WHAT!? Dear God. What the hell is wrong with FIVB!? Sorry, but that's just killing this sport. I hope the natonal federations will protest. I hope the IOC will do something... why the hell is volleyball getting so backwards lately? This is BY FAR the worst qualification system in any team sport I seen to date.
Volleyball is more popular - and the level is better - then ever before. We had 150 National teams participating in the qualification to the 2018 World Championship. That was the 2nd most contested qualification tournament in this olympic cycle after only football. Why the hell does FIVB want to ruin this gigantic progress the sport has been making in the recent years?
After completely destroying the World League, and implementing the awful Pay per View system for the match streams, now it's time to destroy the most important competition on the planet, I see.
Just like they did with the WL< they're now turning the World Championship into a circus that noone will care about. Not only is the system completely unfair to teams from Asia, North America or Africa, they're taking basically any chance of qualifying for teams that aren't so high in the World Ranking and replacing a honest rivalization with a complete farce, created only to have the "proper" teams (a.k.a the ones that have money and fans) qualify.
Yeah, sure, someone may say that " all the teams can advance in the World Ranking". The question is - how? How are the teams supposed to get more points in the ranking, when the FIVB is locking the only competition that can actually give them some points? Most countries don't care for European League or Asian Challenge Cup, and I don't think those competitions actually benefit them in world rankings. The VNL is already a joke, with most of the teams not even able to being relegated and an awful qualification system, the World Cup doesn't count, and the continental championship give like, 30 points for taking the 1st place?
Honestly, this is just pathetic. After being taken over by Ary Graca FIVB has turned into this one big cash machine, that only cares about milking money from countries like Poland, italy or Brazil. The problem is that not only the rest of the world will no longer care about Volleyball, the potential in such countries will end too. Some people in Poland are alreadry becoming tired of how many tournaments we host lately - and we will probably host the male 2026 World Championship too.. It used to be an event, and now our federation already has problems to fill the stadiums.
I wish Ary Graca would just retire, and take his "experts" with him.