Brazilian League 2012/2013

  • To finish a nice video of the presentation. ;) It was a very funny event for the girls, the team seems to be in great place, the girls are getting along really well, and also with the staff, everything inside seems better than last year.

  • Cool 8) number 1 :thumbup:

    Радо Стойчев каза: Мизия, Тракия, Македония! Западните покрайнини - завинаги български!

  • Thank you Joana for the photos and news.

    Brazilian volley lovers are really crazy. Last week they were asking me a million question about Mari :cheesy: That's unbelievable. I can't imagine if we had Sheilla

    Brazilian fans rocks. That's it :thumbsup:

    "Lo sbaglio più grande e quello di credere di aver vinto prima ancora di giocare la partita"

  • :lol: yes, specially when is about Mari and Sheilla, they have they particular fans...that follow them no matter where... we called then Marifans and Sheillafans....they are definetly "particular" I could say, really crazy sometimes .

  • Very nice pictures, Joana :win: Thanks a lot! Your friend is a pro ^^

    The girls are so beautiful :rose:

  • Fofão about finding the right ball with Pavan:

    "I played with a lefthand that was Leila, but she used to have such different style, with a faster ball. Sarah hit a higher ball, but she adapts well to the speed of the game. We still trying to find the best ball for her. We had made one in the training, but Bernardo wants her to hit a faster ball. She is a security player, is always the best scorer. But the most important is that she does not loose her characteristics. If she realizes she is not that comfortable with a faster ball, so we have no advantage. So we hope we can find a middle term."

  • Thanks again, Joana, for all the pictures/videos/interviews etc. :flower: :flower:

  • Logan Tom will be officially presented to the press this Monday at 9:30h in Urca, where Unilever trains. The other players from Unilever will also be there, as the team will make their morning train after it.

    You guys can have more news about Unilever team and players in this two other facebook accounts created by Unilever fans.…%C3%B4lei/274515509325359

  • valeskinha looks silly holding the mic and interviewing regiane.

    joanamss, who do you think will be starting between natalia and regiane? and will valeskinha still be receiving when she's in the back row?

    Well, after all interviews I heard, Unilever is really counting with the come back of Natália for this season...Bernardinho thinks she is the main player for a possible success of the team. He does not want that all scoring responsability falls into Pavan's back, cause he think Pavan is still to inexperience to take that responsibility alone, so he wants Natália to split that responsability with her.

    Starting team for the Superliga must be: Fofão, Pavan, Logan Tom, Natália, Juciely, Valeskinha, Fabi (L).

    And now, Valeskinha wont act as a receiver this season. Fabi and Logan will be the main responsibles to organize the receiving system. He tried Valeskinha last season, cause both Regiane and Mari were not good receivers, so Fabi stayed as the only one in that area. ;)

    Carioca Tournament is next weekend, so probably we wont see Logan playing yet, and Gabi is with our Junior NT still, so Natália if she has conditions and Regiane probably be the starting OH in Unilever first game..

  • Yes! :) She did the morning trainning with the team today, but there still not much info. As soon we have more pics and maybe interviews with her Ill add here. ;)

    :drink: :drink:

  • I found the first article about Logan today. ;) Apparently there were huge press coverage in Unllever trainings today, so probably in the enxt hours, and tomorrow we will have videos and interviews with her. :)

    Logan was impressed with the amount of journalists that were present today to see her and the popularity of volleyball in Brazil.…-20121001.html?question=0

    She said: "Ten years ago I had my first experience in Brazil. A lot has changed. I changed also, people change in ten years. Volleyball is even stronger in Brazil now. You passes by the beach and get impressed with the number of people practicing this sport. With no doubts it is the second favorite sport in the country."

    The journalists said in the beggining she was a little disturbed with the amount of reporters and videos being made of her training, so they tried to respect her that maybe It was different for her, cause here in Brazil volley is very popular, but with time she got more comfortable with the press. And she talked in portuguese (Sander ;) ) with some of the press journalists.

    Logan added: "I love Rio. I have many friends here. It is very comfortable for me to have come to play here in the city. In 2006 I came to visit, but it was fast, and now I will get to know it better. Volleyball is very strong, it is the Olympic City and has a very strong league."

  • Thanks Joana :flower:

    I'm looking forward to the videos :P

  • The journalists said in the beggining she was a little disturbed with the amount of reporters and videos being made of her training, so they tried to respect her that maybe It was different for her, cause here in Brazil volley is very popular, but with time she got more comfortable with the press.

    Can't imagine her playing in Poland :roll: The people would probably go crazy as they are with Maggie Glinka or Kasia Skowronska.

    Still... I'm waiting for some photos :lol: