Amin Maloof's books.
Gabrial Garcia Marquez's books
Almudena Grandes - The Ages of Lulu

What's Your Favourite Books?
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest - Millenium III / Stieg Larsson
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest - Millenium III / Stieg Larsson
I assume you read the others books. Did you like it?
I watched the movies from those books, they are good.
I assume you read the others books. Did you like it?
I watched the movies from those books, they are good.
Yeah i have readed Serie I and II
Well i have watched those movies after reading and they were a bit disapointment coz they are cuting half of the book to compact it for 2 hours books continue much more exciting believe me
.Crime and detective books are my favourites i guess i have readed all of Agatha Christie,Jean Cristophe Grange and Tess Gerritsen books
I also love Agatha Christie's books
I love is my favourite hobby! I read nearly every kind of books, even though I must admit I don't like fantasy kind...
I love classics (I read Hugo, Dostoevskij, Golding,Poe,Shelley...)
I love Agatha Christie too but my favourite is Isabel Allende! I've read nearly everything by her and her books are magical...right now I'm reading Ulysses by Joyce (fantastic,he was a genius)
My favorite book from all times is Anne Frank: the diary of a young girl
I dont know why but It touches me differently. Actually any book with a history conected to the Second World War interests me.
My favorite book from all times is Anne Frank: the diary of a young girl
I dont know why but It touches me differently. Actually any book with a history conected to the Second World War interests me.
It's indeed a very touching (hi)story.
It's indeed a very touching (hi)story.
Yes, I read it again at least once a year.
It may seem abit funny to you but my all-time favourite book is ''My little Orange Tree''
(José Mauro De Vasconcelos) (I hope the name of the book in English is like that :D) When I first read it(I was 10 or 11), it touched me a lot really. Especially the end of the book was so touching. I don't know the exact number but probably I read it more than 5-6 times
By the way, Agatha Christie's all books are really so precious for me! When I start to read one of her books, the book becomes my world and I become Hercule Poirot who trys to find out who is/are the murderer(s)
By the way, Agatha Christie's all books are really so precious for me! When I start to read one of her books, the book becomes my world and I become Hercule Poirot who trys to find out who is/are the murderer(s)me too
Alchemist by Paulo Coelho !
Brave New World (by Aldous Huxley)
Bilal (by Fabrizio Gatti)
Gomorrha (by Roberto Saviano) -
Brave New World (by Aldous Huxley)
I love it too!! thanks to my teacher...she talked about it and I immediately got attracted! -
Venerable Mary of Agreda's Body has Remained Incorrupt for more than 340 years