I think it's worth to create a new thread for future Russian team. Because we have the first suprise here. Most people were sure, that new coach of NT will be the current coach of Zarechie Odintsovo Vadim Pankov. But on today's voting Pankov has got 8 votes from 25, and Kuzyutkin 12 votes...
So... the new coach of Russian team is Vladimir Kuzyutkin - current coach of Balakovskaya AES, the last team of Superliga!
Last year Kuzyutkin worked in University Belgorod, and he is a main creator of current success of the team. Also about ten years ago he worked in Turkey and even was a coach of Turkish NT. Vladimir Kuzyutkin has signed the two year contract and he will leave club after the season to fully concentrate on NT. By now it looks like we can really expect for some global changes in the National team.