JSW won. How did Zibi play? I watched just some highlights from the fourth set, where he had some great block-out spikes, and the tie-break, where he was on fire till the stream stopped working: he had an amazing spike and blocked 1 vs 1 his majesty Wlazly!

Poland - PlusLiga 2014/2015
Well, that's it. Skra didn't concern too much about Malinowski and this buddy just came from nowhere and crashed the bees.
I have no problem with another 5-set loss in the regular season. Keeping a winning streak gets harder and harder as the number increases and I really prefer to keep the winning streak during play-offs. Hopefully Skra is considering the same. For now everyone should just enjoy the Christmas break and get ready for the critical battles next spring.
Maybe not everyone deserves a break, some of them still needs practice.
Today Result:
Skra - JW 2-3 (25-20 27-29 23-25 25-18 11-15) MVP: Mateusz Malinowski stats
Good performance by Conte and comeback by Wlazły from 4th set didn't help Skra to win. On the other side Pajenk and Malinowski were unstoppable. Zibi received poorly, but had decent game in terms of spiking
Apparently Tille has to be always on court for Belchatow. Zibi had nice numbers: best scorer from his team and good spiking %; he needs to improve his passing skills, because he can already do a nice job ad digger and he's quite good covering his mates' spikes (he saved at least 3 balls during the tie break).
Both Bartman and Kurek had 20% good passing and 7% perfect passing in their last matches. Zibi is a bit better all-around OH already, while Kurek is all-about spiking OH still.
Andrea Gardini is the new head coach of AZS Olsztyn. Get in, Gardo!
Any links to live stream of today's match between Czestochowa and Warszawa?
Tried my normal sources but this match was not listed.
The match should start in an hour. -
1. Skra 40 (14-2)
2. Resovia 40 (13-3)
3. Lotos 39 (14-2)
4. Transfer 33 (11-5)
5. JW 33 (12-4)
6. Cuprum 28 (9-7)
7. ZAKSA 27 (9-7)
8. Politechnika 21 (7-9)
9. Czarni 20 (6-10)
10. Indykpol 12 (4-12)
11. BBTS 12 (4-12)
12. Effector 12 (4-12)
13. AZS 11 (3-13)
14. Banimex 8 (2-14)What is surprising, sets ratio is more important than W-L in overall standings
in bold we have example - IMHO JW should be higher than Transfer
1,2,3, Resovia!
Latest Results:
Transfer - Banimex 3-0 (25-18 25-17 25-18 ) MVP: Dawid Gunia stats
Czarni - AZS 3-0 (25-18 25-22 25-18 ) MVP: Mikko Oivanen stats
Politechnika - BBTS 3-0 (25-16 25-23 25-22) MVP: Michał Filip stats
JW - Resovia 0-3 (23-25 24-26 10-25) MVP: Nikolay Penchev stats
Indykpol - Cuprum 0-3 (19-25 17-25 18-25) MVP: Grzegorz Łomacz stats -
Standings: * - one match less
1. Resovia 43 (14-3)
2. Skra 40 (14-3)
3. Lotos 39* (14-2)
4. Transfer 36 (12-5)
5. JW 33 (12-5)
6. Cuprum 31 (10-7)
7. ZAKSA 30 (10-7)
8. Politechnika 24 (8-9)
9. Czarni 23 (7-10)
10. Indykpol 12 (4-13)
11. BBTS 12 (4-13)
12. Effector 12* (4-12)
13. AZS 11 (3-14)
14. Banimex 8 (2-15)Banimex suspended head coach, Damian Dacewicz. There's a rumour that Roberto Santili can be head coach.
Effector - Lotos will be played 07.01, next round will be played between 2-4.01
Banimex suspended head coach, Damian Dacewicz. There's a rumour that Roberto Santili can be head coach.What does exactly "suspended" mean?
I have already read reports that Santilli's position is official.And what do you think of Bakiewicz as Czestochowa's new coach?
What does exactly "suspended" mean?
I have already read reports that Santilli's position is official.And what do you think of Bakiewicz as Czestochowa's new coach?
Suspended means suspended. They didn't break cooperation. This club is going to be out of league in next season anyway (the last one), Santilli wants only help because this idea with 2 more clubs in this season is stupid and the best clubs are tired what causes some shameful loses, they need more rest. Suspended means Polish coach will come back to this club in next season because lower league awaits and Santilli will find better club, maybe in our league in next season.
Częstochowa case needs also explanation. If you reading sportowefakty.pl there is article about Bąkiewicz as a coach, but for now, he will be assistant, main coach will become Ryszard Bosek, olympic champion in past, president of this club in next season and they will cooperate. In this season this club means nothing, in past meant more, but in next season this club is going to have budget similar to Skra, Tauron energy firm is going to be new sponsor, Ryszard Bosek will take Kurek to this club, he is his menager, Kurek after this season with this poor playing in club and out of NT will have probably problems to find new club at similar level. That's their plan to take him and get some good other players. -
Suspended means suspended. They didn't break cooperation. This club is going to be out of league in next season anyway (the last one), Santilli wants only help because this idea with 2 more clubs in this season is stupid and the best clubs are tired what causes some shameful loses, they need more rest. Suspended means Polish coach will come back to this club in next season because lower league awaits and Santilli will find better club, maybe in our league in next season.
Częstochowa case needs also explanation. If you reading sportowefakty.pl there is article about Bąkiewicz as a coach, but for now, he will be assistant, main coach will become Ryszard Bosek, olympic champion in past, president of this club in next season and they will cooperate. In this season this club means nothing, in past meant more, but in next season this club is going to have budget similar to Skra, Tauron energy firm is going to be new sponsor, Ryszard Bosek will take Kurek to this club, he is his manager, Kurek after this season with this poor playing in club and out of NT will have probably problems to find new club at similar level. That's their plan to take him and get some good other players.Thank you for the detailed answer.
I have more questions though - are you sure that there will be relegated clubs? As far as I know, Plusliga is closed and no team can enter from the lower league. And I've also read that since the league president is in jail, all decisions are postponed and even though top clubs push for less teams, so far it's known that there will still be 14 teams next season.
As for Bakiewicz - I read this article and this short one, but I understood that Bosek will only help him and it'll be Michal on the bench.
It'll be good if Czestochowa becomes a strong club once again, I remember 6-7 years ago when they were always in the semifinals of the playoffs. Rzeszow managed to do it, now only Olsztyn is missing. -
I can't imagine Bakiewicz as Coach.
Bąkiewicz will be coach only to the end of this season.
As I said, look this -> http://www.przegladsportowy.pl…artykul,530059,1,282.html Bosek: I'm talking with Kurek.
Heh, I knew that. I'm not fan of Kurek, but I don't want to see him in our league and it's stupid building better club specially for his "welcome". This club after rich years was suffering so much for years and nobody cares about it, even Bosek. How can he start to talk with him about it since now if he is his menager, like volley father and I'm sure Kurek keep talking with him almost every day? They are so smart, in my opinion they planned mission "Kurek coming back to form from several years ago". I'm sure they will both fail and our NT doesn't need him for a long time and they became world champion without him. Antiga now has challenge to find new attacker, because Bociek has cancer, not again Kurek case, we have several better OHs than him, that's true. -
Last Results:
Banimex - JW 0-3 (19-25 19-25 21-25) MVP: Michal Masny stats
Sarnecki had poor support from teammates. On the other side Lasko with Gierczyński with good % and lots of points. Quesque was main serve target and poor hitter. Bartman wadn't in mtach roster.Skra - Indykpol 3-0 (25-21 25-14 26-24) MVP: Kacper Piechocki stats
Skra didn't have obstacles and weaknesses. Indykpol is still struggling and hard to find bright sides...Cuprum - Politechnika 3-0 (29-27 25-17 25-17) MVP: Szymon Romać stats
Gromadowski still absent, but Romać had good game, Kadziewicz was also out. Poor reception by Poli spoilt their chances for victory.BBTS - Czarni 0-3 (17-25 17-25 19-25) MVP: Dirk Westpahl stats
Gonzalez was absent, so Ferens in last set played as OP. Anyway BBTS is still poor team and Gruszka can be fired. Westpahl was surprisingly great in Czarni, but Oivanen was Czarni's leader.Resovia - ZAKSA 3 -0 (25-13 25-22 25-12) MVP: Marko Ivovic stats
Ivovic with Schoeps led Sovia to surprisingly easy vixtory. ZAKSA without Ruciak and Zatorski was just hopelessAZS - Effector 1-3 (28-26 16-25 24-26 21-25) MVP: Adrian Staszewski stats
Częstochowa is still weak team and it's qite funny reading about their ambitious plans. Udrys and Szymura were leaders. On the other side Jungiewicz is back and had decent performance, Buchowski and Staszewski also had big impact on score.Lotos - Transfer 3-2 (20-25 26-24 16-25 25-23 15-10) MVP: Murphy Troy stats
Troy with Mika were Lotos' best players. Schwarz kept reception, but spiked below level. Jarosz with Cupkovic were Transfer's leaders, it's next game with Murek and Waliński as L. -
1. Resovia 46 (15-3)
2. Skra 43 (15-3)
3. Lotos 41 (15-2)*
4. Transfer 37 (12-6)
5. JW 36 (13-5)
6. Cuprum 34 (11-7)
7. ZAKSA 30 (10-8 )
8. Czarni 26 (8-10)
9. Politechnika 24 (8-10)
10. Effector 15 (5-12)*
11. Indykpol 12 (4-14)
12. BBTS 12 (4-14)
13. AZS 11 (3-15)
14. Banimex 8 (2-16)Lotos and Effector will play at 7.01
I'm deadly curious what is going on with ZAKSA, what kind of peculiarity makes Gladyr play the libero.