World League 2010 - Prediction Game

  • 12 June
    Brazil - Netherlands 3:0
    France - Serbia 2:3
    Russia - Egypt 3:0
    Finland - USA 2:3
    Cuba - Germany 3:1
    Argentina - Poland 0:3

    13 June
    Brazil - Netherlands 3:1
    Korea - Bulgaria 0:3
    Italy - China 3:0

  • 13 June
    Brazil 2-3 Netherlands
    Korea 0-3 Bulgaria
    Italy 3-0 China

    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Women's World Championship 2010
    Gold Medal - Prediction Game - Men's World League 2011
    :super: :thumbsup:

  • 2nd weekend
    1. Ojla 21
    StarNight 21
    3. Bartek 20
    NathaN 20
    5. andrea 19
    gagak 19
    jaco 19
    Rafalowski 19
    9. charalampos 18
    kuraf_veiga 18
    Mainframe 18
    mariuszj1939 18
    mateo 18
    14. alex002 17
    davl 17
    forzalube 17
    rodrigo_oposto 17
    zik013 17
    19. mattyrey 16
    rugby 16
    superbobo 16
    22. asia 15
    bubbly 15
    cassano 15
    volleyball13290 15
    26. Flyer 14
    Konrad 14
    28. raylight 13
    S_Dimitrov 13
    30. norbertz90 12

  • General Ranking
    1. Bartek 36
    2. davl 35
    forzalube 35
    jaco 35
    5. gagak 34
    kuraf_veiga 34
    mariuszj1939 34
    mateo 34
    StarNight 34
    zik013 34
    11. andrea 32
    Flyer 32
    Ojla 32
    14. bubbly 31
    mattyrey 31
    norbertz90 31
    Rafalowski 31
    superbobo 31
    19. alex002 30
    Mainframe 30
    raylight 30
    rugby 30
    23. cassano 29
    NathaN 29
    25. charalampos 28
    26. S_Dimitrov 26
    27. volleyball13290 25
    28. Konrad 24
    29. Black is beautiful 18
    30. rodrigo_oposto 17
    31. QuraQ14 16
    32. asia 15
    XIII 15
    34. rachel 13
    35. AFROMAN 12
    36. volley super fan 11
    37. viva2 9

  • 18 June
    Brazil - Korea
    Italy - Serbia
    France - China
    Russia - Finland
    USA - Egypt
    Cuba - Poland
    Argentina - Germany

    19 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria
    Brazil - Korea
    France - China
    Russia - Finland
    USA - Egypt
    Cuba - Poland
    Argentina - Germany

    20 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria
    Italy - Serbia

  • 18 June

    Brazil - Korea 3:0

    Italy - Serbia 1:3

    France - China 3:1

    Russia - Finland 3:1

    USA - Egypt 3:2

    Cuba - Poland 3:0

    Argentina - Germany 0:3

    19 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 2:3

    Brazil - Korea 3:0

    France - China 3:0

    Russia - Finland 3:1

    USA - Egypt 3:1

    Cuba - Poland 3:1

    Argentina - Germany 1:3

    20 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 3:2

    Italy - Serbia 3:2

  • 18 June

    Brazil - Korea 3:0

    Italy - Serbia 3:2

    France - China 3:1

    Russia - Finland 3:0

    USA - Egypt 3:1

    Cuba - Poland 3:1

    Argentina - Germany 3:2

    19 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 1:3

    Brazil - Korea 3:0

    France - China 3:1

    Russia - Finland 3:1

    USA - Egypt 3:0

    Cuba - Poland 2:3

    Argentina - Germany 3:1

    20 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 3:1

    Italy - Serbia 1:3

  • 18 June
    Brazil - Korea 3:0
    Italy - Serbia 3:1
    France -
    China 3:2
    Russia - Finland 3:0
    USA - Egypt 3:2
    Cuba - Poland 2:3
    Argentina -
    Germany 1:3

    19 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria 3:1
    - Korea 3:0
    France - China 2:3
    Russia - Finland 3:0
    USA - Egypt 3:2
    - Poland 3:1
    Argentina - Germany 3:1

    20 June
    - Bulgaria 0:3
    Italy - Serbia 0:3

    The most important 3:

    5th place - Prediction Game - World League 2011 :D

  • 18 June
    Brazil - Korea 3-0
    Italy - Serbia 3-1
    France - China 3-1
    Russia - Finland 3-1
    USA - Egypt 3-1
    Cuba - Poland 3-0
    Argentina - Germany 3-2

    19 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria 3-0
    Brazil - Korea 3-0
    France - China 3-1
    Russia - Finland 2-3
    USA - Egypt 3-1
    Cuba - Poland 1-3
    Argentina - Germany 1-3

    20 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria 1-3
    Italy - Serbia 1-3

  • 18 June
    Brazil - Korea 3-0
    Italy - Serbia 1-3
    France - China 3-0
    Russia - Finland 3-1
    USA - Egypt 3-1
    Cuba - Poland 3-0
    Argentina - Germany 2-3

    19 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria 1-3
    Brazil - Korea 3-0
    France - China 3-1
    Russia - Finland 3-0
    USA - Egypt 3-0
    Cuba - Poland 3-1
    Argentina - Germany 1-3

    20 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria 0-3
    Italy - Serbia 1-3

  • 18 June

    Brazil - Korea 3-0

    Italy - Serbia 3-2

    France - China 3-1

    Russia - Finland 3-0

    USA - Egypt 3-1

    Cuba - Poland 3-0

    Argentina - Germany 3-2

    19 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 1-3

    Brazil - Korea 3-0

    France - China 3-0

    Russia - Finland 3-0

    USA - Egypt 3-0

    Cuba - Poland 2-3

    Argentina - Germany 1-3

    20 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 3-1

    Italy - Serbia 2-3

    Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to
    stand behind a team to defend a team when it is down and really needs
    you, that takes a lot of courage.

  • 18 June

    Brazil - Korea 3-0

    Italy - Serbia 3-1

    France - China 3-0

    Russia - Finland 3-0

    USA - Egypt 3-1

    Cuba - Poland 3-1

    Argentina - Germany 1-3

    19 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 1-3

    Brazil - Korea 3-0

    France - China 3-1

    Russia - Finland 3-1

    USA - Egypt 3-0

    Cuba - Poland 3-1

    Argentina - Germany 1-3

    20 June

    Netherlands - Bulgaria 3-1

    Italy - Serbia 3-1

  • 18 June
    Brazil - Korea 3:0
    Italy - Serbia 3:2
    France - China 3:0
    Russia - Finland 3:0
    USA - Egypt 3:0
    Cuba - Poland 1:3
    Argentina - Germany 3:2

    19 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria 1:3
    Brazil - Korea 3:0
    France - China 3:1
    Russia - Finland 3:1
    USA - Egypt 3:0
    Cuba - Poland 2:3
    Argentina - Germany 3:1

    20 June
    Netherlands - Bulgaria 1:3
    Italy - Serbia 1:3