In half of September in Częstochowa (Poland) will be played Arek Gołaś Memorial.
AZS Częstochowa
Skra Bełchatów
Lube Banca Marche Macerata
Antonoveneta Padova
In half of September in Częstochowa (Poland) will be played Arek Gołaś Memorial.
AZS Częstochowa
Skra Bełchatów
Lube Banca Marche Macerata
Antonoveneta Padova
Nice squad
In Lube Banca Marche Macerata place will play aon hotVolleys Vienna.
13.09.2008r. (Saturday)
Antonveneta Padova - PGE SKRA Bełchatów
aon hotVolleys Vienna - Domex Tytan AZS Częstochowa
14.09.2008r. (Sunday)
Antonveneta Padova - Domex Tytan AZS Częstochowa
aon hotVolleys Vienna - PGE SKRA Bełchatów
Nice squad
We will see how plays in Poland NT Arek Golas Memorial.
I'm disappointed with hotVolleys Vienna in place of Lube Banca Macerata. I was going to visit Częstochowa, but now I'm not sure I will go there. Names like Vermiglio, Corsano, Rodrigao, Ormcen, Podrascanin invited to Arek Golas Memorial more...But problems with communications... However, the squad still looks nice
Yes!!! Lube is much better option than Vienna but that it is good that they agreed to play at all I am for SKRA Belchatow to win.
results of firs day od Arek Golas Memorial
Antonveneta Padwa - BOT Skra Bełchatów 2:3
(21:25, 25:23, 25:20, 20:25, 16:18)
Aon hotVolleys Wiedeń - Domex Tytan AZS Częstochowa 0:3
(20:25; 18:25; 23:25)
Antonveneta Padwa - BOT Skra Bełchatów 2:3
(21:25, 25:23, 25:20, 20:25, 16:18 )
Padova: Mattera, Raymaekers, Kromm, Perazzolo, Gato, De Togni, Garghella (L) and Maniero, Kral
Skra: Wnuk, Falasca, Heikkinen, Antiga, Murek, Jarosz, Dubała (L) and Frankowski, Dobrowolski
QuoteAon hotVolleys Wiedeń - Domex Tytan AZS Częstochowa 0:3
(20:25; 18:25; 23:25)
AZS Częstochowa: Slemach (3), Michalczyk (6), Gradowski (9), Nowakowski (12), Wrona (7), Mlyakow (10), Zatorski (l), Janeczek (5), Bartman (3), Wierzbowski, Drzyzga
Aon hot Volleys: Kardos (2), Reiser (6), Nemeth (9), Schneider (10), Antunovic (6), Laimer (12) Feher (l), Bider, Haidbauer
I am glad that Mlyakov played good game, and i am also happy that he went ot Poland to play and to show his abilities.
and some pics:
AZS Częstochowa - Aon hotVolleys Wiedeń
Antonveneta Padova - Skra Bełchatów
Domex Tytan AZS Częstochowa - Antonveneta Padova 1:3 (19:25, 25:20, 17:25, 27:29)
AZS Czestochowa: Drzyzga (2 punkty), Wierzbowski (12), Bartman (14), Nowakowski (8 ), Gunia (7), Mlyakow (15) oraz Zatorski (libero), Stelmach (4), Janeczek, Gradowski, Wrona;
Padova: Mattera (2), Gato (12), Kromm (21), Kral (5), Rayamekers (7), Perazzolo (18 ), Garghella (libero) oraz De Togni, Gottardo, Meggiolaro, Maruotti (5).
Skra Bełchatów - aon Hotvolleys Wiedeń 3:1 (25:16, 25:18, 22:25, 25:22)
Individual awards
Best spiker – Jakub Jarosz (PGE Skra Bełchatów)
Best blocker – Matis Raeymakers (Antonveneta Padova)
Best receiver – Stephan Antiga (PGE Skra Bełchatów)
Best setter – Miguel Angel Falsca (PGE Skra Bełchatów)
Best libero – Paweł Zatorski (Domex Tytan AZS Częstochowa)