Poland - Plusliga 2011/2012

  • I remembered that someone mentioned Thornton and Holmes crossed the middle line several times. I want to say it's very ridiculous. 3 of the first 11 points of Fart came from Americans' faults, which is a big surprise.

    Yep, it was me, I started to count it 'cause it attracted my attention that only Americans crossed this freakin' line :D


    What's amusing, Zibi argued with the referee several times and I kept thinking why didn't the referee sanction a yellow card. We all know Batman eats a yellow card and become superman!

    I don't know if it's good idea to wait for a yellow card for Zibi every time he argues with referee but anyway you're kinda right 'cause pissed Zibi is a real badass.


    I felt so excited to watch Kielce playing such amazing game. Pujol caught my sight as usual. I wondered why he didn't cut his hair and quickly came to the conclusion that he doesn't speak Polish so he can't go to a Polish hairdresser's. What impressed me the most is Pujol's defence. Although his height limits his
    blocking, but he makes it up with his defence. It seems shorter players always do awesome defences, Giba, Takeshita, now Pujol, and in my opinion Woicki, who I think has good sence of defence.

    Pierre was like a pure essence of this match. I guess it's the best performance of him I saw in Plusliga.

    But Woicki? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: He does awesome kick-balls when he is pissed and he gets yellow cards. He could be a friend of Bartman in this case.


    And I want to talk about the little teenage adulescent younger-but-taller-than-me kid Marinowski. He really drew my attention. When Lasko sucked in the fourth set, he had a chance to play. I counted how many times he touched the ball in that period. The result is 2 times within 8 rallies, the first attack opportunity was given to him after he was on and he spiked it out. Afterwards both sides committed several faults and he soon go to the front where Lasko returned. His second touch was a defence but the ball wasn't dug up but flew to the audience. His attacking action is tooooooooooo much similar to Ivan Castellani, which made me confused: are all '92-ers spiking in the same action?

    Malinowski :whistle: Like "malina" which means "raspberry" :D
    Yeah, I wait to see him more playing although Łasko is so on fire and he doesn't need to be replaced.


    Finally, I have to say all about Fart Kielce looks hilarious. First, why their club name is fart? and they press "fart" on the players' asses, is that some kind of coincidence? And why their emblem is a weird cat! I had thought the bee of Skra is the weirdest one.

    Oh, I like this name. Fart is so happy word. It means "Luck". And we call players of Fart "Farciarze" which mean sth like "lucky guys". Fart chose a black cat on purpose. It's so perverse since the name of the club is "Luck". 'Cause the black cat is kinda bad luck, right? But for Fart the black cat isn't bad luck but good luck :roll:

  • Quote

    And I remembered about one nice fact from last match ZAKSA - Politechnika. Do you guys hear all those fans screaming: "KUREK BARTEK KUREK!"? I heard it and I was like: "What? What? Where is he?". It was nice from the audience side considering the fact that Bartek left Kędzierzyn a couple years ago. So I think now that I can started to like fans from Kędzierzyn, 'cause I didn't quite like them and this season they impress me in a very positive way.

    Well, you shouldn't start to like us, because it was a mishearing :). Fans were chanting "JUREK GLADYR JUREK", to support our middle blocker. As you probably know, he had an operation two weeks ago, but he was able to be at match with AZS (quite lame, but smiling :D ).

    Speaking about operation - I feel really sorry for Metodi, he had such a great start in Plusliga... I hope, he will stay in Olsztyn for the next season.

    I'm curious about how Olsztyn will play today, beceause in the last match they were completely broken.

    So, my first post... I'm sorry for my English (and for small off topic too... ), but I just felt a need, to correct this "Bartek Kurek matter" :D

  • Oh, now I'm a little bit disappointed... Are you sure about it? 'Cause I was a hundred percent sure that they were screaming "Kurek Bartek Kurek" :huh: Doesn't really matter. I like fans of ZAKSA more and more.

    And yep, I know about Juriy, I support him and I can't wait to see him back in game. As well as Sebastian. I saw them both sitting at the table. My heart melted ^^

    Btw. if you are new I recommend you a thread "Introduce yourself" somewhere at the top of this website ;)

  • Can someone provide a working livestream for tonights matches? http://www.drhtv.com.pl/transmisja-5874.html is not working for me. Thank you :thumbup:

    It is not working for me, too :white: It is written "check back soon" but how soon is soon? :huh:

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • http://www.lshunter.tv/index.p…t&layout=popup&Itemid=327

    check out if this helps.

    Olsztyn is losing the first set, Yudin takes Ananiev's place, while the OHs show big problem in attacking.

    Thank you, very much :win: It works perfectly
    Yeah, bad start for Olsztyn :(

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • i love fart kielce..eveyone is so good!!pujol is a great setter and nilsson is a missile,,nilsson should be on a national team and yudin should star in a movie..so cute

  • Olsztyn is performing a horrible game. The two outside hitters are not supposed to play that badly. 9 out 10 Yudin's attack go to the same zone and all got perfectly blocked so that Fart easily fight back.
    It seems everyone of Olsztyn is out of mind, they may not know what they're doing now. That's a big shame.

  • Olsztyn is performing a horrible game. The two outside hitters are not supposed to play that badly. 9 out 10 Yudin's attack go to the same zone and all got perfectly blocked so that Fart easily fight back.
    It seems everyone of Olsztyn is out of mind, they may not know what they're doing now. That's a big shame.

    Ydin looks like really confused.... Like he has no awareness what's happenning around him ?( So inadequate 8|
    Ferens at least shows great enthusiasm ...if not anything else... and he is still on fire :D .
    It is so easy for Fart up to now, I hope third set Olsztyn will show more teeth

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • No he isn't, he isn't even in roster for today :(

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • Guys, is Kadziu on the court?


    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • Fart won 3:0 (-17 -19 -22) stats

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • Please, inform me, people, who is MVP ;)

    Pierre Pujol

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • Pfuu, Olsztyn were anemic... bad reception, soo many errors in serving, total disability to organize an efficient attack...Yudin - soaring somewhere above the clouds .. :aww: And Fart just killed them on block, Pujol did great...actually the result from the match speaks well enough for itself.

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • Delecta Bydgoszcz - ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle 1:3 (25-22 16-25 24-26 23-25) stats MVP: Guillaume Samica

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • antiga looks hot in skra uniform..his new team sports a unispired design uniform..opposite of polish festive spectators