Your "beautiful but still can fight" chart

  • Hello, I heard a commentator called Piccinini as a good-skilled idolized player.That means Piccinini is not only beautiful but also has the real ability to be a popular player.Because there are some players apart from volleyball who just have good-looking faces.

    Would you guys like to talk about it and make a chart of your TOP 3? :super:

  • For me:

    They are beautiful, have great skil, strong psyche and rich personality. They are the leaders of team.

  • 1-Skowronska

    Good topic!

  • SKowronska :rose: :heart:

    Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to
    stand behind a team to defend a team when it is down and really needs
    you, that takes a lot of courage.

  • 1. Manon Flier
    2. Kasia Skowronska
    3. Jacqueline Carvalho

  • 1) Kasia Skowronska

    2) Mari Steinbrecher

    3) Kerry Walsh (Beach Volley)

    To a beloved person:
    Eine Sonne ist untergegangen - ihr Schein bleibt uns noch lange erhalten.
    Wenn die Liebe einen Weg zum Himmel fände und Erinnerungen zu Stufen würden, dann würde ich hinaufsteigen und dich zurückholen.
    I will never forget you...

    Edited once, last by Zwergvogel ().

  • 1. Kasia Skowronska :rose:

    2. Manon Flier

    3. Francesca Piccinini

    Wild Wild West!


    " There is nothing better than this"


  • skowronska

  • why only 3? :tzz: :D

    1. Logan Tom
    2. Manon Flier
    3. Milena Rosner

    I thought if it is over 3 it will not show how you love them, :lol: If too many you will find "OK, I love all of them". :love:

    Hi. Can you please help to post the below players photos and countries. :roll: Sorry I don't know them. Thank you. :rose:

    NAZ aydemir,
    Milena Rosner ,
    Pleamjit Thinkow (Thai player)
    Misty May Treanor (Beach Volley)

  • Neslihan Darnel (Turkey)

    Milena Rosner (Poland)

    Milena Sadurek (Poland)

    the one on the left is Misty May and to the right is Kerry Walsh (another beauty :love: ) (both USA, but beach volley)

    Victoria Ravva (not sure, but I think she plays for France now)

    NAZ aydemir (Turkey)

    I would have to find a USA vs. Thailand match I have to stop the screen on Pleamjit Thinkow (THAI) and make you a picture of her, cause I couldn't find in in web.. :S

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