Italy - Serie A1 Femminile 2012/2013

  • Piacenza won over Bergamo with 3-1, even though Valentina Diouf had 30 points and 58% for Bergamo! I guess this might be the last season in Italy for a while for Diouf.

  • Bergamo lost 3-1 against is quite a negative moment, even though the opponents are one of the strongest team in Italy (and now with Guiggi they are even stronger I think). Di Iulio wasn't there, I don't know what happened exactly, I just hope she manages to come back soon on court...Bergamo needs to find the good rithm and good game they had since a month ago! come on girls!! :super: :super:

  • Bergamo lost 3-1 against is quite a negative moment, even though the opponents are one of the strongest team in Italy (and now with Guiggi they are even stronger I think). Di Iulio wasn't there, I don't know what happened exactly, I just hope she manages to come back soon on court...Bergamo needs to find the good rithm and good game they had since a month ago! come on girls!! :super: :super:

    Di Iulio was very sick, with a cold...there is why she didnt play. :( She was missed.

  • Busto-Pesaro _________________________today 20:30 CET
    Conegliano-Villa _______________________tomorrow 18:00 CET sportube
    Urbino-Bergamo _______________________tomorrow 18:00 CET
    Chieri-Piacenza ________________________today 20:30 CET raisport

    Giaveno & Bologna :sleeping:

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.

  • Does anyone know when Lloyd is expected to be back for Busto?

    Not so early

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.

  • UNENDO YAMAMAY BUSTO ARSIZIO - KGS ROBURSPORT PESARO 3-2 (22-25, 25-15, 25-23, 25-27, 15-13) - UNENDO YAMAMAY BUSTO ARSIZIO: Brinker 16, Leonardi (L), Marcon, Bauer 18, Kozuch 18, Lombardo 15, Arrighetti 12, Caracuta 1, Pisani, Bisconti. Non entrate Faucette, Cialfi Caterina. All. Parisi. KGS ROBURSPORT PESARO: Moreno Pino 21, Valpiani, Gibbemeyer 12, De Gennaro (L), Manzano 13, Signorile 2, Tirozzi 15, Muresan 12. Non entrate Lestini, Dekani. All. Pistola. ARBITRI: Gini, Gentile. NOTE - Spettatori 3768, durata set: 27', 22', 28', 29', 17'; tot: 123'.

    DUCK FARM CHIERI TORINO - REBECCHI NORDMECCANICA PIACENZA 3-1 (25-27, 25-22, 26-24, 25-21) - DUCK FARM CHIERI TORINO: Frigo 8, Borgogno 12, Bechis 4, Sirressi (L), Gennari 10, Fernandez Navarro 4, Vietti, Piccinini, Fabris 22, Zauri, Vindevoghel 21. All. Salvagni. REBECCHI NORDMECCANICA PIACENZA: Valeriano, Leggeri 9, Turlea 19, Meijners 15, Secolo 2, Ferretti, Sansonna (L), Guiggi 14, Radenkovic, Bosetti 10, Zilio. Non entrate Nicolini. All. Mazzanti. ARBITRI: Lot, Pol. NOTE - durata set: 30', 25', 29', 29'; tot: 113'.

    It's possible, you just have to believe in yourself and really not care what other people say, because I've heard it all.
    If you let someone else dictate what you're going to do in life, then you won't get there.

    Non so neanche come onestamente: in due mesi ero di nuovo in campo.

  • Yamamay eventually won 3-2 against pesaro but i really dont understand why its so hard for them to beat pesaro when they can beat bergamo 3-1 and piacenza 3-0 :what: .In the first season they lost 3-0 and now they could win so hard :sleeping:

  • Yamamay eventually won 3-2 against pesaro but i really dont understand why its so hard for them to beat pesaro when they can beat bergamo 3-1 and piacenza 3-0 :what: .In the first season they lost 3-0 and now they could win so hard :sleeping:

    Maybe Yamamay is not the team you expect them to be... :P