" :D

    The most important 3:

    5th place - Prediction Game - World League 2011 :D

  • Superbobo,

    I know "Superbobo" is a nickname for Yordanov, is that correct?

    Does it mean anything at all in Bulgaria? Because in brazilian portuguese super = super and bobo = idiot. So his nickname in portuguese actually means "Super Idiot" :lol:

    So, for you DJ Bobo is DJ Idiot :lol: . Bobo we call Boris and also Boian (Yordanov in this case). Don't worry I know some words in other languages (among them I think one was portuguese) which are very funny in Bulgarian.

  • The nickname only shows the people's love - this is the most important thing.


    "I'm so proud that the fans still sing my name. But I fear tomorrow they will stop. And I fear it because I love it. And everything you love you fear you will lose" - Eric Cantona