Request: Anyone has the WGP European Qualification Tournament?!?!

  • As above subject, i want Russia's games, would be appreciated if anyone can upload the games
    thank you very much

  • As above subject, i want Russia's games, would be appreciated if anyone can upload the games
    thank you very much

    I got NED vs RUS :drink:

    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:

    All files are done...

    Of course,if you konw Chinese you can also use the two links below to download the video.They're already finished.
    Part 1:
    Part 2:

    I strongly suggest to open the asf file with WMP :teach:

  • Volleyboy, thanks for your job! Thanks very much!

    But, Have you anothers matchs about this QWGP' 2011, like Nethelands 1-3 Germany and Germany-Turkey?

    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Women's World Championship 2010
    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's World League 2011
    :super: :thumbsup:

  • :woohoo: :thumbsup: Thank you very much!!

  • Thank you so much!!!!!!!
    if someone have more Russia game, please upload

  • @ Volleyboy

    Thank you very much for uploading NED-RUS :thumbsup: :flower:

    I would really appreciate it if you could upload NED-ITA as well :P :) ;)

  • Yeah,I can upload it if you need.

    I really need to watch.
    Many fans in my country want to watch the great match too.
    It is very kind of you to do so! :lol: :lol:

  • 谢谢,你也是中国人啊。。。

  • 谢谢,你也是中国人啊。。。


  • 估计你是用IE打开网页的是吧?那么需要在打开下载页面后点击浏览器工具栏的"页码"--"编码"--“其他”--“uncode”才能显示。


  • thanks for the NED x rus still had not seen.

    if you can put more of russia'm grateful.

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