Italy - Serie A 2007/2008

  • ^ from what i heard she had some problems, but im not sure.

    Results - 5th Leg (R.) - 17.02.2008
    Despar Perugia - Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi 1:3 ( 21:25 25:23 19:25 19:25) stats
    Foppapedretti Bergamo - Scavolini Pesaro 2:3 (25:22 22:25 19:25 25:16 18:20) stats
    Famila Chieri - Asystel Novara 0:3 (21:25 19:25 20:25) stats
    Infotel Banca Forli - Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura 0:3 (26:28 18:25 23:25) stats
    Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo - Minetti Infoplus Imola 3:1 (25:19 25:20 22:25 28:26) stats
    Tena Santeramo - Yamamay Busto Arsizio 3:1 (25:22 25:20 17:25 25:18 ) stats

    1. Scavolini Pesaro 42
    2. Foppapedretti Bergamo 38
    3. Despar Perugia 37
    4. Asystel Volley Novara 33
    5. Yamamay Busto Arsizio 28
    6. Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi 25
    7. Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo 20
    8. Tena Santeramo 17
    9. Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura 17
    10. Famila Chieri 15
    11. Minetti Infoplus Imola 12
    12. Infotel Banca Forlì 4

    Next Matches - 24.02.2008
    Minetti Infoplus Imola - Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi
    Asystel Volley Novara - Despar Perugia
    Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura - Foppapedretti Bergamo
    Scavolini Pesaro - Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio - Famila Chieri
    Infotel Banca Forlì - Tena Santeramo

  • Results - 6th Leg (R.) - 24.02.08
    Minetti Infoplus Imola - Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi 0:3
    Asystel Volley Novara - Despar Perugia 0:3
    Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura - Foppapedretti Bergamo 2:3
    Scavolini Pesaro - Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo 3:2
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio - Famila Chieri 3:0
    Infotel Banca Forlì - Tena Santeramo 0:3

    1. Scavolini Pesaro 44
    2. Despar Perugia 40
    Foppapedretti Bergamo 40
    4. Asystel Volley Novara 33
    5. Yamamay Busto Arsizio 31
    6. Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi 28
    7. Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo 21
    8. Tena Santeramo 20
    9. Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura 18
    10. Famila Chieri 15
    11. Minetti Infoplus Imola 12
    12. Infotel Banca Forlì 4

    Next Matches - 02.03.2008
    Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi - Asystel Volley Novara
    Scavolini Pesaro - Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura
    Foppapedretti Bergamo - Minetti Infoplus Imola
    Despar Perugia - Yamamay Busto Arsizio (29/2/2008 )
    Famila Chieri - Infotel Banca Forlì
    Tena Santeramo - Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo

  • In this match Milena Rosner played as a libero and she has 74% and 57% in reception ;)

    A couple of matches in a role of libero and she'll become much better at her usual position. Just like Alice Blom recently, he-he ;)

  • What a horrible season for Asystel. I can't see any of their matches, so I have to wonder what's wrong with them. Is Valeskinha really as useless as the stats seem to indicate?

  • So far Pesaro's performance has been flawless. I hope they keep on doing the good job and eventually win the Championship. Anyway, for the sake of Brazil's National Team it would be nice if Pesaro loses in the quarterfinals already! Then Sheilla (and maybe Mari) would be able to join the National Team with at least a month in advance! I hope Murcia loses in the quarterfinals too! LOL! This year is an OG's year!

  • Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi - Asystel Volley Novara 0:3 (18:25 27:29 26:28 ) statistics
    Scavolini Pesaro - Lines Altamura 3:0 (25:14 25:19 25:23) statistics
    Foppapedretti Bergamo - Minetti Vicenza 2:3 (25:17 23:25 25:16 13:25 7:15) statistics
    Despar Perugia - Yamamay Busto Arsizio 3:2 (21:25 26:24 24:26 25:21 15:12) statistics
    Famila Chieri - Infotel Forlì 3:0 (25:22 31:29 25:18 ) statistics
    Tena Volley Santeramo - Unicom Kerakoll Sassuolo 3:0 (25:16 25:23 25:19) statistics

    Next matches 09.03.2008
    Lines Altamura - Asystel Novara
    Infotel Forlì - Scavolini Pesaro
    Famila Chieri - Despar Perugia
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio - Monte Schiavo Jesi
    Unicom Kerakoll Sassuolo - Foppapedretti Bergamo 08.03.2008
    Minetti Vicenza Tena Volley Santeramo

  • What a horrible season for Asystel. I can't see any of their matches, so I have to wonder what's wrong with them. Is Valeskinha really as useless as the stats seem to indicate?

    Some users posted Novara's matches on the forum, maybe if you can download it, you'll see by yourself ;)
    I think Valeskinha is doing very well receiving, but attacking :roll: But there's not a replacement (an ideal, at least) for her right now, so I'd keep her on court (Nnamani is doing nothing and Barcellini -- is this her name? -- doesn't seem very good as well).

    Besides that I'm glad about Pesaro :)
    On the other hand I think it'll be very good for brazilians to reach a final of a Scudetto... they need to learn something about decisive matches :D
    (and Murcia couldn't lose so easily in the Spanish league even if they tried :lol: )

  • 19th playround
    Lines Altamura - Asystel Novara 0:3 (21:25 20:25 13:25) statistics
    Infotel Forlì - Scavolini Pesaro 0:3 (12:25 20:25 27:29) statistics
    Famila Chieri - Despar Perugia 1:3 (25:23 22:25 22:25 20:25) statistics
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio - Monte Schiavo Jesi 1:3 (23:25 25:23 11:25 23:25) statistics
    Unicom Kerakoll Sassuolo - Foppapedretti Bergamo 1:3 (26:28 25:18 16:25 20:25) statistics
    Minetti Vicenza - Tena Volley Santeramo 0:3 (22:25 18:25 22:25) statistics

    Scavolini Pesaro 50
    Despar Perugia 45
    Foppapedretti Bergamo 44
    Asystel Volley Novara 39
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio 32
    Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi 31
    Tena Santeramo 26
    Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo 21
    Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura 18
    Famila Chieri 18
    Minetti Infoplus Imola 14
    Infotel Banca Forlì 4

    20th playround
    Monte Schiavo Jesi - Lines Altamura 16.03.2008
    Foppapedretti Bergamo - Despar Perugia 16.03.2008
    Tena Volley Santeramo - Scavolini Pesaro 0:3 (18:25 23:25 22:25) statistics
    Minetti Vicenza - Famila Chieri 19.03.2008
    Asystel Novara - Yamamay Busto Arsizio 16.03.2008
    Unicom Kerakoll Sassuolo - Infotel Forlì 16.03.2008

  • 20th playround
    Tena Volley Santeramo - Scavolini Pesaro 0:3 (18:25 23:25 22:25) statistics

    Monte Schiavo Jesi - Lines Altamura 3:0 (26:24 25:15 25:21) statistics
    Foppapedretti Bergamo - Despar Perugia 3:0 (29:27 25:17 25:18 ) statistics
    Asystel Novara - Yamamay Busto Arsizio 3:0 (25:21 30:28 25:18 ) statistics
    Unicom Kerakoll Sassuolo - Infotel Forlì 3:0 (25:14 25:19 25:11) statistics

    Minetti Vicenza - Famila Chieri 19.03.2008

  • Results - 22.03.
    Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura - Tena Santeramo 3:1 (27:25 25:23 20:25 25:23)
    Scavolini Pesaro -
    Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi 3:2 (24:26 22:25 25:21 25:22 15:11)
    Foppapedretti Bergamo - Asystel Volley Novara 3:2 (25:15 19:25 25:23 26:28 15:11)
    Despar Perugia - Minetti Infoplus Imola 3:0 (25:20 25:21 25:16)
    Infotel Banca Forlì
    - Yamamay Busto Arsizio 0:3 (25:15 25:18 25:17)
    Famila Chieri -
    Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo 3:2 (18:25 16:25 25:21 25:23 15:10)

    1. Scavolini Pesaro 55 19 2
    2. Foppapedretti Bergamo 49 16 5
    3. Despar Perugia 48 17 4
    4. Asystel Volley Novara 43 15 6
    5. Yamamay Busto Arsizio 35 12 9
    6. Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi 35 12 9
    7. Tena Santeramo 26 9 12
    8. Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo 26 8 13
    9. Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura 21 7 14
    10. Famila Chieri 19 5 16
    11. Minetti Infoplus Imola 17 5 16
    12. Infotel Banca Forlì 4 1 20

    Next Matches - 06.04
    Asystel Volley Novara - Scavolini Pesaro
    1/4/2008 Minetti Infoplus Imola - Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura
    Tena Santeramo - Famila Chieri
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio - Foppapedretti Bergamo
    Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi - Infotel Banca Forlì
    Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo - Despar Perugia

  • Results of the 11th Leg
    Asystel Volley Novara - Scavolini Pesaro 2-3 (25:23 23:25 25:23 21:25 11:15) stats
    Minetti Infoplus Imola
    - Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura 3-1 (25:19 28:26 20:25 25:17) stats
    Tena Santeramo
    - Famila Chieri 3-1 (25:19 25:21 23:25 27:25) stats
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio
    - Foppapedretti Bergamo 0-3 (21:25 18:25 12:25) stats
    Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi -
    Infotel Banca Forlì 3-0 (25:6 25:19 25:16) stats
    Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo
    - Despar Perugia 2-3 (23:25 26:24 17:25 25:21 11:15) stats

    1. Scavolini Pesaro 57
    2. Foppapedretti Bergamo
    3. Despar Perugia
    4. Asystel Volley Novara
    5. Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi
    6. Yamamay Busto Arsizio
    7. Tena Santeramo
    8. Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo

    9. Lines Ecocapitanata Altamura 21
    10. Minetti Infoplus Imola 20
    11. Famila Chieri 19
    12. Infotel Banca Forlì 4

    Next Matches - 09.04.2008 - Playoffs - 1st Leg of the Quarters
    Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo - Scavolini Pesaro
    Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi - Asystel Volley Novara
    Tena Santeramo - Foppapedretti Bergamo
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio - Despar Perugia

  • Yesterday the first quarterfinals of the Playoffs were played. Let's see what happened:

    Unicom Starker Kerakoll Sassuolo vs Scavolini Pesaro = 1-3 (19-25; 23-25; 25-21; 22-25) stats

    Monte Schiavo Banca Marche Jesi vs Asystel Volley Novara = 3-1 (25-22; 21-25; 25-18; 25-19) stats
    Tena Santeramo vs Foppapedretti Bergamo = 0-3 (15-25; 14-25; 17-25) stats
    Yamamay Busto Arsizio vs Despar Perugia = 2-3 (17-25; 25-23; 26-28; 25-22; 15-17) stats

    I watched Novara vs Jesi and I saw a Novara in crisis. The only player that played great was Skowronska. Berg is not in shape, Valeskinha and Osmokrovic didn't receive nor attack well. Anzanello and Paggi were ok, but nothing particular, but the bad reception and setting didn't help. Jesi on the other hand served really well, Rinieri was just superb (she has to return in NT if she plays like that!!!), Negrini and Bown were great too. Unfortunately Togut played poorly.

  • Zoppas Industries Conegliano finishes the season on top of A2 and wins the promotion into the elite. I'm very happy for Jovana Brakocevic, who is the best scorer of the league. :) Still, I hope she goes to a bigger club next season.

  • Zoppas Industries Conegliano finishes the season on top of A2 and wins the promotion into the elite. I'm very happy for Jovana Brakocevic, who is the best scorer of the league. :) Still, I hope she goes to a bigger club next season.

    Yesss! I knew it, starting from the middle of the season, that she can get to A1 by the natural way, with her team winning the A2. As a scorer, she just didn't give even a little chance to the pursuers, passing ahead of the second place with an advantage of 70(!) points. She scored 5,91 points per set, it's more than Carmen Turlea in the A1 league! :what:
    Guys, let me introduce Jovana Brakocevic - the newly born Volleyball Superstar!!! :thumbsup: :heart:

  • Play Off A1 2007/08
    2nd Round Semifinal

    Today at 8:30 pm team from Bergamo defeated Despar Perugia 3:0 :win: (25:15, 25:17, 25:19).
    Foppapedretti Bergamo: Tasca n.e., Gruen 13, Croce (L), Rosner n.e., Gujska n.e., Camarda (L) n.e., Sorokaite 8, Piccinini 13, Arrighetti 13 (MVP), Lo Bianco 2, Fiorin n.e., Poljak 11.
    Despar Perugia: Pachale 2, Grbac, Crisanti 8, Marinova 1, Decordi, Arcangeli (L), Sacco, Pavlovic n.e., Francia 10, Del Core 3, Artmenko 3, Gioli 7.

    Tomorrow at 6:30 pm surely a very good game- Scavolini Pesaro and Asystel Volley Novara.

    Es ist gut, daß uns ein Hoffen gegeben, ein Selbstbetrug dadurch man vergisst, daß unser Gastspiel in diesem Leben eine tragische Komädie ist

  • In the last few games both Rosner and Fiorin are not playing at all; in fact during the Italian Cup Final, with Bergamo losing 1-2, Micelli tried a new formula with Sorokaite oh just attacking, and Mello entering in her place in the receiving positions (There's a rule in Italy that you can make as many substitutions as you want if both players are under21)...and it was I'd say really successful; so since that...Fiorin and Rosner out, Sorokaite/Merlo in

    Today Pesaro won 3-1 in a cool match I'd say (at least 3rd and 4th set) with Novara and is the first finalist of the 2007/2008 Championship

    Tomorrow nitgh we'll discover who'll challenge them

  • I prefer to beat the Champion's League Champions in the Final Playoff! Anyway, kickingg Foppa's ass won't be that bad either!

    Go Pesaro!