Posts by mdacs

    Wow. I dont think that Sheilla deserves a call to nt right now but she was good in Gran Prix 2016. One of the bests when it matters the most.

    I said sucked before and that's not true. But I don't think she was good either. I remember that she was really bad when the competition started, but played okay in the finals. In that year, opponents often let her with single blocks, and only Natalia and Garay were being consistent in attack throughout the year. I couldn't find the stats though.

    But in the same year, at the OGs, her efficiency in attack was 36.43%.

    She played with Macris and she sucked too. Macris isn’t a bad setter. And I completely disagree with you when you say Sheilla is more consistent because we can’t even judge this at this point since Sheilla is barely playing.

    Season 15/16: benched whole season in Vakifbank. 2016: Sucked in the Grand Prix and OGs. Retired. Came back THREE YEARS LATER. Season 19/20: benched to Bruna, and when she was starter she sucked too. 2021: played in a league with an amateur format and did horrible - she can’t attack and she’s an OPPOSITE.

    She barely played in the last 6 years, so how can you say she is more consistent? Consistent at benching? Consistent at retiring? I honestly can’t understand this at all.

    Douglas should have been given best OH, best player of the final, MVP of the league and "people's choice" (I don't know how to translate "craque da galera"). He didn't get any. The federation clearly changed the results for at least the MVP and people's choice awards.

    Agreed. And I know he wasn’t great all season long, but Carol got the second best MB award just because she was great in playoffs.

    Best players and coach:

    Setter: William (Minas)

    Opposite: Escobar (Minas)

    1st MB: Mauricio Souza (Taubaté)

    2nd MB: Lucão (Taubaté)

    1st OH: Mauricio Borges (Taubaté)

    2nd: Adriano (Itapetininga)

    Libero: Maique (Minas)

    Coach: Javier Weber (Taubaté)

    MVP: Mauricio Borges (Taubaté)

    How is he at commenting generally? And how about Fabi? I really wonder what Fabi is saying whenever I hear her. Maybe it is going to be out of topic but we have an ex player, also was the captan of NT, Ozlem Ozcelik and she is so bad at it. She cannot even speak fluent Turkish, most of her sentences doesn’t even make sense and her comments regarding volleyball are very limited and it baffles me.

    I also have to admit that when watching from TV, angle matters for me. With an angle behind the court, I can judge the quality of a set easily but when it is from middle and from above, it is not always easy to read the game.

    She is great. IMO the best commentator. She is always very prepared to all matches, she seem to study a lot and provide many technical insights throughout the games. Carlão is good too. I only hate Nalbert because he adds zero technical observations and it’s often all about cheering for players he likes. When Nalbert is commenting women’s volleyball, he’s absolutely terrible.

    Nalbert commenting any game in which Bruno plays: “Bruno is great, I love Bruno, Bruno is the best in the world, Bruno won gold in the last Olympics, Bruno is among the best defenders in the world, people should watch Bruno play to learn how to be the best”

    All of this when in fact Bruno is playing average (and below average throughout the season)

    Since barueri fall apart,curitiba too and sesc seems to have a weaker line up it added that some good brazilian are going abroad as roberta,pietra,ivna seems to be the weakest superleague in a time

    I was expecting at least a fair battle between Minas and Praia, but then they decided to hire Tainara... :gone:

    Generally the "legendary" players just accept to be there when is olynpic year or wch year to be there

    I think she's probably going to Tokyo, but I don't agree much with this argument. Mari was one of the most 'legendary' players of the 2012 group and she was cut.

    The ego of this woman is astronomic, and Zé feeds this as much as he can. I can stand for this. She should just retire or focus on her last days playing volleyball in clubs. She is not on the same level of Tandara, Lorenne and Rosamaria, not even close.

    But yes, we can be sure that she will be in Tokyo, I don't see her getting cut. IMO, we have 6 spots left.

    I don't think she has any ambitions club-wise. And also I don't see top teams hiring her, and I don't see her accepting offers to leave BH and play for intermediate teams. Honestly I think she's probably going to be in the OGs and perhaps after that play (and record videos of her routine) in the US for 4 weeks.

    Lorenne might be moving to a Japanese team :/

    That's interesting (not sure if it's the best for her right now considering she have had many injuries throughout the season). In general, I think young players should try to play abroad after having some experience here. For me, they should go abroad and see what this experience will add to their game. I feel that they're always treated as 'prospects' here, and this sort of hinder their development.

    Thanks! :win:

    But this is pointless. Why do you pay dataproject if you don't use all the tools? Take a look at other leagues dataproject: there is a lot more. :what:

    Teams are barely updating the most basic information... Sometimes it takes days for making P3 stats available.

    What annoys me the most is the privilege. The US rachão was over weeks ago, but the Brazilian mom decided to TRAVEL in the USA in the middle of a fucking PANDEMIC. And then, suddenly, she gets a call after 2 weeks (or 3? IDK) of training. Probably because she's in such a great shape as we could see from her powerful attacks in the 4-week league :whistle:


    Sheilla was called to NT

    brazilians are so mad,they know ze is capable of put sheilla in OG even if she wouldn't show good level ...

    I saw this but I couldn't find anything on CBV's website.

    Minas seems to have offered a 3-year contract to Kisy. If that's the case and she can improve there... hype

    I'd like this transfer. I think Kisy fits the system very well.

    What I'm concerned about Minas in general is that they really want to invest in this fast system, but sometimes you need someone to hit OOS balls. And Kisy can't.

    I'm expecting them to transfer a good OH which can take part on killing OOS balls.

    Too many updates now:

    Osasco hired Carla.

    Pinheiros renewed with Edinara and signed with Talia, Carol Leite and Larissa Gongra. Gabi Candido was confirmed in Fluminense - I think they're building a really good team.