Didn't realize Serbian NT thread of this year hasn't opened.
last year, Serbia had tons of injuried players and wasn't able to make good results in the olympic games...simply unlucky. However it will be different this year. my roster should be like this...
S : Maja Ognjenovic, Ana Antonijevic, Bojana Zivkovic, Danica Radenkovic
OPP : Jovana Brakocevic, Ivana Nesovic, Ana Bjelica
MB : Natasa Krsmanovic, Alexandra Petrovic, Stefana Veljkovic, Milena Rasic, Nadja Ninkovic, Jovana Stevanovic, Maja Savic
OH : Brizitka Molnar, Jovana Vesovic, Jelena Blagojevic, Sanja Malagurski, Brankica Mihajlovic, Tijana Malesevic, Sara Klisura
L : Suzana Cebic, Nina Rosic
A lot of talented players! I have the feeling that Maja will be still leading the team since she said she would love to keep playing in NT after the olympic games last year. Malagurski may back to the team, but I'm still worried if she hasn't recovered fully yet. Nesovic and Petrovic don't seem to be Terzic's favourites...so I have a big doubt. Blagojevic has been playing quite well in Bergamo, so does Mihajlovic in Cannes. Klisura can be pretty useful as well...she's only 20 yo. the main MBs should be Rasic and either Veljkovic or Krsmanovic.
obviously the key will be Jovana Brakocevic who's supposed to be the strongest weapon. she's always been rated as a "Young player", but right now with her various experiences in international tournements, she must be the leader like Nikolic in the past 5 years.
I'd love to see Antonijevic as main setter, but with what maja said, I'm sure Ana will stay as Maja's back up.