Bulgarian NT for 2011 season

  • I don't think Neykov wants bad things to our NT. He isn't a specialist, as you've said, and he wants results as a minister of sport. Actually I would do the same if I was in his place. His questions are questions of a layman and he can easily be told what the real situation is and what is the right thing to do. And he will do it.

    But Dancho Lazarov, that snake is telling him wrong things, he is probably lying to him. And he is a specialist. But he is using his knowledge to his own goals and if that means against the success of our national team then he doesn't have a problem with it.

    I think this is the situation. Some of you say BB and Neykov command Lazarov and I say Lazarov is "commanding" Neykov. Both Neykov and BB want results and that means they are for the good of the national team. But some idiot, and you know who, is not guiding them correctly.

    But, when I think again, maybe Neykov is involved in the game,too. I remember what was his answer to the question "Why didn't you disscus the question with the women's volleyball team?".

  • Neykov is a waste of space! If you want the good of the team and if you really care for the future of the most successful sport in Bulgaria you will meet few independent specialists and will listen to them, you will read what ordinary people and fans are saying, you will ask for the opinion of the players and the coach himself and THEN you will make up you own mind.

    The only one good thing is that the majority of the nation support Stoichev which means they will get very angry with the people who dare to touch him!

  • 10 Questions to Bulgarian Volleyball Federation:
    1) Why the federation lets Bulgarian clubs to refuse playing in European tournaments? How could the players develop if they don't meet strong international opponents?
    2) Why for so many years there is no stats for our championship, similar to legavolley.it? Why they let coaches work without statistical analysis and tactical decisions based on that? Our young players who haven't been abroad look lost when the national coach gives them certain tasks for given game.
    3) Why the Federation lets the clubs to exploit injured players leading to their inability to play volleyball like Ivan Zarev or to permanent damage for their physique, like Nikolay Nikolov? Injured players are called simulators and forced to play until damage which can not let them stand on court which often is fatal for their career. Todor Vulchev, big hope for our NT, best scorer in our league was sent heavily injured to Stoychev and he went to surgery thanks to which he can play again this season.
    4) Why the Federations insists so much on qualifying for World League Final Round at any costs which makes the coaches to use full roster with exhausted or even injured stars like Kaziyski and Nikolov and in the same time complains that young players do not get a chance?!
    5) Why the Federation is not calling foreign specialists to educate our coaches and to help filling the gaps in training our youngsters? They should give them proper physical training to have athleticism, not to look like saved from concentration camp, to have normal reception, to be able to defend strong spikes, to be able to follow tactical plan, to be able to think, adapt and
    improvise during game.
    6) Where is our long term strategy to become number one in the world? Where is this plan to follow year after year with clear, concise and possible to fulfill goals, with lists of means for that ?
    7) Why the Federation never takes responsibility for the failures of the NT? Why always someone else takes the blame and they are always perfect with the poor conditions they provide systematically in the last ten years? How many years of good conditions can fix these ten years of bad management?
    8) Why the Federation insists that 5th place on World League is failure, since Bulgaria won decisive matches at home against strong competitor for the first time after 2006? With Prandi we took 1 pt and 3 sets from Russia and Brazil in 2009 and 2010 and with Stoychev Bulgaria in no form beat Russia in their best form, the only one to beat the future champions! This victory granted the hosting of the next World League in Sofia, FIVB were waiting with the answer to see if we have potential. Where is the gratitude for that?
    9) What did the Federation do to keep players like Zlatanov, Simeonov, Baev to play for our NT instead of Italy, Greece, France and so on? Why are we donating to much richer countries some of our BEST players? How many players on the level of Kaziyski, Zlatanov and Konstantinov can 7.5 mln country produce per decade?
    10) Why the Federation lets the clubs to sacrifice player development for money by sending them to Iran instead of Poland, Italy and Russia?

  • You MUST post this in a sport site in Bulgaria!!!
    If you let me, I WILL post this in a site but the site is new and is only gaining popularity. Just let me know, because I can't use other people's work without permission. I can write your name in the end.

  • Post it in the site, I put it in my blog, you can add the link when posting:

  • Post it in the site, I put it in my blog, you can add the link when posting:

    You'd better give your name, but there's no problem if you don't want to, I'll add only the link. You should also try to find a bigger site to post it.

    And by the way, I know the answers to your questions. And it's only one word...

    Edit: I've found out your name, you can just tell me if you want me to write it where I'll post the material.

  • You'd better give your name, but there's no problem if you don't want to, I'll add only the link. You should also try to find a bigger site to post it.

    And by the way, I know the answers to your questions. And it's only one word...

    Edit: I've found out your name, you can just tell me if you want me to write it where I'll post the material.

    Let the link, who wants to find it, will find it

  • I am glad we share one opinion :drink:

  • What's going on? Is Stoyczew staying or what?

    We will know in November

  • I've just read in our medias that Neykov hasn't abandoned the idea of meeting Stoychev and still insists on that, but now there is a "little" change in his initial plan - this time he includes BFV, too in the configuration for the so expected meeting, along with Styochev... I only couldn't get what he meant by saying "BVF" - The Engineer or just some other member of the board... :whistle:
    On the other side Radostin keeps slight hint of irritation in his speaking, but nothing radical...for now :roll:
    And I am really curious to know what were discussing so lively Plamen and Dancho yesterday.... watching them on the third picture,it must have been interesting
    Come on,..I doubt it was only about the current shape of Todorov and Aleksiev :sleeping:

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • So the program for tomorrow is:
    1) Stoychev will present his report for the work with NT in front of the board of directors of BFV
    2) Styochev, Dancho Lazarov and Ivaylo Konstantinov will meet the minister of sport Svilen Neykov and maybe even the Prime minister of Bulgaria - Boyko Borisov, who aslo willled to attend the meeting.
    3) In 15.30 (Bulgarian time) Rado Stoychev, Dancho Lazarov and the vice-presidents of BFV will give press conference.

    As it seems Radostin is staying - any other different decision would be very stupid and quite illogical in this moment.

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


    Edited 2 times, last by volley super fan ().

  • So the program for tomorrow is:
    1) Stoychev will present his report for the work with NT in front of the board of directors of BFV
    2) Styochev, Dancho Lazarov and Ivaylo Konstantinov will meet the minister of sport Svilen Neykov and maybe even the Prime minister of Bulgaria - Boyko Borisov, who aslo willled to attend the meeting.
    3) In 15.30 (Bulgarian time) Rado Stoychev, Dancho Lazarov and the vice-presidents of BFV will give press conference.

    As it seems Radostin is staying - any other different decision would be very stupid and quite illogical in this moment.

    So can I officially now breathe a sigh of relief?

  • So can I officially now breathe a sigh of relief?

    If we trust Bulgarian meadias and their secret, but reliable informers - yes, you can :lol: Lazarov even earlier mentioned with half words that Stoychev will stay, although he very often says something and after few days makes the opposite. But this time I bilieve that this won't happen. In brief - Stoychev continues to be our NT coach. Now the intrigue is what's gonna happen on the meeting with the goverment (there is some misunderstanding between both sides) and after that what Rado is gonna say on the press conference.

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • If we trust Bulgarian meadias and their secret, but reliable informers - yes, you can :lol: Lazarov even earlier mentioned with half words that Stoychev will stay, although he very often says something and after few days makes the opposite. But this time I bilieve that this won't happen. In brief - Stoychev continues to be our NT coach. Now the intrigue is what's gonna happen on the meeting with the goverment (there is some misunderstanding between both sides) and after that what Rado is gonna say on the press conference.

    I feel calm now :D No seriously, they cannot give him a sack just like that...it would be the stupidest thing ever, and I suppose they're not that stupid. Ok, so I feel really cheered up now, more battles against Rado to come :D

  • See, I told you already, nothing to worry about :D They are not THAT stupid to let him go!

    Well, you know after so many inadequate actions from their side - It is really hard for me to say how stupid they are exactly and how far can go this time :lol: There were so many gaffes and scandals in the recent years :wacko:
    But all this thing with Neykov's statements and now even BB 8| ? What has BB to talk with Stoychev? I think that they start to overact, too much and all that saga happens in the media...anyway I hope that tomorrow we will see the end this drama, so everyone to focus on their work. Personally I had already enough of it.

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • Boyko Borisov will ask Stoychev what is the secret to good management of people

  • So the program for tomorrow is:
    1) Stoychev will present his report for the work with NT in front of the board of directors of BFV
    2) Styochev, Dancho Lazarov and Ivaylo Konstantinov will meet the minister of sport Svilen Neykov and maybe even the Prime minister of Bulgaria - Boyko Borisov, who aslo willled to attend the meeting.
    3) In 15.30 (Bulgarian time) Rado Stoychev, Dancho Lazarov and the vice-presidents of BFV will give press conference.

    As it seems Radostin is staying - any other different decision would be very stupid and quite illogical in this moment.

    This idea is very stuped. For what have Rado has to meet the prime minister? :mad:

    We are not North Korea FFS! I thought some federations, like for example the football one forbid the intervetions from govermnet into sport deceisions and if so - they kick the relative federation out and stop the team from participating into international competitions. I wonder of FIVB and CEV are like that :wall: