Any news about Glinka? I heard She is in Istanbul and she wants to focus on playing for her club. I hope she will join to the NT later. maybe for the european qualification tonurnement.

Poland NT 2011
Any news about Glinka? I heard She is in Istanbul and she wants to focus on playing for her club. I hope she will join to the NT later. maybe for the european qualification tonurnement.
no info about Glinka in case of NT, yes she's in Istanbul, preaparing for the club season with Vakifbank -
no info about Glinka in case of NT, yes she's in Istanbul, preaparing for the club season with VakifbankI thought it is clear that she won't join NT this season. She want not only to focus on playing for club but also focus on her little baby girl.
I would say thatabout Gosia nobody never knows
she says in every interview completely another opinion on her play in NT and I think there is still hope to see her in qualification
Gosia will play at European Qualifications tournament for sure. She said that she want to play at OG in London and she knows really good, that she have to help this team. If Poland won't get qualification there, it will be her last tournament in NT.
Happy birthday Gosia
Happy Birthday, Malgorzata
Which shoes have Agnieszka Bednarek-Kasza on ECH 2011? -
its an interview with Maggie during World Club Championships in Doha. Journalist ask her if she will come back to NT in next year and she said definitely no. -
Could somebody sum up what she says in video ?
Could somebody sum up what she says in video ?
of courseI'm gonna translate it, give me few minutes
Firstly journalist ask her how is she and what's up with her family and she said that everything is ok, Michelle is with her nanny in Istanbul.
Then journalists asked if they celebrated with Vakifbank their succes because it's very good year for Vakif because Guidetti and Furst are silver medalists from ECH, Turkish players are bronze medalists and Jelena is gold medalist so Vakifbank is the "hyperchampion" (journalist said that)
Glinka: Girls came back tired but very happy and they totally diserved those titles because they played great volleyball on ECH.
Journalist: What do you think about ECH this year ? No medal for Poland, Italy, Russia ?
Glinka: Russia was different team so we could expect that they'll not achive a lot. But Italian team it was big surprise because they were favourite, I thought that there's no other team who can win so it's sad surprise. Serbian players managed great with the pressure in their hometown. They didn't have an easy way to win but they showed that they're the best in Europe.
Journalist: Do you think that Serbia is the future of volleyball ? As you can see they have 3 young players in starting six: Brakocevic, Malagurski and Rasic.
Glinka: Yes, for sure. As we could see if they had problems in the match, they put on court players from bench and they played good. They have great potential and they're double ECH (Men's and Women's NT) so we can only congratulate them.
Journalist: and now we can talk about our NT, what do you think ? We changed the coach but it was in wrong time, we could do it earlier or not at all.
Glinka: I don't know why this situation happend. New coach, new and young players. It's not en easiest moment for Polish NT but it's hard to say because there are clubs which didn't allow their players to play in NT, I don't understand it but it's a problem of Polish Volleyball Federation, how they see it.
Journalist: and the last, short question. Will you come back to NT in next year or there's no conversation, this topic don't exist ?
Glinka: No conversation, this topic don't exist for me -
its an interview with Maggie during World Club Championships in Doha. Journalist ask her if she will come back to NT in next year and she said definitely no.hahaha so bye bye London 2012
Thank you Marry
you're welcome !
No, no. Nobody should take this interview serious. Gosia has got now different life than before 2008. After Beijing she wasn't fundamental player, because she had other goals and she still has it. Nobody should talks with her about NT right now, and I really understand her. She said many times, that she thinks about London and she would like to play there. Our chance is in May and it's whole season to EQT. I really believe, that Skowrońska will call her.
I dont know if this interview with Gosia is the same like Mary uploaded, but in this she says she plans to end her career after this season
I dont know if this interview with Gosia is the same like Mary uploaded, but in this she says she plans to end her career after this season
OMG, Maggie, Please don't...