More likely Jacek Nawrocki (the coach of Skra Bełchatów) will be the new coach of Polish NT. He is going to share his work in the club and in the NT. I don't think it is a good idea. I would even say it would be very bad choice by Polish Federetion...
They fired Castellani not having known who should replace him and it was a mistake. Now they are going to take a very "safe" decision, which may cause many troubles. Both for Skra and Poland.

Polish NT 2011
I thought I'd get a heart attack. I don't even know what to say...that's ridiculous.
Oh, c'mon! Because of what? He has won anything yet. Maybe in next 5 years he would be a good choice, but now he's not.
I thought I'd get a heart attack. I don't even know what to say...that's ridiculous.
I am very curious about your opinion for Nawrocki.
For what I had seen (only matches in CL) he seems to be a good tactician but not that convincing when has to motivate the team and keep them concentrated - which is, IMO, one of the biggest problems for Poles. Correct me if I am wrong, you have better understanding for the situation.Do you think it would be a better idea to have a foreign coatch for the Polish NT, someone else?
There is a tendency lately for teams to employ a national coach (Russia, Bulagria - example)? -
I just can't believe what Przedpełski has in his head...
And I hope, that Nawrocki will keep rest of his mind and will refuse this offer. It's too early. -
I think it's bad idea (that Nawrocki will be coach Polish NT). He's a good coach but club it's not Nationality Team. It isn't this level. Polish Federacion made bad decision releasing Castellani. Now I don't see better than Castellani. For Nawrocki it's too early yet.
Nawrocki is doing really good job in Skra but that's the club, he have the best squad in Poland(almost half of the NT play in Skra) in National team he has to select the best players create a team from ashes and i think he is not experienced enough to be head coach of NT.
my advice to polish federation CALL ANASTAZI FOR GOD SAKE!!!!!
I am very curious about your opinion for Nawrocki.
For what I had seen (only matches in CL) he seems to be a good tactician but not that convincing when has to motivate the team and keep them concentrated - which is, IMO, one of the biggest problems for Poles. Correct me if I am wrong, you have better understanding for the situation.Do you think it would be a better idea to have a foreign coatch for the Polish NT, someone else?
There is a tendency lately for teams to employ a national coach (Russia, Bulagria - example)?Well...I'm not Nawrocki hater or something
I just think he's not ready for NT. Club and NT are something totally different. I think he's not experienced enough...But that's not only why I'm so against him. To me it seems like he doesn't have impact on players. He should have authority among players, but I don't think he really has. Also he's not really good at motivating players...or maybe it's just my opinion. We could see how important motivation is for Poles for example during WCh. I agree he's pretty good tactician, but I think tactics and physical preparation are not enough. Before WCh Poles were in pretty good physical shape, but there was no fighting spirit, no motivation...u probably saw what happened to Poland against Brazil and Bulgaria. Do u think we lost in such terrible way just because those teams were simply physically better? I wouldn't say was mostly motivation/mental problem. Castellani couldn't motivate them enough, they were mentally crushed and that was the main reason of those terrible defeats. I'm afraid same situation could be with Nawrocki. As I said...I also consider him as a pretty good tactician, but to me he's not charismatic enough, he's simply not good at motivating players which is very important thing. I'm not a big fan of Anastasi, but right now I don't see better candidate...there were also some rumors about Glenn Hoag, but he's still coach of Canada, so Anastasi would be the best choice, definitely noone of polish coaches. They're simply not good enough to be the head coach of NT.
At the moment he can be second coach of our NT. In 5 years since now, he would be an obvious choice for being the first one, but not now.
At the moment he can be second coach of our NT. In 5 years since now, he would be an obvious choice for being the first one, but not now.
And that would be good choice, for example if Anastasi would be our head coach. Nawrocki knows our players very well and he speaks Italian, so it's another advantage, plus he would gain a lot of experience on NT level.
Well...I'm not Nawrocki hater or something
I just think he's not ready for NT. Club and NT are something totally different. I think he's not experienced enough...But that's not only why I'm so against him. To me it seems like he doesn't have impact on players. He should have authority among players, but I don't think he really has. Also he's not really good at motivating players...or maybe it's just my opinion. We could see how important motivation is for Poles for example during WCh. I agree he's pretty good tactician, but I think tactics and physical preparation are not enough. Before WCh Poles were in pretty good physical shape, but there was no fighting spirit, no motivation...u probably saw what happened to Poland against Brazil and Bulgaria. Do u think we lost in such terrible way just because those teams were simply physically better? I wouldn't say was mostly motivation/mental problem. Castellani couldn't motivate them enough, they were mentally crushed and that was the main reason of those terrible defeats. I'm afraid same situation could be with Nawrocki. As I said...I also consider him as a pretty good tactician, but to me he's not charismatic enough, he's simply not good at motivating players which is very important thing. I'm not a big fan of Anastasi, but right now I don't see better candidate...there were also some rumors about Glenn Hoag, but he's still coach of Canada, so Anastasi would be the best choice, definitely noone of polish coaches. They're simply not good enough to be the head coach of NT.
I think the main reason for Poland to lose in WCH was that the team lost the matches in their heads before they even come to the court. Sure, it was a mental problem, not physical or anything else.
As for Nawrocki - IMO it is not really necessary to be a coach of another NT before, even though coaching a club is for sure totally different.
Which teams he coached before Skra and what experience he had? I agree for the respect - it is a must for coach to have a big influence on players, otherwise he will be just a consultant and that's all. -
I think the main reason for Poland to lose in WCH was that the team lost the matches in their heads before they even come to the court. Sure, it was a mental problem, not physical or anything else.
As for Nawrocki - IMO it is not really necessary to be a coach of another NT before, even though coaching a club is for sure totally different.
Which teams he coached before Skra and what experience he had? I agree for the respect - it is a must for coach to have a big influence on players, otherwise he will be just a consultant and that's all.Yes, I also consider mental problems as the main reason of defeat at WCh. Yeah, Poles tend to lose in their heads before the match starts...and here comes the role of the coach...he should motivate players even more than he used to, before such important and difficult matches like against Brazil and Bulgaria. He shouldn't be here just to prepare them physically to the tournament, if there are some mental problems he should try to fix them. That's my opinion. Nawrocki would definitely prepare them well if it comes to tactics, but I'm not sure if he could motivate our players enough before matches against really strong opponents like Brazil.
Before he became head coach of Skra he was...second coach of SkraI don't know if he was head coach of any other Polish club...
Ah, second coach of Skra...Hm...that might not be enough; eh...
Having a foreign coach also has some disadvantages as well with the positive effect.
It is very important to have a coach who will understand the Polish psychic and will be able to deal with it in a positive way.I remember Prandi, for example, got criticized a lot in Bulgaria, cause he seems too calm for the public and most people concluded that he is not interested enough
of his job, which is, of course, not true, but that reveal how different his calm, professional, "academic" style of coaching was compared to the south hot-tempered Balkan mentality! If we add the language difficulty as well that ended up with him being released...heh...
Anyaway good luck with the new coach, whoever will be... -
Polish Federation (PZPS) has a problem... Jacek Nawrocki wants to be a coach of Skra Bełchatów and Polish NT, but PZPS don't want agree on it. So now they have to choose Jacek Nawrocki with "double function" or foreign coach. Candidate no. 1 is Ferdinando de Giorgi.
Candidate no. 1 is Ferdinando de Giorgi.
and now Andrea Anastasi -
Anastasi is very close to become the coach of Poland. It looks like any other choice would be surprising. The official decision should be announced today afternoon.
So, it's official now.
Andrea Anastasi is new coach of Polish NT! -
Yes. I hope we achieve successes with him. Good result in ECh and olympic qualification are the most important right now.
Nothing will change.
Nothing will change.
Said God. And rested...