World League 2012

  • Kurek and Sokolov, two mighty people

    Imagine Leon, Kurek, Sokolov, Todorov, Nowakowski, Simon in one team :super:

  • I have watched replay in the middle of the night (life is brutal and I can't watch any match live) and then I couldn't go sleep 'cause emotions almost exploded my heart. What a circus :rolll: and this Egyptian referee, what? A monkey, just give him a banana. Not to mention about daddy Rezende :lol: every time I see this emote :what: I see Rezende. And his son? C'mon Bruno, I liked you so much once :aww: He was just ridiculous! Kubi hitted him? Bitch please... :lol:
    Kubi, you naughty guy, every time he's on the court something goin' on :whistle: :D
    What a match by Kurek and ZB9! Our superheroes... Igła jumping behind advertising gangs :D Awesome, guys! That's what I like the most: fight to the last ball and leaving hearts on the court :heart:

  • Zbigniew Bartman 57%, Bartosz Kurek 54%. They are the best in Spikers Clasification!!!!

  • i couldnt write yesterday but i have to say i really liked again the way of germany played :thumbup: they never give up and its gorgeous, they know playing as a team.. each player has his own mission and try to do it, congrats germany now u have to wait bulgarians to beat usa... btw my favourite team is still poland go polska :thumbsup:

  • Today Zorzi in his commentary told that the qualifying teams are already sure and the only question in both groups is just the order in which they will get to the semis. But as I see now Germany can still qualify if USA lose today...But he was sure as well that from the other group Brazil and Poland will qualify...
    I just don't get why he is making this videos , then tell that he thinks/ or his opinion is ... but not like it would be a fact already...

    I see it right that Germany still has chance to get to the semis, right?

    Born for Volleyball, lives from Volleyball, dies with Volleyball.

    "When somebody is just not an equal partner to have a conversation with, the best you can do is to ignore him." Done!

  • So mighty Brazil is out :whistle: Good job guys! As usual lately- I haven't watched whole match. I feel so out of volleyball world lately, but every win against Brazil tastes so special, and even though I should rather get used to it lately (:D) it is still a great thing for me, 'cause every single game against Brazil is not only a typical physical volleyball match, it is a huge mental battle as well, and we're winning every single of these battles, that makes me proud of my team even more.

    Ah, this young Rezende trying to prove something again :roll: This is why I detest him so much. God I just love it, everytime he acts like that, he proves how immature he is. A true champion knows how to celebrate and how to lose as well, this guy totally doesn't and his provoking is really hilarious to me. I can actually say pretty much the same about Michał Kubiak. Well of course his behaviour is definitely less annoying to me, 'cause he is our guy etc., but come on Michał... :roll: Leave it, it's fun to watch, but sometimes I catch myself on this weird thought that the main purpose of his presence on the court is to piss the opponent off, especially if it's Bruno :lol:
    I must admit that I've always liked this sparkling quarrels at the net, it's always more drama and makes the whole spectacle even more attractive, but I don't want it to be the most decisive factor. It is exactly what Brazilians want- to answer back on their provocations. Don't let them drag you guys into this mud. Pissing at all those provocations would make them angry even more 3:) Not that I want Bruno to get a heart attack or something...

    Anyway, besides this victory, it's really cool to see our guys on the top of the individual statistics, keep it up guys!

    Now I'll try to do my best to finally see the first full match of World League. Can't wait for Cuba-Poland to begin! Dawać chłopaki :super:

    Edit: I really, really love our guys' new uniforms, they look really good :thumbup: And our fans in Bulgaria :obey: It's so great to see them having so much fun there and supporting our guys like crazy. Now I expect a little 'revenge' from Bulgarian side, this time in Poland. WCh maybe? :D :drink:

  • What do you guys think about the personal awards? FIVB will do everything to give at least 2 to Bulgaria imo :D
    MVP: Kurek or Leon
    Best Scorer: Kurek, Leon, Stanley or Anderson
    Best Spiker: Kurek
    Best Blocker:
    Best Server: Leon
    Best Receiver:
    Best Libero: Salparov :D
    Best Setter: Bratoev :D

  • Guys, could you explain me sth? What do "running set" and "still set" mean? And how is it counting to choose the best setter? ?(…sp?Tourn=WL2012&Skill=SET

    running set is when he has to run for the ball and setting it meanwhile moving, still set is when he does not have to run for it so can have a stable base before setting it, usually it means the reception was good and went on the setter, or was high enough for the setter to get his position in time. About the rest I am checking your stat, just a sec.

    Born for Volleyball, lives from Volleyball, dies with Volleyball.

    "When somebody is just not an equal partner to have a conversation with, the best you can do is to ignore him." Done!

  • Guys, could you explain me sth? What do "running set" and "still set" mean? And how is it counting to choose the best setter? ?(…sp?Tourn=WL2012&Skill=SET

    afaik a running set is a perfect set- I guess when the spiker scores a point after the set, a still set then should be when the spiker fails to score- gets blocked, makes an error or the ball gets digged

  • running set is when he has to run for the ball and setting it meanwhile moving, still set is when he does not have to run for it so can have a stable base before setting it, usually it means the reception was good and went on the setter, or was high enough for the setter to get his position in time. About the rest I am checking your stat, just a sec.

    I had the the explanations for this somewhere and will trry to find them. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that. I might be wrong tho :wavy:
    edit: we both were wrong :)
    " A running set is defined as a set from a player that puts their hitter against one blocker or none. Still sets happen when a player sets an attacker and there are two blockers or more."

    Don't you worry, don't you worry child. See heaven's got a plan for you

    Edited once, last by rugby ().

  • Guys, could you explain me sth? What do "running set" and "still set" mean? And how is it counting to choose the best setter? ?(…sp?Tourn=WL2012&Skill=SET

    These statistics about setter's performance does not really show the real ranking between the setters. The link you sent is
    ranking setters based on the number of sets in average per set. For a setter's performance the best is when make the fewest errors and the most still sets as possible. As it is usually a better set when they have their position before setting, also should mean that the he can run more options in attack then in running. But this number also depends highly from the reception, so that is why I tell this statistic does not give a real picture of the quality of the setters. Their position is the hardest to evaluate with statistic and the most subjective as well.

    Born for Volleyball, lives from Volleyball, dies with Volleyball.

    "When somebody is just not an equal partner to have a conversation with, the best you can do is to ignore him." Done!

  • I had the the explanations for this somewhere and will trry to find them. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that. I might be wrong tho :wavy:
    edit: we both were wrong :)
    " A running set is defined as a set from a player that puts their hitter against one blocker or none. Still sets happen when a player sets an attacker and there are two blockers or more."

    Can you tell me from where are you quoting? I do not tell I might not made a mistake, but this was how I learned it back when I was playing. If you could give me the source I would be able to improve ;)


    Born for Volleyball, lives from Volleyball, dies with Volleyball.

    "When somebody is just not an equal partner to have a conversation with, the best you can do is to ignore him." Done!

  • Edit: I really, really love our guys' new uniforms, they look really good :thumbup: And our fans in Bulgaria :obey: It's so great to see them having so much fun there and supporting our guys like crazy. Now I expect a little 'revenge' from Bulgarian side, this time in Poland. WCh maybe? :D :drink:

    Your fans were simply great yesterday! :thumbsup: And those who stayed for the later match became really freindly with the Lion mascot :lol: Only DJ Teddy Djordjo was spoiling things as usual, he was too much overdoing with some speeches of his - what a buffoon! :aww:
    Ahh, that WCh... :whistle:

    Best Setter: Bratoev :D

    Mercy, please! :white:

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • Best blocker: Bratoev

  • These statistics about setter's performance does not really show the real ranking between the setters. The link you sent is
    ranking setters based on the number of sets in average per set. For a setter's performance the best is when make the fewest errors and the most still sets as possible. As it is usually a better set when they have their position before setting, also should mean that the he can run more options in attack then in running. But this number also depends highly from the reception, so that is why I tell this statistic does not give a real picture of the quality of the setters. Their position is the hardest to evaluate with statistic and the most subjective as well.

    Let me intrude here :) There is no better source of basic statistics information (most of the time) than the FIVB website, if they are using this system to control setters' performance, they should have an explanation inside. Here it is:

    Excellent: Number of excellent sets.

    Faults: Number of mistakes in setting. The opponent
    scores directly.

    Still sets: Number of sets that are not excellent
    and not faults.

    Total attempts: Total number of sets made.

    Excellent sets in this case should be read as "running". It is quite normal for the number of still sets to be bigger than the running ones, there is currently a small margin only in Zagumny's game ;) check the standings to see it. This system is not ultimate, of course, it cannot show a setter's imagination or decisions in tough moments. It is also dependent on the attackers' spikes. Take it from another side, it's not possible for Bratoev to be a better setter than all these mentioned there, it is all relative and not accurate. Besides, how come stats determine who the better setter should be when we know there are so many factors not being taken into account. It happens sometimes during tournaments and Final Fours that not always the statistically best setter is given the award, I think this should be the case even more often :)

    Btw, I didn't know the exact definitions until I checked the source, I could have only given some approximate guess, but now we have it confirmed. So none of us would've been 100% right ;)

  • Poland vs Cuba!

    I guess this going to be a interesting match!