2013 / 2014 Transfer News

  • Official :
    Tatjana Bokan will play for Cannes ! :P :P :P :P :P

  • There are rumours about Wolosz as new setter of Busto Arsizio :what:

    Great transfer! there will be another reason why I've got to support for Busto next season. Wolosz is a good talent, still 23 yo but already plays a consistent volleyball overall. If It's not Lloyd, Wolosz would be good enough for Busto.

  • Great for her! I am sure she will develop her game much with Rezende
    Soooo happy for her :D

    What about Fofao, she will play another season in Uniliver? It would be great to play with such a great setter

    Yes, Fofao already renewed with Unilever for one more year. :D

  • Why not? Osasco with Jaque and Picci would have a SUPER reception!! :super:

    Its possible..it is just that is not much Osasco style...two have two receivers, plus Garay was the main scorer last season..so I imagined they would want to sign with someone who could score like her.

    It would be weird also for me to see Jaque playing with Picci cause during the WCH Jaque dished about Picci to brazilian press. :thumbdown:

  • Mihajlovic will play in Uniliver next season :thumbup:


    After all seems official... ^^

    I think it is a good bet for Unilever, she young, strong and a great player....I believe she is coming then to replace Logan (in the foreigner squa) but probably Naty in the importance in the game.

  • what i meant is that Manon Flier could have the best potetnial but during these last years she lost her shape and she haven't grown up..
    so she's not right now a top level player to play for Rabita!!!! i was simply talking about what a waste of potential she is!!!
    even if i still hope she can find her way and stll becom a true star!

    manno filier? r u sure?
    she lost her shape many years,in fact,does she show her a super star in any league?
    her terrible remenber in italy...

  • i dont know if somebody has already written this,but:
    -it seems quite sure that Lonneke Sloetjes will play for Busto Asizio next season
    -Giulia Leonardi may move t Conegliano
    -Giulia Pisani leaves Busto

    I'm very sorry about piso...she has to delay her NT show T T

  • So new Yamamay Busto Arsizio may look like this:

    Wolosz - Sloetjes (Fabris)
    Cate Bosetti - Marcon
    Arrighetti - Folie

    If Arrighetti stays, probably Veljkovic won't arrive? They are very similar players..

  • Though Sloetjes has turned to OH-position since one year...I think Opp is still her best position, because her reception isn't strong enough yet for Busto's level :teach:

    Good luck, Lonneke :drink:

  • Volleyball.it confirms the transfers of Joanna Wolosz and Lonneke Sloetjes to Busto Arsizio. Fracesca Marcon has renewed her contract, Arrighetti and Leonardi might do the same. The club seems to be interested in Samanta Fabris from Chieri too even though they got Sloetjes as Opposite now.

    Yeeeeeeeeeeees ! :woohoo: Asia. :rose:

  • Though Sloetjes has turned to OH-position since one year...I think Opp is still her best position, because her reception isn't strong enough yet for Busto's level :teach:

    Even in Münster she didn't play like a "real" OH because the Opp did the most receptions and Cutura-Sloetjes were sharing the responsibility as 3rd receiver.

    But I think it's possible that she plays as OH in Busto sometimes, 2 player reception is nothing new for Marcon and Leonardi...

  • Juliann Faucette and Carli Lloyd will not come back to Busto next season. Where is Faucette going ? :sos: ;(

    "Mi mancherete" Pisani said about Kozuch. That means Maggie will probably leave from Busto. Maren and Maggie zu Modena ?

    (Mi mancherete= I'll miss you) Bauer leaving and joins Fenerbahce.

    "Lo sbaglio più grande e quello di credere di aver vinto prima ancora di giocare la partita"